
Unknown Assailants Open Fire at Soldier in Arsal

  Unknown assailants opened fire at dawn at an army adjutant in the northeastern border town of Arsal, the state-run National News Agency reported on Thursday. The NNA reported that two unknown assailants riding a red motorcycle opened fire in the town’s al-Jamarek Square at adjutant Ahmed Awdeh while he was heading to his work. […]

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Army arrests two terror suspects in Sidon

  BEIRUT: Army troops arrested two men in the southern city of Sidon over suspicion of belonging to armed groups and plotting terrorist attacks, the military announced in a statement Wednesday. The two suspects were identified as Mahmoud Mohammad Dahshan, a Palestinian national, and the Lebanese Mohammad Ismael al-Naqib. The Army has intensified its crackdown […]

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Nusra Front Vows Fierce Battle with Hizbullah in Lebanon, Promises Immense Surprises

  The emir of the al-Qaida affiliate al-Nusra Front, Abu Mohammed al-Joulani, announced that the battle with Hizbullah in Lebanon didn’t begin yet, vowing surprises along the Lebanese-Syrian border. “Our brothers in al-Qalamoun region have many surprises… The real battle in Lebanon didn’t start yet,” al-Joulani said in an audio message distributed online on Tuesday […]

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Prominent Lebanese poet Georges Jurdak dies

  BEIRUT: Prominent Lebanese writer, journalist and poet Georges Jurdak, who published his first book while still a teenager, died Wednesday at the age of 83. Jurdak hails from the south Lebanon village of Jdeidet Marjeyoun. He received his primary education at the local village school, and then moved to Beirut for subsequent learning. In […]

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Despite persecution, Year of Consecrated Life celebrated in Syria


.- Despite persecution and threats faced by the Catholic faithful in Syria, religious communities in the war-torn country have continued their initiatives to proclaim the message of the Gospel. On Oct. 31, some 50 men and women religious from 16 different congregations of consecrated life met in Damascus with Bishop Georges Abou Khazen, Vicar Apostolic of Aleppo, and Archbishop Mario Zenari,  Apostolic Nuncio to Syria.

“The meeting has been a valuable opportunity of consolation for everyone, which we have offered each other reciprocally,” Bishop Abou Khazen told Fides News Agency. “In situations like the ones we are going through, the love of God can be experienced in practice only if others can see it reflected in the love that we give to our brothers and sisters, with our limitations and weaknesses.”

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‘There is no life without jihad’ — See the tweet and picture that will haunt and horrify the world for a generation to come

LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) – A picture shared on social media by an Australian jihadist shows two kids dressed as jihadists and posing with assault rifles. The image was shared by Mounir Raad, from Melbourne Australia. Raad is believed to be fighting for the Islamic State in Syria.  The image demonstrates that the Islamic State is recruiting, preparing, and possibly even using children as fighters in their quest to carve out an Islamic caliphate and terrorist haven in the Middle East.

The image tweeted by Raad is just one of several which have infamously emerged in the months since the Islamic State began its bloody rampage last summer. Images of kids in full military regalia, or with mock-suicide vests on, all turn the stomachs of people in the western world.

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Jaded with politics? It’s because America has become a plutocracy — but Catholic Social Doctrine has the fix


LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) – Americans have been entirely disenfranchised. Although they will vote today, many will be unsure of what they are actually voting for, and they will cast votes for candidates that barely interest them. Many are participating out of a lingering sense of duty, but most have given up altogether.

No matter who wins, you lose.

This is a toxic development, one that has roots in the collapse of the old Soviet Union. The Cold War was a fearful time for both citizens and elites. Elites, in particular, had to worry about workers turning into communists. To prevent this, wages were kept adequate and generous welfare benefits, public spending, and infrastructure improvements were standard. These were financed by very high taxes on the richest Americans who could pay as much as a 90 percent marginal rate during the most extreme times of the last century. General prosperity made up the difference.

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Turkey’s New Presidential Palace Is Absurd

turkey palace


 Turkey ’s new president has been accused of behaving like a “sultan” after he installed himself in the biggest residential palace in the world, built for a price tag of £384 million.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan now resides in the White Palace, which was constructed in breach of court orders in protected forest land in the capital, Ankara.

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US Elections: All What you need to know – Democrats Are Freaking Out After An Absolutely Disastrous Election Night

USA Elections

Brett LoGiurato and Hunter Walker


Time cover mocks Obama

Democrats knew they were in trouble on election night Tuesday when a Virginia Senate seat that was expected to be a blowout victory began to come in much closer than expected.

"When you’re cheering for an eke-out win in Virginia, it’s not going to be a good night," one Democratic strategist told Business Insider. 

Another Democratic insider summed up his impression of the evening’s results in a blunt text message: "Fucking. Bloodbath."  

In almost every sense, the midterm elections were a disaster for the Democratic Party. The Democrats lost their majority in the US Senate, and the final results were shaping up to be close to the worst-case scenario for Democrats in which Republicans would swing eight or nine seats.

In addition to the Senate majority, Democrats were badly beaten further down the ballot. They lost key gubernatorial battles — some in strongholds and others in key targets for pickups. And they were further walloped in the House of Representatives, where Republicans are now on track to have the party’s largest majority since 1928 for the final two years of President Barack Obama’s term.

Republicans were gleeful.

"Feel like we’re surfing at the moment," one Republican official told Business Insider, playing off the theme of a GOP "wave" election.


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Bassil reaches out to Christians in north Lebanon

  BEIRUT: Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil pledged support to remote Christian areas in north Lebanon as he kicked of a tour of Akkar Sunday. Visiting the small border village of Ramah, where he had launched a water well and new lighting for the town, Bassil said that “In this remote border region that is far […]

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