
Donors voice concern over lack of president

  BEIRUT: The International Support Group for Lebanon expressed Tuesday their commitment to the stability of Lebanon in the face of the ongoing crisis in Syria, reiterating the need for the country to elect a president. “The Group expressed concern over the vacuum in the presidency of the Republic as it continues to seriously undermine […]

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Mount Lebanon reservoirs burst, causing massive flooding

  BEIRUT: Three irrigation ponds in the Jbeil village of Aqoura burst Wednesday, causing heavy flooding in the area. A security source told The Daily Star the floods swamped vast areas, causing damage to crops and property and rendering many roads inaccessible. The man-made reservoirs – which were built by local residents Mansour Wehbeh, Sabah […]

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Christians Skeptic on Aoun’s Initiative to End Presidential Stalemate

  The seat of the Maronite church in Bkirki and the Kataeb Party reportedly expressed reservations on the Change and Reform bloc’s initiative to resolve the presidential deadlock. Sources said in comments published in al-Liwaa newspaper Tuesday that Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi and the Kataeb Party were mainly skeptic over the vague mechanism that the […]

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Saqr files appeal for Samaha retrial, demands tougher penalty

  BEIRUT: Military Prosecutor Judge Saqr Saqr filed an appeal Monday against what was viewed as a lenient jail sentence handed down to former Minister Michel Samaha last week, demanding a tougher penalty, judicial sources told The Daily Star. The appeal, submitted to the Military Court of Cassation, challenges the Military Tribunal’s four-and-a-half-year jail sentence […]

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Mexico’s FM Looks Forward for Cooperation with Lebanon on Syria Refugees

  Mexican Foreign Minister Jose Antonio Meade, who is on an official visit to Beirut, said he is looking forward for a wider cooperation with Lebanon to help it confront the burden of Syrian refugees. “Part of our dialogue with Lebanon should take into consideration Lebanon’s burden in assisting the refugees,” Meade told An Nahar […]

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FPM delegation meets Rai over Aoun’s initiative

  BEIRUT: A Free Patriotic Movement delegation began a number of scheduled talks with Lebanese officials with a visit to Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai Monday, to promote MP Michel Aoun’s initiative to end the presidential vacuum. The delegation, including MPs Ibrahim Kanaan, Naamatallah Abi Nasser, Alain Aoun, and Salim Salhab discussed Aoun’s proposals with Rai. […]

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Bassil from South: Army, Cabinet Should Assume Responsibilities, Defeat Takfiris

  Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil kicked off a tour on Sunday in South Lebanon, where he called on the Lebanese military to assume its responsibility in the northeastern border town of Arsal. “The mistakes that were done in Arsal shouldn’t reoccur and the cabinet and the army should assume their responsibilities and not become spectators,” […]

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Army pounds militant positions on Arsal’s outskirts

  BEIRUT: The Lebanese Army pounded militant positions on the outskirts of the northeastern town of Arsal Sunday, killing and wounding a number of them, security sources said. A security source said the Army shelled the militants’ positions in Al-Masyada and Dahr al-Jabar on Arsal’s outskirts with artillery and rockets, killing and wounding of a […]

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President Morsi sentenced to death: How will the Muslim Brotherhood respond?


Hours after ousted former Egyptian president Mohamad Morsi was given a preliminary death sentence, three judges were killed and another seriously wounded in North Sinai when they were attacked by an armed militia while traveling to a North Sinai court. 

No group has yet to claim responsibility for the attack, however the State of Sinai, formerly known as Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis, is considered to be the most active armed group operating in the area, and could be a possible culprit, according to Daily News Egypt. The group often targets those associated with state security and members of the military – and has been been fighting the government in the Sinai since Mr. Morsi’s government was removed from power in July 2013.

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