
Who is Rex Tillerson? Trump is reportedly picking ExxonMobil’s CEO for secretary of state

rex tillerson exxonmobil ceo

ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson, who has helmed the energy giant for
the last decade and struck deals around the world, is expected to
be President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for secretary of state,

transition officials told media
on Saturday. The 64-year-old Texas native has no governing or diplomatic
experience, and has spent the entirety of his career at Exxon,
where he began as a production engineer
in 1975
 after graduating from the University
of Texas at Austin with a civil engineering

The foundation for Tillerson’s knowledge of foreign diplomacy is
thought to be his extensive experience traveling across the the
world for Exxon, which has operations in more than 50 countries,
according to the
Wall Street Journal
. Already, his dealmaking history has begun to draw criticism —
through his work at Exxon, Tillerson has cultivated
longstanding ties
to the Russian government that date back to
the 1990s.

Tillerson has struck several major deals with the Russian
state-run corporation Rosneft and has a personal relationship
with Russia’s president Vladimir Putin, who in 2013 awarded him
the country’s Order of Friendship. Tillerson’s appointment is also drawing scrutiny for the
potential for conflicts of interest; Exxon’s global operations
are extensive, and Tillerson owns company shares worth $151
million, according to securities filings reviewed by the Journal.

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Peter Thiel tried to prove that brilliant kids don’t need college — here’s what happened

Peter Thiel

by Jessi Hempel, Backchannel

Jesse Leimgruber has 22 employees, and every last one is older
than him. He tells me this over coffee at a downtown San
Francisco Starbucks that is equidistant from his company’s
coworking space and the one-bedroom apartment he shares with his
girlfriend. Leimgruber is the CEO of NeoReach, a digital
marketing tools firm he started in 2014 with his brother and a
friend; they have raised $3.5 million so far, and last year they
did over a million dollars in sales. He is 22.

Leimgruber is one of 29 people who make up this year’s class of
Thiel Fellows — the crazy smart youth paid by Peter Thiel to
double down on entrepreneurship instead of school. Leimgruber has
dramatic eyebrows, longish hair, and the kind of earnest
perma-grin that creeps across his face even when he’s trying to
be serious. He speaks with the authority of a three-time CEO who
has learned a lot on the job, explaining a challenge particular
to fellows like him: “A common piece of advice is, don’t hire
your peers; They probably aren’t qualified.”

Welcome to the 2016 version of Peter Thiel’s eponymous
fellowship. What began as an attempt to draw teen prodigies to
the Valley before they racked up debt at Princeton or Harvard and
went into consulting to pay it off has transformed into the most
prestigious network for young entrepreneurs in existence — a
pedigree that virtually guarantees your ideas will be judged
good, investors will take your call, and there will always be
another job ahead even better than the one you have. “We look for
extraordinary individuals and we want to back them for life,”
says executive director Jack Abraham. He speaks with the
conviction of a man who sold a company by age
25, has spent the entirety of his professional
life in the cradle of the upswing of the technology revolution,
and only just turned 30. With no irony, he adds: “We consider
ourselves a league of extraordinary, courageous, brilliant
individuals who should be a shining light for the rest of

This is not what Thiel endeavored to build. In 2010, when he set
out to take down higher education by plucking kids from the ivory
towers of the Ivy League and transporting them to San Francisco,
he had his eye on teenagers. In a hastily conceived plan that he
announced at a San Francisco tech conference, Thiel said he’d pay
$100,000 to 20 people under the age of 20 to drop out of school
for two years, move to the Bay Area, and work on anything they
wanted. His goal was to jumpstart the kind of big tech
breakthroughs — walking on the moon, desktop computing — that he
believed the contemporary Valley lacked. He also meant to prove
that college was often counterproductive; it required kids to
take on debt while laying out a set of overly prescriptive
options for their futures. A college diploma, he once said, was
“a dunce cap in disguise.”

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Israeli army tweets fake map showing Hezbollah military build-up in Lebanon


by Bethan McKernan

Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) have defended sharing an inaccurate map of Lebanon annotated with Hezbollah military positions and warehouses, saying the map was for “visual illustration” purposes. 

The official IDF Twitter account posted the map titled “Declassified map of Hezbollah’s
military infrastructure in Lebanon” on Tuesday, highlighting more than
80 towns and villages and thousands of spots it said were home to sites
such as rocket launchers and infantry positions.

“This is a war crime,” the tweet’s caption said, alongside the tagline “Hezbollah’s hiding behind Lebanon’s civilians.” 

It was shared hundreds of times before one Twitter user
pointed out that the picture couldn’t be a declassified military map
because the image’s history showed it been created using Google Maps by
an IDF spokesperson account, and featured repetitive patterns. 

The map – which according to the Times of Israel
was construed as an IDF attempt to build a case for future military
action and demonstrate Israel’s sophisticated intelligence-gathering
capabilities – was shown to foreign diplomats visiting Israel, local
television reported.

When asked for comment, the IDF confirmed that the map is
inaccurate, calling it in effect “an illustration of what is going on in

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Lebanese government must be formed as soon as possible: Hezbollah

Lebanese Prime Minister-designate Saad al-Hariri reacts at the presidential palace in Baabda, near Beirut, Lebanon November 3, 2016. REUTERS/Mohamed Azakir

By Reuters,

Hezbollah called
on Friday for a Lebanese government to be formed as quickly as possible,
weeks after the country elected a president and named a prime minister.

minister-designate Saad al-Hariri said last month his efforts to form
the government faced “stumbling blocks”, testing hopes he could quickly
steer the country out of political crisis.

is responsible for looking for ways out, for solutions, and to
cooperate for us to reach the necessary conclusion on the government,”
Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said, referring to Lebanon’s
political factions. The “government … must be formed as soon as

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Too many people make the same mistake motivating themselves to work out

treadmill running workout gym exercise men


Getting stronger, looking hotter, being less humiliated when
climbing the stairs with spry colleagues — these are all solid
reasons to work out.

And yet if you’re having trouble mustering the motivation to hit
the gym regularly, do yourself a favor and stop lecturing
yourself about the myriad benefits of physical activity. It’s
hardly helping.

A better bet? Put a time on your calendar and do it, and trust
that you’ll like it.

That’s according to Dan Ariely, a professor of psychology and
behavioral economics at Duke University and the author of the new
book about human motivation, “Payoff.”
Ariely visited the Business Insider office in November and
explained that too many people make the same mistake when trying
to motivate themselves to do anything, whether that’s working out
or writing a report.

The mistake is anticipating that the workout will be
awful the whole time and that the only reason to do it is to
achieve those long-term goals mentioned above
. The
activity we’re dreading is rarely as painful as we imagine it
will be, Ariely said — in fact, there’s a good chance we’ll enjoy

Here’s Ariely:

“When we think about running, it just seems like it’s really
going to be miserable and painful and unpleasant and so on. And
we don’t engage in it. But the fact is that once we’re in the
task, life changes. All of a sudden, we think less about the
misery and we learn to enjoy things.”

In other words, as you’ve probably heard before, the hardest part
of working out is
just getting started
. Once you do, Ariely said, thoughts of
getting stronger and looking better kind of melt away as you take
in the sensation of your breath, the music coming through your
headphones, and the sound of your feet hitting the ground.

In psychologist-speak, the mistake we’re making here is placing
too much value on extrinsic motivators, like long-term health
goals, and too little on intrinsic motivators, like having fun
right now.

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Geagea Respond about Assad Lebanon’s Dissociation Policy and Jumblatt increased security


From Naharnet

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea snapped back
Thursday at Syrian President Bashar Assad over the latter’s criticism of
Lebanon’s so-called dissociation policy. “Lebanon’s continuation of its dissociation policy is
specifically in Assad’s interest, because ‘should Lebanon speak’ it will
definitely be against him,” Geagea said in a statement.

In an interview with Syria’s al-Watan newspaper, Assad
has noted that “Lebanon cannot dissociate itself from the blazes that
are raging around it.” “It cannot endorse ‘the policy of no policy’ or what has been called the dissociation policy,” Assad said.

Although the Lebanese state has officially adopted the
dissociation policy, Hizbullah has sent thousands of fighters into the
neighboring country to help Assad fight an Islamist-led uprising. The party has argued that its controversial intervention was necessary to protect Lebanese border towns from extremist groups.

On the other hand it was also reported that an assassination plot could be planned
against him, Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat
pointed the finger at the Syrian regime saying it is the “primary
suspect” behind such a plot, As Safir daily reported Thursday.

Jumblat said he believes that the “biggest winner who
will benefit from my assassination is the Syrian regime which has grown
stronger after the field developments on the battlefront in Syria,” he
told the daily.

“In compliance with the security advice, I am residing
most of the time at Moukhtara. If it was not for a minor surgery that I
had to take in one of my eyes, I would not have come to my residence in
Clemenceau in such circumstances,” he went on to say.

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Lebanon cannot disassociate itself, Al Assad warns

by Joseph A. Kechichian, Senior Writer

Beirut: Syrian President Bashar Al Assad has lashed out at Lebanon
over its disassociation policy approved in 2012, which ensured that
Lebanon’s political factions did not take sides in Syria’s civil war. The
policy miraculously managed to save Lebanon from being dragged into the
brutal war next door, despite the fact that Hezbollah ignored the
policy as it openly fought alongside Al Assad forces in Syria.

an interview with the Damascus daily Al Watan, the Syrian president
said, “Lebanon cannot be dissociated from the fires flaring up [in the
region] and [cannot] adopt the policy of no politics or what is called
the disassociation policy.” Observers believe it was a direct
warning to recently elected president Michel Aoun not to forget that he
has to answer to Damascus. “As long as the [president] is a
patriot and works in favour of the Lebanese, Lebanon will become
stronger. And when Lebanon is strong, Syria will be at ease and
stronger,” Al Assad said. Aoun reconciled with pro-Syrian parties in Lebanon too, especially Hezbollah, which chose to fight alongside the Ba’ath regime.

remains unclear whether Aoun will now abolish or alter the 2012 “Baabda
Declaration” that was approved by rival March 8 and March 14 leaders —
including Hezbollah — to “keep Lebanon away from the policy of regional
and international conflicts and sparing it the negative repercussions of
regional tensions and crises”.

On Wednesday, Aoun received the
pro-regime Syrian Grand Mufti Ahmad Badr Al Deen Hassoun, accompanied by
Syria’s Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Abdul Karim, which raised the ire of a
leading pro-opposition journalist, Carol Maalouf. Maalouf
attacked the head-of-state and Cardinal Mar Bisharah Butros Al Ra‘i (who
also welcomed the Mufti) on her Facebook page that mobilised supporters
and opponents alike.

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Canada, Lebanon eye direct flights: Bassil

Canada’s foreign minister emphasized Monday his country’s unwavering
support for Lebanon, as his Lebanese counterpart announced that the two
countries were seeking to launch direct flights. Canadian Foreign
Minister Stephane Dion said during a joint news conference with
caretaker Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil that “Canadian Prime Minister
Justin Trudeau was keen to support Lebanon.”

“Lebanon is a
priority and we will do everything in our capability to help the country
to cope with the large influx of refugees.” He noted that his
country already has several projects to assist Lebanon, including its
support to the Lebanese Armed Forces, women and reforms to improve
prison conditions. Dion also called for the swift formation of a new Cabinet.

urged Canada to increase its support to Lebanon, reiterating his call
for the return of Syrian refugees to safe zones in their war-torn
country. “We believe that the safe return of Syrians is the only
solution for this crisis and we look forward to Canada’s help in this

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