
Lebanon Army kills one, arrests two infiltrators near border

  BEIRUT: Seven suspects attempting illegal entry into Lebanon led soldiers into a wild pursuit Thursday night, resulting in the death of one and the arrest of two others. A statement released by the Lebanese Army Friday said soldiers spotted a group of seven men attempting to “infiltrate Lebanese territory” through the Soweiri area near […]

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Report: No improvement for Palestinians

  BEIRUT: There has been no improvement in the living conditions of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon over the past year, experts from the Palestinian Association for Human Rights said at a news conference Thursday. Palestinians suffer from poor education and health services and battle legally sanctioned discrimination, according to a report released by the association, […]

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Mountain Says International Support Group for Lebanon Could Meet in Beirut

  Ross Mountain, the U.N. resident Coordinator in Lebanon, has warned that the needs of the region’s states, including Lebanon, are growing as result of the war in Syria, hoping that donor countries would assist the country at the upcoming conference in Kuwait. He also revealed that the International Support Group for Lebanon could meet […]

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The new war in Yemen has already shifted the tide in the Middle East

Armin Rosen

Saudi Arabia began a military operation in Yemen on March 25 to counter Iranian-backed Houthi rebels, who have dissolved the Yemeni state and forced president Abd Rabbu Mansur Hadi to flee the country by boat.

The operation is a Saudi attempt to reclaim a strategic frontier from its primary regional adversary, or to at least limit Iran’s potentially reach into the Arabian peninsula. But it’s also becoming rapidly apparent that the Yemen operation, called Operation Decisive Storm, is driven by something more than just Saudi-Iranian competition.

Every single Arab monarchy (except for Oman) is involved in the effort, including distant Morocco — a sign that governments ruling a combined 90 million people across 8 countries believes that the prestige and core interests of traditional conservative powers are at stake in Yemen. 


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Cabinet Refers Btedei Crime to Judicial Council

  The cabinet referred on Thursday the crime of Btedei to the judicial council, two weeks after a judge indicted eight members of the Jaafar clan over links to the case. “The crime has been referred to the judicial council,” Information Minister Ramzi Jreij told reporters after the cabinet session at the Grand Serail. Earlier […]

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Portolano holds separate talks with Salam, Berri

  BEIRUT: The head of the U.N.’s peacekeeping force in Lebanon met separately with Prime Minister Tammam Salam and Speaker Nabih Berri Thursday, a statement said. UNIFIL commander Maj. Gen. Luciano Portolano discussed with Salam and Berri U.N. Security Council resolution 1701 and issues "related to the last tripartite meeting" which took place earlier this […]

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Lebanon Says Backs Any Arab Action that ‘Reassures Everyone’ after Yemen Strikes

  Lebanon on Thursday took an ambiguous stance that is in the vein of its famous “dissociation policy” towards regional conflicts, voicing support for any joint Arab action that “reassures everyone,” after Saudi warplanes bombed Shiite rebels in Yemen and sparked Iranian warnings. “Any joint Arab action is lauded if it is based on standards […]

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Spiritual Summit in Bkirki to End Presidential Stalemate

  A spiritual summit will be held on Monday at the seat of the Maronite church in Bkirki to press forward the election of a new head of state, An Nahar newspaper reported. The daily said on Wednesday that participants will send a letter to the political arch-foes to rectify the adopted policies to serve […]

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As snow melts, questions remain over border battles

  RAS BAALBEK/ARSAL, Lebanon: Snow has melted, weather conditions have improved and clear skies announce the advent of spring. In short, terrain conditions are ripe for the anticipated “spring battle” between the Lebanese Army and Islamist militants from ISIS and Nusra Front who are clustered in the rugged mountains along Lebanon’s northeastern border with Syria. […]

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Capture of ISIS suspects to spark spate of arrests

  BEIRUT: Two terror suspects detained in northeast Lebanon Tuesday could play a vital role in uncovering terrorist networks operating in Lebanon, according to a report published by As-Safir Wednesday. An Army statement Tuesday said cousins Omar and Bilal Mikati, both from the northern city of Tripoli, belonged to a terrorist organization and were involved […]

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