
French leader Le Pen visits Beirut as she eyes Elysée Palace

Marine Le Pen with Lebanon's President Michel Aoun

Lebanese president Michel Aoun, right, meets with far right leader and presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, center left, and French lawmaker Gilbert Collard, left, at the presidential palace, in Baabda east Beirut, Lebanon, Monday, Feb. 20, 2017. Le Pen has arrived in Beirut to meet with the Lebanese head of state and leading Christian figures. The National Front leader is hoping to burnish her credentials as a defender of Christians in the Middle East, ahead of France's April 23 presidential elections. Photo: Hussein Malla, AP / Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Le Pen, who is trying to establish international credentials as part of her current bid for the Elysée Palace, was also meeting business and religious leaders during the two-day visit to the Middle Eastern nation. “We discussed the long and fruitful friendship between our two countries,” the National Front (FN) leader said after meeting Aoun at the presidential palace in the hilltop suburb of Baabda. She said they also discussed the refugee crisis in Lebanon, where more than one million war-weary Syrians have fled in recent years. “We raised… the concerns we share over the very serious
refugee crisis,” she said. “These difficulties are being overcome by the
courage and generosity of Lebanon but this cannot go on forever.” Opinion polls show that Le Pen is on pace to win the first round of France’s presidential election on April 23, but that she will be beaten in the run-off ballot on May 7.

Word of caution

The leader of the anti-immigration FN party also met
Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, a Sunni Muslim, who cautioned
against associating his religion with jihadists who have repeatedly
targeted France. “The worst mistake would be the amalgam between Islam and
Muslims on one hand and terrorism on the other hand,” Hariri said, in a
statement issued by his office. “The Lebanese and Arabs, like the majority of the world,
consider France to be the homeland of human rights and of the republican
state that makes no ethnic, religious or class distinction between its
citizens,” he said. On Tuesday, Le Pen is to meet Lebanon’s grand mufti, the
leader of its Sunni community, the Maronite Christian patriarch and
rightist Christian party leader Samir Geagea.

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Tech-savvy Beirut to become regional gateway

By Hashem Osseiran – Middle-East Online – BEIRUT

A city with staggeringly slow internet
service, a severe economic slow­down and perpetual po­litical
stalemates does not seem to be a likely place for a burgeoning tech
sector. Beirut, however, is defying expectations by emerging as a tech
gateway for the Middle East. In the past three years,
Beirut has developed many of the elements necessary to become a regional
tech powerhouse: Greater access to funding, government support and a
growing number of accelerators and incubators.

database compiled by Arab­net, a start-up incubator and media company,
indicates that Lebanon boasts nearly 200 start-ups. A re­port by the
group put Lebanon in second place regionally, after the United Arab
Emirates, for the num­ber and value of investments in its tech sector. Beirut
has also become a regional hub for tech conferences and semi­nars. It
is one of four cities to host the annual Arabnet conference, the
region’s leading forum on digital business. Lebanon’s BDL (Banque du
Liban) Accelerate conference last year was one of the ten biggest tech
conferences in the world.

Only six years ago, limited
fund­ing opportunities and little govern­ment support made development
of Lebanon’s tech industry difficult for emerging start-ups, said Omar
Omran, a Paris-based tech entre­preneur who in 2011 founded Leba­non’s
first mobile app development company. “Back then, it
was not easy to find investors or receive support from Lebanese banks.
We were funding everything,” Omran said during a Skype interview.

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Le Pen has first meeting with head of state on Lebanon visit


French far-right presidential candidate Marine Le
Pen arrived in Lebanon on Sunday evening for a two-day visit during
which she was to have her first official meeting with a foreign head of
state, President Michel Aoun. She was also set to meet Prime Minister
Saad Hariri. Le Pen’s meeting with Aoun will
be the first time she has been officially received by a foreign leader
since taking over the party leadership from her father, Jean-Marie, in

Her National Front (FN) party hopes it will show she is taken
seriously abroad, following a number of disappointments in that field. The Lebanese leaders have already met centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron and would have met mainstream right presidential candidate François Fillon had he not cancelled his visit because of the Penelopegate scandal.

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FEAST OF SAINT MARON — الشهادة والشهداء
Minneapolis, February 12, 2017 – by Chorbishop Sharbel Maroun
Today falls the Sunday of the Righteous and Just or All Saints on our
liturgical calendar. And what better is than celebrating the Feast of
our own Saint Maron, the Father of the Maronite Church and the Patron of
our parish here in Minneapolis?
It was in the year 410AD that Saint Maron died, and it was 1903 that our parish of Saint Maron in Minneapolis was born.

We come from a Church, a branch of Christianity that has paid a big
price so that you and I can have this precious gift of faith.

The Maronite Synod of Bishops has designated this year starting February
9, the Feast of Saint Maron, as “The Year of Witness and Martyrsالشهادة
والشهداء ”
In the semetic languages the words witness and martyr come from the same root.
One of the definition of a witness is “one who has personal knowledge
of something.” When you have a personal knowledge of your faith you are a
witness sharing your belief with others.
A martyr on the other hand
is a witness who goes a step further that most often leads him or her
to the point of total self-sacrifice.

“Witness and Martyrs
الشهادة والشهداء” Two deep words that have a deep meaning in the
Maronite Church. The list of martyrs is very long, and there are
hundreds of thousands of martyrs that are not known to us. Starting with
the 350 Maronite monks who were martyred in the in the year 517. From
there the waves of persecution and the number of martyrs increased
dramatically. But they continued to witness and become martyrs شهدوا
Around 635AD, Damascus, Baalbek, Tyre, Sidon, Byblos, and
many other cities fell to Arab invaders. The Maronite churches and
villages in northern Syria were destroyed and many Maronites were
massacred. Under the leadership of the first Patriarch John Maron, the
Maronites fled to Lebanon for protection to be with other Maronites who
were already established in the mountains and the Holy Valley. But they
continued to witness and become martyrs شهدوا واستشهدوا

1097 the Crusaders set off from Europe to deliver Jerusalem from the
hands of Islam. A large number of Maronites joined them on their journey
to liberate the Holy Land. It is estimated that during the Crusades
50,000 Maronites fell in battle under the standard of the Cross. But
they continued to witness and become martyrs شهدوا واستشهدوا

By 1291 the Crusaders were all but defeated and left the Middle East and
the Maronites were left behind to witness and become martyrs شهدوا
Starting in the late 13th century, the Mamluk Islamic
Dynasty ruled Lebanon. This was one of the harshest period of
persecution. General anti-Christian feeling was channeled against the
Maronites. They suffered every humiliation, their Churches were set on
fire, their villages plundered, and their vineyards destroyed. The
Mamluk army went deep into the Maronite heart land and demolished
Besharri, Ehden, Hadath El Jubbah. But they continued to witness and
become martyrs شهدوا واستشهدوا
The Maronite Patriarchs themselves
over the years also had their share of the general misfortune, suffering
as much as any. One was tortured, another harassed, another compelled
to flee, another put on trial, and one of them in 1367, patriarch
Gabriel Hjoula, was burnt alive in downtown Tripoli. His tomb still
stands in Bab el Ramel, at the gates of Tripoli. In 1402, there was
great hardship. Many of the dead remained without burial, many of which
died of hunger. It was a tragedy without parallel.” (DOUAIHY, The
Annals,338). But they continued to witness and become martyrs شهدوا

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Lebanese film picks up prestigious Berlin film award

Lebanese film picks up prestigious Berlin film award


The prestigious best fiction film award at this year’s Berlin film festival has gone to joint the Lebanese-French-Belgian film Insyriated, it was announced on Saturday. Insyriated is
a tautly-constructed drama about a group of people trying to live a
normal life in a war zone. It is the second film staring
Palestinian-Israeli Hiam Abbass to win the Panorama Audience Award with
the actress also played the lead in Eran Riklis’s Lemon Tree in 2008. Winning director Philipp Van Leeuw triumphs with only his
second feature film. He previously tackled conflict themes, and the
poignant topic of Rwandan genocide, in 2008’s The Day God Walked Away.

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Aoun: Israeli Threats to Lebanese Sovereignty Will Meet ‘Appropriate Response’


BEIRUT (Reuters) – Lebanese President Michel
Aoun said on Saturday that any Israeli attempt to violate Lebanon’s
sovereignty would be met with the “appropriate response”, in a statement
released by his office. “Any attempt to hurt Lebanese sovereignty or
expose the Lebanese to danger will find the appropriate response,” the
statement said. It said Aoun was reacting to recent remarks in a
letter at the United Nations by Israel’s U.N. ambassador, which
amounted to a “masked attempt to threaten security and stability” in
southern Lebanon, but did not say what the remarks were.

Israeli Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz said on Thursday that all of Lebanon would be a target if Hezbollah fired on Israel. Aoun’s comments also followed warnings this week
by the leader of the armed Lebanese Shi’ite group Hezbollah, a
political ally of the president, against any Israeli aggression.

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DHS head Kelly: Trump is preparing a new ‘streamlined’ immigration ban

John Kelly

By  Harrison Jacobs and Reuters

A new version of a Trump administration travel ban will be
“streamlined,” U.S. Secretary for Homeland Security John
Kelly said on Saturday. Kelly told the Munich Security Conference that the new order
would not stop green card residency holders or travelers already
on planes from entering the United States.  “I would say the president is contemplating releasing a tighter,
more streamlined version,” he said.

U.S. President Donald Trump’s initial attempt to clamp down for
security reasons on immigration from seven Muslim-majority
countries and on refugees snarled to a halt amid a judicial
backlash and chaos at airports. Trump’s original order, which he said was meant to head off
attacks by Islamist militants, barred people from Iran, Iraq,
Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering for 90 days
and excluded all refugees for 120 days, except those from Syria,
who were banned indefinitely.

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A New York SAT tutor who charges $1,500 an hour says college admissions have become an ‘arms race’

By Abby Jackson

Gaining acceptance into selective colleges seems harder today
than ever before. Acceptance rates at top schools decline almost every year, and
admissions officers at Ivy League schools say
the competition
is at an all-time high. Anthony-James
, a New York City-based SAT and ACT tutor, agrees. “It’s become a little bit of an arms race,” Green told Business
Insider. Green experiences firsthand the lengths to which families will go
to improve their students’ scores. His $1,500-an-hour price tag
may seem hefty, but to the families who want to see significant
improvement in test scores, it’s worth the cost.

“My average ACT students usually goes up by around 7 points, and
on the old SAT they were going up around 420, 430 points,” he
said. On the new SAT, Green said, his students average 310- to
320-point increases. The Columbia University grad works exclusively over Skype, and he
attracts families from all over the US. Students on average spend
about 20 to 30 hours with him. He acknowledged that the inching up of test scores related to
test prep may have a potentially damaging impact on students who
don’t pay for additional SAT support.

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China’s military is approaching ‘near parity’ with the West

J20 Inverted

by Paul Szoldra – Business Insider – China’s military is fast approaching “near parity” with western
nations, according to a new report from the International
Institute for Strategic Studies. In its 2017 Military Balance report, which focuses on global
military capabilities and defense spending, IISS experts say that
China has made significant progress in research and development
and improved its military capabilities, putting it close to on
par with the US and other allies.

“Western military technological superiority, once taken for
granted, is increasingly challenged,” Dr. John Chipman,
Director-General and Chief Executive of IISS, said in a
statement. “We now judge that in some capability areas,
particularly in the air domain, China appears to be reaching
near-parity with the West.” Instead of its usual practice of working on systems that imitate
Soviet and Russian technology, China has shifted its efforts (and
budget) to domestic research and development. Its Navy is
currently working on three new advanced cruisers, 13 destroyers,
and outfitting other ships with better radar.

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Harsh Hezbollah words were a “red line “warning for Trump


Compiled news by Ya Libnan, the and middle-east monitor

Speeches by Hezbollah’s leader this week were aimed at making clear to the new administration of U.S. President Donald Trump that the Lebanese group could strike U.S. interests by hitting Israel, a source familiar with its thinking said on Friday. Trump and administration officials have used strong rhetoric against
Hezbollah’s political patron Iran and to support its main enemy Israel,
including putting Tehran “on notice” over charges it violated a nuclear
deal by test-firing a ballistic missile.

Lebanon’s President Michel Aoun,
an ally of Hezbollah, defended the group this week, saying: “As long as
the Lebanese army lacks sufficient power to face Israel, we feel the
need for (Hezbollah’s) arsenal because it complements the army’s role”.
In his speech on Sunday, Nasrallah said: “We are not worried (about
Trump), but rather we are very optimistic because when there is an idiot
living in the White House, who boasts of his idiocy, it is the
beginning of relief for the weak of the world”. On Thursday he
said that his group, which played a major role in ending Israel’s
occupation of Lebanon, could strike its nuclear reactor at Dimona. The harsh words for Israel and Trump were aimed at drawing “red
lines” for the new U.S. administration, the source familiar with the
thinking of the Lebanese Shi’ite group said. “Until now, Hezbollah is
not worried about the arrival of Trump into the U.S. administration, but
rather, it called him an idiot this week and drew red lines in front of
any action that threatens Lebanon or Hezbollah’s presence in Syria,” the source said. Israel and the United States both regard Hezbollah, which dominates Lebanese
politics and maintains an armed militia that has had a significant part
in fighting for President Bashar al-Assad in Syria, as a terrorist
organisation. “We can turn the threat (of their nuclear capability) into an
opportunity,” he said, signalling that Hezbollah could strike the Dimona
reactor and other Israeli atomic sites according to the source familiar
with Hezbollah thinking.

Lebanon’s Change Movement leader Elie Mahfoud warned against
Hezbollah becoming like Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)
or like the Iran-backed Iraqi Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF)
paramilitary organisation. Mahfoud said that “the issue of Hezbollah’s armament has always been a
contentious issue amongst the Lebanese people,” in comments that
reflect statements made by Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Al-Hariri
earlier this week, who declared that the Shia jihadist movement
possessed weapons “illegally”. Mahfoud and Al-Hariri’s comments were in response to Hezbollah ally
and Lebanese President Michel Aoun’s remarks supporting the Iranian
proxy’s possession of arms.

Ibrahim al-Amin, chairman of the pro-Hezbollah newspaper Al-Akhbar,
wrote in an editorial on January 24 that “a vast supply of advanced,
state-of-the art weapons of various kinds, including weapons provided by
Iran” have flown into Hezbollah’s depots since the beginning of the
Syrian civil war. He also asserted that while Israel targeted
convoys transporting sophisticated weapons to Hezbollah, “dozens if not
hundreds of convoys managed to [get through and] bring the necessary
[weapons] to the resistance bases in Lebanon.” “Israel reads the map and realizes that Hizbullah’s weapons arsenal
has steadily grown, and is now several times larger than it was in 2006,
and that the kind of weapons that the enemy tried and is still trying
to prevent the resistance from acquiring – namely, what Israel calls
‘game-changing’ weapons – is available to it in great amounts,” al-Amin

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