
Inside Tripoli: Lebanon’s city

Tripoli, Lebanon

By Middle East correspondent Matt Brown –

People go about their business; shopping, visiting friends and
family, but the military has heavily fortified checkpoints at key
intersections. They are backed up by armoured personnel carriers
armed with machine guns, stationed down the backstreets, ready to quell
sectarian bloodletting, and suppress the jihadists and the stories they

In Bab al Tabane, a poor and dirty neighborhood known as a
centre of radical Sunni militancy, there are many young men who have
answered the call to arms in Syria.

One of them, Hassan Srour, a
young man in his mid-twenties, agreed to go on camera to detail his
brief but gruelling bid to join the fight.

It was the early days of the insurgency, 2012, and his brother, Hussein, had already gone over.

brother … is the one who encouraged me. He would describe what was
going on, how they would bomb and kill children,” Hassan told 7.30.

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Lebanese man sentenced to 10 years imprisonment in Iran: lawyer

Nizar Zakka was detained in September 2015 in Tehran after attending a government-organized conference on entrepreneurship and employment.
By Yeganeh Torbati and Bozorgmehr Sharafedin

sentenced Nizar Zakka, a Lebanese citizen with permanent U.S. residency,
to 10 years in prison and a $4.2 million fine after he was found guilty
of collaborating against the state, his U.S.-based lawyer announced on

Zakka, an
information technology expert, was invited to Iran by a government
official a year ago, but then disappeared after attending a conference
in Tehran.

State media announced
in November that he had been detained by Iran’s powerful Revolutionary
Guards, and reported that he had ties to U.S. military and intelligence

Zakka’s supporters and his U.S. lawyer Jason Poblete have said that he is innocent of any wrongdoing.

doesn’t recognize this process,” Poblete said in a telephone interview.
“He was there at the invitation of the Iranian government, and he was
pulled over on the side of the road by a bunch of men. He’s been treated
as a hostage ever since.”

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Lebanon positions itself as hub for Syrian reconstruction

Al Monitor – By Scott Preston a  journalist based in Beirut, Lebanon writing about
social and political issues in the Middle East. On Twitter: @scottapreston

According to the World Bank, the restoration of Syria represents an industry estimated to be worth over $200 billion. The figure has some businessmen and policymakers hoping that the anticipated boost in multinational trade will save the Lebanese economy, which has stagnated in recent years.

Two free trade agreements, a common language and historic commercial
ties are expected to give Lebanon a competitive advantage over other
countries that share a border with Syria. “In the last 10 or 15 years
when we started liberalizing the economy, at the time when Syria was
pursuing a protective planning system, Lebanon was pursuing a free trade
economy,” Nabil Sukkar, the managing director of the Syrian Consulting Bureau for Development and Investment, a consultancy specializing in market and investment expertise, told Al-Monitor.

“Lebanon became sort of the Hong Kong of Syria. A lot of business was
done in Lebanon to serve Syria, and I expect that in the post-conflict
reconstruction period, Lebanon will again become the Hong Kong of
Syria,” he said.

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Google to help George and Amal Clooney educate Syrian refugee children in Lebanon

SAN FRANCISCO — George and Amal Clooney
are launching an ambitious initiative to educate Syrian refugee
children in Lebanon — and they are getting started with a big injection
of cash and brain power from Google.

The Internet giant’s philanthropic arm is donating $1 million to the Clooney Foundation for Justice — one of 51 philanthropic efforts from companies around the world announced as President Obama convenes a meeting of world leaders at the United Nations on the refugee crisis. The White House
says corporate commitments for refugee relief total $650 million and
will provide employment opportunities for 220,000 refugees and education
for 80,000 refugees.

With Google’s help, the Clooneys want to
help the more than 250,000 children — about half of the school-age
children in Lebanon — who are not in school. Some have never seen the
inside of a classroom.

“That leads to a horrible outcome a decade from now, a generation from now,” George Clooney
told USA TODAY. “Let’s not lose an entire generation of people because
they happened to be born in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

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Lebanese Labor Minister unveils plan to repatriate Syrian refugees to ‘safe zones’

Lebanese Labor Minister Sejaan Azzi. (AFP/File)

By Daily Star Lebanon – Labor Minister Sejaan Azzi that, if adopted, would see Syrian refugees in Lebanon repatriated next year. The
plan, which consists of three phases and would commence in January
2017, heavily relies on the ability of international powers – namely
Russia and the United States – to secure sustainable cease-fires and
safe zones that Syrians can return to. “There are safe zones,” Azzi
insisted, “just no political decision or will to maintain the

Individuals who were not forcibly displaced will be identified
for the first phase of return. Monetary incentives would also be used
to lure Syrians back – payable upon arrival in Syria. In its first year,
the plan will focus on clearing out refugees residing in border areas
to mitigate terrorist infiltration into Lebanon. Syrians would have the
option to head to a safe zone or another area of their choice.

plan also proposes that nongovernmental organizations move to Syria to
facilitate the transition, while funds supplied by donor countries –
which must be committed before the end of this year – would sustain the
two-year plan. All relocation efforts would be overseen by a committee
consisting of government and UN representatives, with the possible
inclusion of other parties. With this plan, Azzi aims to transfer
1,235,000 Syrians back into Syria.

The plan omits Syrians who legally work in Lebanon
and have residency and work permits. A Human Rights Watch report
published in 2016, however, cites humanitarian agencies saying that
strict residency rules applied to Syrians have prevented two-thirds of
them from obtaining legal residency.

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Lebanon demands draft plan to return Syrian refugees

REUTERS — Lebanese Prime Minister Tammam Salam told the international community that his country is lacking capacity and funding to further take care of the 1.5 million Syrian refugees it has sheltered on Monday (September 19). Speaking at a sideline event of the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on the global […]

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Authorities have taken a 28-year-old man into custody in connection with New York City, New Jersey bombings

Ahmad Khan Rahami

by Peter Jacobs and Pamela Engel

The man the FBI sought in connection with this weekend’s bombings
in New Jersey and New York has been taken into custody after a
shootout with the police in Linden, New Jersey,
officials said Monday
. The suspect, 28-year-old Ahmad Khan Rahami, was born in
Afghanistan and is a naturalized US citizen, according to the FBI. He was not on any US
terror watchlist, officials said.

Rahami was shot in the standoff with the police, and a witness
told The New York Times a police officer might have been shot as

He is believed to have connections to three incidents this past
weekend, according to law-enforcement agencies:

  • A bombing along the route of a New Jersey charity race
    Saturday morning;
  • A bombing Saturday night in New York City;
  • And additional devices found in Elizabeth, New Jersey, on
    Sunday night.

The mayor of Linden told
ABC 7 in New York
that an officer found Rahami when
responding to a report of a person sleeping in the hallway of a

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Amal Clooney Tears Into United Nations Over Failure to Stop ISIS ‘Genocide’

Amal Clooney via Shutterstock/Kostas Koutsaftikis


Human Rights lawyer Amal Clooney on Friday blasted
the United Nations over its failure to take meaningful action in the
nearly two years since ISIS began its reign of terror over the Yazidi
community. The Independent, a newspaper published in the United Kingdom, reported on Clooney’s speech, stating the speech served as an introduction to Nadia Murad,
a woman captured by ISIS in 2014.  Murad’s mother and six brothers were
killed almost immediately, while she was trafficked as a sex slave
before ultimately escaping herself.  Murad now serves as ambassador for
the Dignity of Survivors of Human Trafficking through the UN’s Drugs and
Crime body, according to the report.

In her speech, Clooney cut right to the chase, saying, “I wish I could say I’m proud to be here but I am not.”

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We should never have told people to stop eating fat

In N Out triple cheeseburger with fries


The decision to demonize fat for its caloric density and
heart-clogging effects — a decision that drove people away from
butter and cheese and toward low-fat foods that required plenty
of sugar to have some flavor — wasn’t just bad science, according
to a report analyzing historical food industry documents that was
published September 12 in
the journal JAMA Internal Medicine

That national dietary shift from fat to sugar came about at least
in part because of a major 1967 review of dietary
science. Those historical documents reveal that a food
industry group called the Sugar Research Foundation paid three
Harvard researchers $6,500 (about $50,000 today) to discount
research that increasingly showed links between sugar and heart
disease and to point the blame at fat instead.

The industry group selected the data the Harvard scientists used
for the review and suggested the research to include. Their final
paper, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, set the
US diet on a new course. “The documents leave little doubt that the intent of the
industry-funded review was to reach a foregone conclusion,”
, a professor of nutrition, food studies, and public
health at New York University, wrote
in a commentary published
alongside the new analysis.

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ISIS claims responsibility for mass stabbing that injured 8 at Minnesota mall

APTOPIX Mall St Cloud_Mill

by AP

ISIS has claimed responsibility for a mass stabbing at a
Minnesota mall.

A knife-wielding suspect who was dressed in a private security
uniform and made references to Allah while attacking at least
eight people at a Minnesota shopping mall was shot dead by
an off-duty police officer, authorities said. St. Cloud Police Chief Blair Anderson said during a news
conference that eight people were taken to St. Cloud Hospital
with non-life-threatening injuries following the attack first
reported about 8:15 p.m. Saturday at the Crossroads Center. One
person was admitted. 

An ISIS statement claimed the man was responding to a call to
attack citizens. Anderson said an off-duty police officer from another
jurisdiction shot and killed the unidentified suspect, who was
armed with a knife and wearing a private security firm uniform at
the time of the attack. Anderson did not say where the off-duty
officer serves.

Anderson also said the suspect made at least one reference to
Allah during the attack and asked at least one person whether
they were Muslim.

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