
yrian cease-fire a delicate balance of vastly different goals

by Al Monitor – Hamidreza Azizi

As various international peace initiatives have sought a political solution to the Syrian crisis, the most recent tangible breakthrough came from someplace new. On July 9, the long-awaited meeting between the presidents of Russia and the United States took place on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, where the two sides reaffirmed a recently reached cease-fire for southern Syria. A day after the meeting, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Russia will continue cooperating with the United States on the de-escalation zones in southern Syria. He further pointed out that Russia, the United States and Jordan will establish a center in Amman to coordinate all the details of the zones. The very fact that the US-Russian truce initiative has survived its first week of implementation suggests that this time the two major powers have more incentive to cooperate on their areas of shared interests regardless of how partial and non-inclusive they could be. The significance of the recent cease-fire agreement becomes clearer given the latest round of negotiations being brokered by Iran, Russia and Turkey in Astana, Kazakhstan. The July 4-5 gathering stopped short of reaching an agreement, as Ankara reportedly objected to some details of the de-escalation zones. At the same time, the other main international peace initiative on Syria, namely the UN Geneva talks held July 10, has also failed to make a real breakthrough. Those talks did not even manage to bring representatives of the Syrian government and the opposition to the same table for direct negotiations.

So why is the US-Russian truce agreement in southern Syria experiencing a successful start when other recent initiatives have yet to achieve consensus on basic issues? To answer this query, one must consider the role Russia seeks to play in Syria. Generally speaking, it seems Russia has been trying to reach a series of bilateral and multilateral working structures with the various parties involved, with Moscow as the main actor in all those structures. On one hand, it has invested heavily in the Astana talks, and by doing so it has managed to effectively sideline the Geneva process and replace it with a Moscow-centered peace initiative.

Moscow has so far tried to build on its fundamental shared interests with Tehran and Ankara — for example, pushing for a political transition plan in Syria while preserving a minimum level of influence for each of the three parties in areas they deem vital for their national interests. But Russia also faces the task of bringing Iran and Turkey to a wider compromise on their long-term interests in Syria; this goal is difficult mainly because Iran prioritizes the defeat of all terrorist and armed rebel groups over the start of a political transition while Turkey wants to use the rebels it supports and the territories they have under their control as a bargaining chip in any future political talks. Although Turkey was the main obstacle to an agreement at the latest talks in Astana, Russia seems willing to keep bargaining to gain Ankara’s cooperation by giving it some points in northern Syria, an area vital for Turkey because of its concerns over the growing role of Kurdish groups. At the same time, by declaring that Tehran will host the next meeting of the Astana working group in early August, Moscow tried not to alienate Iran and to keep it active in the Astana talks.

Meanwhile, the Syrian truce agreement reached by Russia and the United States could be viewed as Moscow’s attempt to prevent any further escalation with Washington and its allies. Syria has, in effect, been divided into different zones of influence between the regional and global powers, and Moscow has shown willingness to recognize the US zone of influence in southern Syria. Displaying a softer stance in the south is also vital for Moscow to preserve its good relations with Israel. Thus, Russia is additionally trying to ease Israel’s concerns over the presence of pro-Iran groups near its borders. All in all, it seems Russia has taken the first step toward recognizing different zones of influence in Syria. To Moscow, the key objective here is to prevent any escalation that could potentially lead to its further involvement in the Syrian crisis. At the same time, these various sets of agreements could potentially introduce Moscow as the real peace broker in Syria.

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China Censors Winnie The Pooh Because of Comparisons To President Xi

by Faith Gates – mediaite The classic, lovable bear is being blocked from Chinese social media sites because bloggers have been comparing Winnie the Pooh to their President Xi Jinping. The censoring happened over the weekend on the very popular sites WeChat and Weibo when bloggers kept posting side by sides photos of the Hundred […]

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Rumours of Fairouz plan to attend Damascus Fair angers Syrian opposition

by Gulfnews – Sami Moubayed, Correspondent – Beirut: The Syrian government has extended an official invitation to iconic Lebanese diva Fairouz, to perform at the 59th Damascus International Fair scheduled for August 17 to 26, 2017. An ongoing and highly celebrated event since 1954, the Damascus Fair has always been a high-profile event in the Syrian capital, famed for the active commercial participation of countries from around the world and for the regular appearance of Arab celebrities like Fairouz and Egyptian icon Umm Kalthoum. For seven years now, however, the fair has been suspended, due to the ongoing conflict in Syria. Damascus officialdom insists on coming back loudly this year, and sees a Fairouz comeback as tailor-made to fit the image it is trying to peddle through the media, that the country is recovering and that the war in Syria is coming to an end. Damascus Fair was suspended for 7 years.

Ordinary Syrians from both sides of the conflict strongly associate Fairouz with the Damascus Fair, where she was a regular guest in the 1950s and 1960s. Generation after another attended her concerts and plays on the fairgrounds in central Damascus, facing the present Four Seasons Hotel, linking the city’s two main roundabouts, Marjeh Square and Umayyad Square. Postal stamps carrying her image were issued during her performances, and fan clubs, known as “Fairouzioun” mushroomed in different towns and cities. She was always received with red carpets by a long assortment of Syrian presidents, starting with Nazem Al Qudsi back in 1962. She boycotted Syria for years during the Lebanese Civil War, objecting to the country’s military presence in her country, and only made a comeback in 2008, two years after the Syrian Army withdrew from Lebanon. After outbreak of the present conflict in 2011, she enraged her Syrian fans from the opposition camp when her son and composer, Ziad Rahbany, said that she was an admirer of Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah. Fairouz did not deny the comments.

Residents of Damascus are very excited about the news, with one college student at the Faculty of Law telling Gulf News: “It would be a dream to see Fairouz performing again in Damascus. She is a pillar of our collective memories in Syria — a reminder of the good old days. Our parents watched Fairouz many times; we didn’t, and want the chance to see her before she retires. It is our right as Fairouz fans. We cannot go to Lebanon to attend her concerts; it is way too expensive for us. We want to see her right here in Damascus. This has nothing to do with politics.

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France’s Macron shares Israel’s concerns about Lebanon’s Hezbollah

PARIS (Reuters) – France shares Israel’s concerns at the arming of Lebanese Shi’ite group Hezbollah, President Emmanuel Macron told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after their first formal meeting in Paris on Sunday. Tensions have risen between Hezbollah and its longtime foe Israel since Donald Trump became U.S. president with his tough talk against Iran. […]

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Why women are almost invisible in Lebanon’s parliament

This article represents opinion of the author

by Joana

Women’s rights in Lebanon are currently a major topic of interest and concern on the national stage – and rightfully so. Women in Lebanon are not a minority. They constitute almost half of the population, but they have been systematically marginalised. Last month, Lebanese government officials decided once again to exclude the quota system which urges equal representation of women in parliament. The quota system would have guaranteed a minimum of 30 percent of the seats in parliament for women so they could play an active role in political decision-making. 

Currently, women in Lebanon account for 3.1 percent of the deputies in parliament – four out of 128 seats – and 3 percent of the ministers in the Council of Ministers. That’s compared to a global average of 22 percent of parliamentarians who are women. Failure to implement the quota signifies a recurring theme in Lebanon where women’s rights are often marginalised. So why has the system failed once again to implement the legislation and examine other legal areas – rape, citizenship and the welfare of women for starters – where women have yet to gain equals rights? Only once we define the problems can we find viable and sustainable answers.

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Support to the Lebanese Army and all of the el Khazen family strongly supports the Lebanese Army. The Lebanese army is the institution that makes us Lebanese proud. The Lebanese army has been leading us for a prosperous & safe Lebanon. The Lebanese army equals loyalty, duty, respect, personal courage, selfless service, integrity and honor. We strongly stand by […]

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Tanks, troops, and Donald Trump — see photos from this year’s Bastille Day in France

by Veronika Bondarenko – On Friday, France celebrated Bastille Day with fireworks, a parade, and Donald Trump. As part of their 24-hour trip to visit French president Emmanuel Macron in Paris, Donald and Melania Trump attended the city’s annual military parade — an ornamental affair complete with music, military displays, and air shows. Here are […]

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A century-old building to be preserved in Beirut

by Joseph A. Kechichian, Gulf news Beirut: Hisham Jaroudi, a real-estate magnate had promised to save a 100-year building in Beirut, popularly known as “The Rose House” on account of its rose-coloured paint, instead of dismantling it and replacing it with yet another high-rise. Few believed Jaroudi, the owner of the Riyadi Basketball Club, though […]

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Elie Saab runway celebrates Game of Thrones’ warrior queens of fashion

by Saudi Gazette — What looked like characters from a medieval tale or the Game of Thrones saga with a wintry theme, Elie Saab wowed the runway with his stunning collection at Paris Fashion Week. Using lace, velvet and even fur with lavish jewels, Lebanese designer Elie Saab’s runway dresses are tailor made for showstoppers […]

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A Guide to Brigitte Bardot’s Beirut

by Vogue – Living Brigitte Bardot put St.-Tropez on the map. Beirut, on the other hand, was at the height of its Golden Age when the starlet set foot on its cosmopolitan shores—another celebrity endorsement was superfluous. The vibrant city was a jet-setter’s playground, with a social scene that rivaled its European counterparts. It’s what attracted Bardot in the first place. A 15-year civil war ravaged more than just the country’s reputation, but two decades of reconstruction have polished away the grit to reveal its golden sheen. Set between snowcapped mountains and the Mediterranean Sea, Beirut is an enchanting place to retrace Bardot’s steps.

Where to stay
Lebanon’s most glamorous guests settled in at the Phoenicia hotel, the nightlife capital of Beirut in its prime. Bardot was a poolside fixture, her lounge chair previously reserved for guests like Jean-Paul Belmondo and Jean Seberg. The five-star hotel has been restored to its decadent, mid-century glory in recent years, and the mosaic pool retains much of its original character, including views of the sapphire sea. Thanks to a raucous cabaret club and hard-partying Hollywood occupants—Marlon Brando among them—the hotel’s pre-war debauchery has become the stuff of legend. But with maturity comes a more elegant, if more reserved, Phoenicia. The Phoenicia faced stiff competition in Bardot’s day, and today’s voyageur has plenty of five-star hotel options. The quietly extravagant Le Gray Beirut, a Gordon Campbell Gray property, is favored for its prime downtown position and a rooftop infinity pool that dissolves into the skyline.

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