
Lebanon should hold elections under 1960 law


by Joseph A. Kechichian, Senior Writer – gulf news

Beirut: A few days after Lebanon President Michel Aoun suspended all
parliamentary activities for a month, the publicly lauded but privately
condemned decision garnered fresh controversies, as Speaker Nabih Berri
hailed the Maronite Patriarch Mar Bisharal Al Rai’s latest position on
the electoral law. The powerful patriarch considered the
controversial 1960 electoral law as the best available alternative to
resolve the country’s ongoing political crisis, and prevent granting
another extension to the present parliament.

Berri criticised the
latest hybrid electoral law format proposed by Free Patriotic Movement
chief Gibran Bassil, who has asked his ally Lebanese Forces (LF) leader
Samir Geagea to give it a “chance”, after the LF and Druze leader Walid
Jumblatt voiced reservations about it. Jumblatt lashed out at the
proposal, which involves sectarian voting in the first round, as
“divisive” and the product of a “sick mentality”. A similar idea was
initially proposed by Nabih Berri several months ago, but it was no
longer deemed useful.

The latest proposal regarding the electoral
law would see voting taking place in the current 26 districts with
voters only allowed to vote for candidates from their own sects. Two
candidates for each sectarian seat would thus qualify for the second
round during which voting would take place in 10 newly-defined electoral
districts and according to a non-sectarian proportional representation
polling system.

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Lebanese keep tabs on Islamists
Until this
Wednesday, the sound of mortar and rifle fire has echoed across the
streets of the southern Lebanese city of Sidon. As usual, the world has
ignored it on the grounds that Palestinians have been fighting
Palestinians yet again in the largest refugee camp in Lebanon. And
so they have. Palestinian secular factions have been fighting Islamist
groups. The camp lies just to the east of the centre of Sidon and is the
usual warren of poverty and concrete huts and filthy apartment blocks,
ironically called Ein el-Helweh — which means the “sweet well” or “sweet

Few noticed that this latest series of battles
was set off shortly after an official visit to Lebanon by Mahmoud
Abbas, the doddering old Palestinian president who long ago lost his
legal electoral mandate in the occupied West Bank but who remarked
before he left Beirut that Palestinians were dedicated to crushing
“terrorism”. Yet again, nobody took him very seriously. In fact, he was
in earnest. What he really came to Lebanon to arrange was an all-out
struggle by Fatah — the same Fatah which Abbas himself represents — and
other groups against a small but alarmingly active bunch of Islamist
Palestinians and Lebanese who had taken over the al-Tiri suburb of Ein

They are — or were — led by a man called
Bilal Badr, who in the past few hours appears to have settled in a
different area of the camp under the protection of Fatah el-Islam, whose
leader is another gang leader called Osama el-Shehabi. His Sunni Muslim
Fatah el-Islam (“Conquest of Islam”) was responsible for a series of
militant Islamic State (IS) group-like assaults on the Lebanese army in
the north of the country in 2007 — a number of soldiers had their
throats cut with knives — and its black and white flag has a hauntingly
similar design to that of the real IS. The fact that IS’s own flags do actually hang in
several of Ein el-Helwe’s streets — as they have briefly in the northern
Sunni Muslim city of Tripoli — only makes the situation more
disturbing. Many Palestinian suicide bombers have in the
past set off from Ein-el-Helweh for Iraq and have actually died
attacking the Americans there.

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Designer Elie Saab on a tough rise to the top

Designer Elie Saab on a tough rise to the top


A fashion juggernaut rolled into Muscat for Condé Nast’s
third annual International Luxury Conference, with renowned designers
including Elie Saab, from Lebanon, as part of it. Founded and hosted by Vogue’s
international editor, Suzy Menkes, the event brought the leading lights
of the luxury industry together for a gathering featuring presentations
from chief executives, designers and bloggers. Alber Elbaz
(formerly of fashion house Lanvin), Indian fashion designer Manish Arora
and blogger Hudda Kattan (recently named the third-most influential
beauty blogger in the world by Forbes) were among them, along with the bosses at Jimmy Choo.

Saab took time out to talk about his rise to haute couture fame. “Breaking
into Paris was very hard for me, it took a long time,” he says. “I
started as a designer alone and didn’t know much about the industry. I
had to learn it all.” He opened his atelier in Beirut in 1982,
with the Lebanese civil war raging around him. Inspired by the style and
elegance of his city in its heyday, the 18-year-old Saab launched his
label, drawing on the experience of those around him. “When
I started there were no fashion designers in the region, but … in
Beirut there were high- quality dressmakers and tailors,” he says. “I
went to them with a clear vision of what I wanted.”

His elaborate
designs soon gained attention and international acclaim slowly
followed. In 1997, he was the only non-Italian invited to join the
National Chamber of Italian Fashion (Camera Nazionale della Moda
Italiana) in Italy and went on to launch his first ready-to-wear
collection in 1998. Saab’s true passion lay in haute couture, so it was
with pride that he accepted an invitation in 2000 to join the Chambre
Syndicale de la Haute Couture in Paris. “We have our prêt-à-porter [ready-to-wear] studio in Paris, but our base for haute couture is in Beirut,” he says.”Some of my team members have been with me since the beginning and we have come up together. It is beautiful.”

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Lebanon’s King of Comedy Is on a Global Mission to Make Everyone Laugh at the Same Joke. It’s Working.

This story by Carol Hills originally appeared on on April 13, 2017. It is republished here as part of a partnership between PRI and Global Voices.

Some advice from an Arab son. If your career choice is to become a comedian, don’t expect your dad to be very excited. Here’s how Lebanese-American Nemr Abou Nassar’s dad responded: “You
want to become a clown?” No, explained Nemr, a stand-up comedian. His
dad remained skeptical. “Oh, you’re going to stand up and be a clown!” The riff goes on. Nemr’s father buys a horn, the kind you put on a
bicycle, and for the next eight years, he squeezes it every time his son
visits: “Everybody, the clown is here.” Then Nemr makes it onto the cover of Rolling Stone and suddenly his
father changes his tone. “This is my son the comedian. I always told him
follow your dreams.” But instead of Rolling Stone, he pronounces
“Throwing Stones,” in a thick Arabic accent.

This was the May 2014 cover of Rolling Stone (Middle East). Credit: Rolling Stone

Nemr says his father is a huge fan, “as much as an Arab father would
be a fan of his son because it’s against Arab culture to ever encourage
your children. It’s a constant thing to keep them humble.” His father’s
only no-go zone is swearing. “If there’s the funniest joke in the world
and somebody drops an f-word, he just shuts down. He doesn’t like that.” But all those jokes about him? Nemr says his father just nods, “as long you’re making money.” The Arab father topic is intentional. Nemr performs in English across
the Arab and Muslim world and now in North America. Right now, he’s on a
world tour,
everywhere from Oklahoma to Saudi Arabia. “You don’t really need to be
from anywhere to actually relate to a father who has high expectations
for their son.”

Nemr’s global reach reflects his own experience. Born in Lebanon in
1983, his family moved to San Diego, California, when he was 2, during
his country’s long civil war. But just nine years later, his family
moved back to Beirut. He found American issues like drugs and missing
children too scary, telling his son: “In Beirut, the only danger is war.
We can run away from that and hide.”

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Lebanon’s political scene is changing, so is its economy: Report

Standard Chartered said in its report on Lebanon that it expects GDP growth to pick up marginally to 1.5 percent in 2017, from an estimated 1 percent in 2016. (AFP/File)


Standard Chartered expects modest GDP
growth in Lebanon in 2017 compared to 2016, thanks to the positive
political environment following the election of a president.  “We
expect GDP growth to pick up marginally to 1.5 percent in 2017, from an
estimated 1.0 percent in 2016, as private-sector confidence improves
due to political progress at end-2016. The latest survey data supports
this view,” Standard Chartered said in its latest report on Lebanon.

also noted a minor improvement in Lebanon’s PMI. “Following the
election of President Michel Aoun and Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s rapid
formation of a coalition cabinet, the PMI rose to 47.7 in January from
an all-time low of 43.8 in October 2016 (at the end of the 29-month
presidential vacuum). Construction permits also recovered in Q4, growing
6 percent year-on-year after a 22 percent contraction in Q3,” the
investment bank said. However,
Standard Chartered does not see further improvement in business
sentiment due to the fact that the current government will resign once
parliamentary elections are held this year.

improved confidence and business sentiment, we do not expect
game-changing structural reforms or economic improvements, particularly
given that the current government is temporary. The political road map
is not yet complete, and we think the policy focus will be on amending
the electoral law to allow scheduled parliamentary elections in May.
This should lead to the formation of another cabinet,” it explained. The
bank released its report prior to recent political developments that
will almost certainly see the election schedule delayed.

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Did Trump hack North Korea’s missile launch?

By Monica Showalter – With
the pathetically humiliating failure of North Korea’s missile launch in
the wake of a very big puffy buildup, the shark tank must be working
overtime over in Pyongyang. You wouldn’t want to be one of the North
Korean minions who worked on that wretched fizzle-out that has
humiliated the vicious little dictator on the world stage. He gets mean
when the world is laughing. And what a coincidence, it happened as Vice President Pence makes his way to South Korea.  And
more interesting still, an intriguing leak of sorts has come to light:
That the U.S. hacked the launch, ensuring its failure. It comes from
former British foreign secretary Malcolm Rifkind, who served under Prime
Minister John Major, speaking with the BBC in a buried lede if there ever was one. 

could have failed because the system is not competent enough to make it
work, but there is a very strong belief that the US – through cyber
methods – has been successful on several occasions in interrupting these
sorts of tests and making them fail,” he told the BBC.

qualified himself by saying that there have been other successful
launches. But the hacking possibility took precedence in the popular
press. The infomation was mined out by The Sun and front-paged on the Drudge Report, both of which have far greater reach and are sure to reach Kim Jong Un’s ears, if the BBC report doesn’t.

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Here’s why overbooking flights is actually a good thing

United Airlines

by Cadie Thompson

The United Airlines incident has sparked outrage about the practice of overbooking in the airline industry. On Tuesday, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie even sent a letter to the Trump administration asking for the regulations to change so airlines could no longer oversell tickets for a flight. But normally, overbooking is actually beneficial to customers, industry experts told Business Insider. “By overbooking it actually does help keep the fares down because the
airlines are able to maximize the amount of revenue they are able to
collect and generate as much profit as they can,” said Henry Harteveldt,
president and travel industry analyst for Atmosphere Research Group,
told Business Insider. “But if they didn’t overbook it’s possibly they may have to charge more,” he said. Overbooking is also beneficial to consumers because it allows the
more flexibility in their travel plans, Vinay Bhaskara, Airways senior
business analyst, told to Business Insider.

“Frequently, the people who benefit the most from overbooking are the
last few people to buy, The ones who are not able to make plans in
advance,” Bhaskara said. “Often times those seats are available at the
last minute are only available because that flight can be overbooked.
The airline knows some people are going to be missing the flight.” Ultimately, though, overbooking is done because airlines want to
ensure that they are making the most money on every seat. So they use
historical data to help them predict how many people will likely miss a
flight on a certain route. And most of the time it works.

In fact, in 2016, some 51,000 passengers were involuntary denied
boarding (that doesn’t include those who volunteered) on US airlines.
While that may seem like a big number, it’s actually a tiny fraction
(about .0062%) of the 823 million passengers who flew with US airlines
last year. “They take a look at the history, how many people are booked, how
many people showed up, and how many empty seats did the plane leave
with. It’s game theory, if you will. What they are trying to do is make
sure that that plane leaves with every seat filled without the need to
inconvenience everybody and it works most of the time,” Harteveldt said.

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Al-Rahi Calls on Officials in Easter Mass to Relinquish Personal Interests

SourceNaharnet Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi urged the political authority in Lebanon to stop obstructing the political process in the country for their own personal gains, as he assured that the Christian community does not stand in a weak position. “The political authority can’t keep on dividing (state) posts and obstructing everything under the pretext of […]

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US Congress Delegation in Beirut to Bolster Security Cooperation


Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri meets with a US Congress delegation at the Grand Serail on Wednesday. (Dalati & Nohra)

by Beirut – A delegation from the US Congress visited Beirut on
Wednesday and discussed with Lebanese officials US aid to the country. Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri met with the delegation at the Grand
Serail, where talks focused on several issues, including US aid to the
Lebanese security apparatuses. Headed by US Republican Congressman Harold Rogers, the delegation comprised six congressmen.

A statement by the US embassy in Beirut said: “Representative Harold
Rogers (R-KY) led a delegation of six Congressmen including
Representatives David Price (D-NC), Ken Calvert (R-CA), Chuck
Fleischmann (R-TN), David Joyce (R-OH), and Evan Jenkins (R-WV) to visit
Lebanon on April 12.” “The delegation met with Prime Minister Saad Hariri and Lebanese
Armed Forces Commander Joseph Aoun during their visit and discussed the
close relationship and security cooperation between the United States
and Lebanon,” the statement added. The statement also said that the delegation’s visit underscored
Washington’s support for Lebanon, the Lebanese Armed Forces, and
Lebanon’s legitimate security institutions. Hariri met the delegation in the presence of the US Ambassador to
Lebanon Elizabeth Richard, the premier’s media office said in a

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Lebanon Urged to Do More to Trace Thousands Missing from Civil War
Nibal holds a portrait of her brother Ghaleb, a Lebanese man who went
missing during the Lebanese civil war, as she stands next to an empty
chair during an exhibit in Beirut, April 13, 2017.

The Lebanese government was urged on Thursday — the 42nd anniversary
of the start of the nation’s civil war — to help families of the
thousands of missing by approving a project to collect DNA samples to
try to trace their whereabouts. With families still struggling to cope with their loss, the
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and non-government
organization Act for the Disappeared staged a one-day exhibition in
Beirut of chairs made by families of the missing.

“People who have lost a member of their family and don’t know what
happened are living in this in between,” Fabrizio Carboni, head of the
ICRC delegation in Lebanon, told Reuters. “No grief possible and at the
very same time hope is still present. So, it is really torture for these
families.” More than two dozen families participated in “Empty Chairs, Waiting
Families,” an exhibition of chairs painted with drawings and pasted with
photos. The ICRC called on Lebanese authorities to run a project to collect
DNA samples, and to pass a law that will help families of the missing
get clarity on what happened to them.There is currently no public database or exact numbers for people who
went missing during the civil war between 1975-1990, in which an
estimated 150,000 people were killed. 

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