
Fire ravages Downtown Beirut rooftop Landmark Sky Bar

by, It is extremely sad to learn about the fire that ravaged Sky Bar. SkyBar a Landmark for Lebanon! ‪ Sky Bar ia an exceptional concept founded by Cheikh Chafic el Khazen. It represents a Landmark that attracted internaltional celebrities, and daily more than 3000 customers.  Sky Bar has redefined night life in Beirut.  […]

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Salam: Presidential vacuum threatens country’s existence

  BEIRUT: Prime Minister Tammam Salam Tuesday warned that the yearlong presidential vacuum is threatening the country’s existence, as Christian March 14 lawmakers lobbied for the Maronite patriarch’s support to reduce the quorum required for an electoral Parliament session. The development came a day after Lebanon marked the one-year anniversary of the presidential vacuum with […]

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Former British Premier: Refugees Overwhelm Lebanese Schools

  Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Tuesday that Syrian refugees have overwhelmed Lebanese public schools, asking the world for more support as estimates suggest that more than 400,000 children from neighboring Syria need schooling here — nearly twice the number of Lebanese children in school. Brown, now a U.N. special education envoy, spoke […]

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Security appointments on front burner

  As the government scrambles to avoid a vacuum in the top military and security posts, Interior Minister Nouhad Machnouk is determined to bring up the issue of security appointments at this week’s Cabinet session, sources familiar with the issue said. A quick Cabinet action on the divisive issue of security appointments is deemed urgent […]

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Rai welcomes March 14 efforts to end presidential vacuum

  BEIRUT: Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai offered his support Tuesday to efforts announced by March 14 politicians to reduce the quorum required to hold a presidential election session in Parliament from two-thirds to 50 percent plus one. The move seeks to undermine a boycott of the presidential election by March 8 lawmakers, whose year-long protest […]

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Tension High between ISIL, Nusra Front on Outskirts of Arsal

  A series of tit-for-tat abductions was sparked between the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) the al-Qaida-affiliate al-Nusra Front a day after clashes erupted between the two groups on the outskirts of the northeastern border town of Arsal. Voice of Lebanon radio (93.3) reported on Tuesday that Syrian national Hussam Trad, an […]

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Waste collection companies ignore Beirut call for tenders

  BEIRUT: Lebanon’s environment minister announced Tuesday that no company has shown any interest in applying for the government’s call for tenders to manage Beirut’s solid waste. The announcement came in a news conference to declare the end of the call for bids held at the Council for Development and Reconstruction office. “I met at […]

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All sides to blame for presidential election crisis: Berri

  BEIRUT: Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri has blamed all political parties for the failure to elect a head of state and warned that he sees no signs of a breakthrough in the presidential vacuum, which marked its one-year anniversary Monday. "There are no signs yet of the possibility of an agreement on electing a new […]

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Kaag Says One-Year Baabda Vacuum Undermined Ability to Address Growing Challenges

U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon Sigrid Kaag urged on Monday Lebanon’s rival lawmakers to elect a president without delay and to put the nation’s interest above partisan politics. “Over the past year, the vacuum in the presidency has undermined Lebanon’s ability to address the growing security, economic and social challenges facing the country,” Kaag said […]

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Stakes rise in presidency crisis, no end in sight

  BEIRUT: As Lebanon’s presidential deadlock enters its second year, analysts say no breakthrough is likely to materialize soon and a regional deal to break the impasse is not currently in the offing. The crisis has led to paralysis in Parliament and Cabinet as well and key security posts are also faced with impending vacancy, […]

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