
Lebanon: The Forgotten Front

by James Zogby, While the world’s attention has been focused on the combined efforts of Arab and U.S. forces attacking "Islamic State" (IS) positions in Iraq and Syria, there is unfolding in Lebanon, a third front in the war against this violent extremist group. This third front has received scant attention. Because Lebanon has been so overwhelmed by the fallout from Syria’s civil war, aggravating the country’s fragile sectarian balance, the threat of IS poses an existential challenge that must not be ignored.

Despite being the smallest of Syria’s neighbors, Lebanon is currently hosting 40 percent of Syria’s refugees. With a population of just under 4 million citizens, the presence of 1.2 million displaced Syrians means that nearly one in every four persons currently residing in Lebanon is a Syrian. This is causing severe stress on Lebanon’s resources and its social order. While the refugees are dispersed across the country in over 1,600 locations, some Lebanese towns have been completely overwhelmed by Syrians with the impact being felt in severe shortages in housing, medical services, water and electricity. Classrooms are overcrowded. And with the refugees willing to work for less pay, many Lebanese are now finding themselves priced out of the job market.

The international community has been generous in providing support to the refugee population — though far short of the needs that exist. But the host communities have not received adequate support to provide for Lebanese who have been negatively impacted by the surge of refugees. All of this has caused enormous stress country-wide.

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Santorum Targets Islam: You Never See ‘Baptist Ministers Going on Jihad’

  Rick Santorum is very concerned about ISIS, and unlike President Obama, he believes they are Islamic. After all, as he told The Daily Beast, “You don’t have any Baptist ministers going on jihad.” Santorum opened up an interview about how he believes, aside from the physical threat ISIS poses to Westerners, the current battle […]

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Rick Santorum Criticizes Ted Cruz’s Comments At Christian Event

Former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum on Thursday criticized comments in US Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) made earlier this month in a speech that critics have said was unnecessarily confrontational toward a Middle Eastern Christian group.

"We have a responsibility to stand by people who are being persecuted," Santorum told Business Insider in a wide-ranging interview in New York. "This shouldn’t be an ideological test — well, you have to agree with us on all of these things, or else we won’t be with you. No, we’re going to be with you if you are a religious minority that’s being persecuted by a radical Muslim majority. Period."

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Muslim-Christian Summit Rejects Foreign Influence, Domestic Arms

  An Islamic-Christian summit held Thursday at Dar al-Fatwa called on Lebanese parties to stop relying on foreign influence to empower themselves domestically, as it rejected the proliferation of arms in the country under the excuse of self-defense against jihadist groups. The summit also stressed the importance of dialogue for preserving pluralism and addressing disputes. According to […]

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Christianity in Iraq is finished

  In the part of his Sept. 10 speech on confronting the Islamic State that probably drew the least attention, President Obama mentioned the need to help Christians and other minorities, expelled from cities and villages in northern Iraq, return from where they came. “We cannot allow these communities to be driven from their ancient […]

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المثالثة طُرِحت مُجدّداً ورفضَها الراعي… وبكركي ضد سرايا مقاومة مسيحية

    في زمَن خرقِ الدستور وعدم احترام الصيغة والميثاق، عبر حذف رئيس الجمهورية الماروني من المعادلة الميثاقية، أطلَّ البطريرك الماروني الكاردينال مار بشارة بطرس الراعي مُعلناً رفضَه القاطعَ لأيَّ مؤتمر تأسيسي، والمثالثة، والسلاح غير الشرعي، ما أثارَ حفيظة بعض الأطراف السياسيّين، فيما تساءَلَ البعض الآخر عن خلفية هذا الكلام وتوقيته.   إختارَ البطريرك الماروني […]

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Ras Baalbek’s Christians take up arms

  RAS BAALBEK, Lebanon: In the dark of night a group of around 10 armed men donning military fatigues and carrying Kalashnikovs gathered at a house near the edge of Ras Baalbek, close to where Islamist militants have tried to infiltrate the town on a few occasions.   “We have welcomed many Syrian refugees and […]

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In Syria, Obama stretches legal and policy constraints he created for counterterrorism

  After spending nearly six years of his presidency installing a series of constraints on U.S. counterterrorism operations, President Obama has launched a broad military offensive against Islamist groups in Syria that stretches the limits of those legal and policy enclosures. The barrage of airstrikes was aimed mainly at a militant group, the Islamic State, that […]

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Parliament again fails to elect president

  Parliament Tuesday failed to elect a new president over a lack of quorum, prompting Speaker Nabih Berri to postpone the session to Oct. 9. Tuesday’s was the 12th session that was thwarted by a lack of quorum in the past five months to pick a successor to former President Michel Sleiman, whose six-year tenure ended […]

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Arsal Captives’ Families Block Roads to Pressure Lebanese Authorities

  The families of the soldiers and policemen taken captive by militants in the northeastern border town of Arsal blocked on Wednesday several roads to pressure the authorities on meeting the demands of the abductors. The Dahr al-Baidar road that links Beirut and Mount Lebanon with the eastern Bekaa valley was blocked at the Falougha junction. […]

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