
ISIS’s global strategy is coming into focus

The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham conducted two major bombings on Shia mosques in the Arabian Peninsula on May 22nd through its affiliates in Yemen and Saudi Arabia.

ISIS claimed responsibility for an IED explosion that injured at least 13 Shia worshippers during Friday prayers in the al Sayyah Mosque in Sana’a, Yemen.

ISIS also claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing on the Shia Imam Ali mosque in al-Qadeeh in the Shi’a Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. This latter attack killed at least 20 individuals and wounded dozens more.

In statements circulated by ISIS’s supporters on Twitter after the attacks, ISIS reportedly asserted that it would “expel all the unbelievers from the Arabian Peninsula.” 


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Lebanese officials deplore attack on Saudi Shiite mosque

  BEIRUT: Lebanese leaders condemned in the strongest terms Friday a suicide bombing which targeted a Shiite mosque in Saudi Arabia, saying it aimed at sparking strife in the stable kingdom. Prime Minister Tammam Salam said the attack reflected a “black criminal mind” that has nothing to do with Islam and which aimed at stirring […]

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Arsal Municipal Chief Fears Fate of Town, Warns of Dragging it into Battle

  Arsal municipal chief Ali al-Hujairi expressed concern Saturday over attempts by Hizbullah and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) to drag the northeastern border town into battle. “They are trying to pull Arsal into a dark tunnel of blood and fire,” Hujairi said in comments published in the Kuwaiti al-Anbaa newspaper. […]

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Doctors perform music to save kids’ hearts

  BEIRUT: As the cavernous exhibition hall at the Beirut International Exhibition and Leisure center was fitted out for a concert, a dozen singers held a cappella rehearsal on stage. The group’s origins are unusual – it was founded by doctors. Heartbeat, a Lebanese NGO that raises money to treat children with congenital heart defects, […]

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March 14 MPs in Bkirki to Protest Yearlong Presidential Vacuum

  A delegation from the March 14 alliance lawmakers will visit the Maronite church seat on Tuesday to express resentment over the lingering presidential vacuum. Al-Mustaqbal newspaper reported Friday that the delegation will meet with Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi to denounce the ongoing vacuum. The lawmakers will demand the end of the presidential stalemate, stress […]

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Deal still elusive on security, Army appointments

  BEIRUT: A meeting between Interior Minister Nouhad Machnouk and Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun on the divisive issue of security appointments concluded without a breakthrough, sources close to the FPM said Thursday. Speaking to The Daily Star, sources said Machnouk informed Aoun that he would put forward the names of three officers for […]

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7 Akkar residents hospitalized after eating spoiled meat

  BEIRUT: Seven residents from Hasnieh are in stable condition Friday at Rahal Hospital in the northern Akkar province after eating spoiled meat. The state-run National News Agency said all seven residents were admitted to the hospital late Thursday because of high fever, diarrhea and vomiting after eating meat they had bought from a local […]

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Health Ministry issues recall of children’s Panadol syrup

  BEIRUT: The Health Ministry issued a recall Wednesday on children’s Panadol syrup from Lebanese markets due to a dosage labeling error. The ministry, which also temporarily banned the sale of the product, said in a statement that the decision stemmed from a dosage labeling error on the plastic lid of the bottle. The statement […]

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Lebanese Drug Smuggler Busted at Beirut Airport

  A Lebanese man was arrested on Wednesday at Beirut’s Rafik Hariri International Airport for trying to smuggle drugs to Lebanon, the state-run National News Agency reported. NNA said 22-year-old M.A. was apprehended for carrying with him 3.2 kilograms of cocaine. The drugs were stashed in his travel luggage, the agency said. The suspect had […]

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Mashnouq: Roumieh’s Block B Will Be Ready for Inmates in 20 Days

  Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq presented on Wednesday some of the changes that have been introduced to Roumieh Prison, the country’s largest and most overcrowded facility. He said during a press conference: “The renovated block B will be ready for the transfer of inmates in around 20 days.” Some 500 prisoners have already been transferred […]

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