
Army Says Israeli Warplanes Breach Lebanese Airspace

Damascus, Syria’s Air Defense reportedly shot down 5 of 8 missiles Israel launched against an airfield in Homs province, bordering Lebanon, known as T-4 airbase; however, the attack caused several dead and wounded. Two Israeli F-15 fighters targeted Syria’s T-4 airbase in Homs, the Russian field command in Syria confirmed, adding the jets fired eight […]

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Diplomat vows to take Saudi-Lebanese ties to further heights

by Abdulaziz Hammad – – JEDDAH — Newly appointed Consul General of Lebanon Ali Karanouh and his wife Marwa Soubra held a reception and acquaintance meeting at the celebration hall of the consulate in Jeddah on Tuesday. The reception was attended by Sami Jamil Abdullah, director of the department of ceremonies at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Makkah […]

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Lebanese Diaspora Energy conference opens in Paris

The Daily Star BEIRUT: Prime Minister Saad Hariri opened the Lebanese Diaspora Energy Conference in Paris Saturday in a televised speech. “Lebanon can continue as before, with outdated laws and no reforms,” Hariri said, “we need to improve the labor market, implement real reforms to fight corruption and create jobs.” He said that Lebanese should threaten […]

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China bans bible from online stores

by — The Chinese government has banned the sale of Bibles online, through distributors such as Amazon. This appears to be the latest development in China’s moves to restrict Christianity’s influence in the country. Bibles are only legally available at church bookstalls, not in bookshops, making Christianity the only major religion whose holy book […]

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Lebanon wins pledges exceeding $10 billion in Paris: finance minister

  PARIS – Fifty-one states and regional and international organizations were invited to CEDRE to express and offer support for Lebanon’s economy and infrastructure. The title “CEDRE” itself – a French acronym translated as “Conference for Development and Reform with Businesses” – demonstrates the desire to differentiate this conference from its predecessors, as it breaks […]

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Lebanese Speaker Berri Says Electoral Cracks Will be Fixed by Next Parliament

Al Sharq alAwsat – Speaker Nabih Berri has expressed resentment over various “violations” taking place, including the “disbursement of funds in many electoral districts and regions.” According to a statement from his office on Wednesday, the speaker called for a solution to these issues. During his weekly meeting with lawmakers, Berri said gaps in the […]

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Lebanon seeks funds for troubled economy at Paris conference

BEIRUT (AP) — Lebanon hopes to secure billions of dollars for infrastructure this week at an international donor conference in Paris, as it grapples with low growth and soaring debt. Some 50 countries and international organizations are expected at the CEDRE (Cedar) conference that begins Friday, where Beirut will request up to $22 billion for […]

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Mark Zuckerberg says he’s still the best person to run Facebook after scandals: ‘I think life is about learning from mistakes’

by Mark Zuckerberg says he is still the best person to run Facebook in the wake of its series of scandals. In a question-and-answer session with journalists on Wednesday afternoon, the 33-year-old CEO was asked whether he was still the most appropriate person to lead the social network. Earlier on Wednesday, Facebook said that it […]

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طانيوس شاهين: من منازلة الاقطاع الى عجز الثورة

ايها الاحباء، شهدت كسروان بين العامين 1858-1860 انتفاضة شعبية ضد الحاكم بسبب تسلط بعض افراد من آل الخازن ولاسباب مرتبطة بالصراع على السلطة، وتردي الاوضاع الاقتصادية في كسروان، التي وصفها Henri Guys في 1847 بانها كانت “الاكثر ثراء والاكثر كثافة من الناحية السكانية” في الجبل (Kesrouan est le plus riche et le plus peuplé). انها حركة اعتراض غير مسبوقة في حجمها وتداعياتها للحدّ من نفوذ الحاكم وامتيازاته، وهي بالتالي اقرب الى Jacquerie (soulèvement de paysans)، بحسب Chevallier، Porath ،Kerr ،Makdisi وسواهم، منها الى الثورة (revolution)، التي غالبا ما تطيح بالنظام السياسي والاقتصادي والاجتماعي القائم لتستبدله بنظام آخر، قد يكون اكثر عدالة ومساواة او اكثر استبدادا واحتكارا للسلطة. الواقع ان طانيوس شاهين ورفاقه لم ينقضوا في مطالبهم شرعية آل الخازن بتولي الحكم ولم يشككوا بشرعية ملكيتهم للارض، كما اشار المؤرخ Porath. وطانيوس شاهين، الذي لم يكن يجيد القراءة او الكتابة، لم يتأثر بالثورة الفرنسية وبكتابات Rousseau و Voltaire، كما زعم البعض، ولم يكن هدف الحركة اقامة جمهورية شعبية، بحسب ما أكد مؤرخو تلك المرحلة (Kerr، Porath، Makdisi، Chevallier)، لاسيما بعد ان تجاوزت التطورات صانعي الحدث انفسهم وطغت غايات الدول الكبرى على مسار الامور، وبات همّ البطريرك مسعد، وهو صاحب النفوذ الاكبر في تلك المرحلة في كسروان، احتواء الازمة بعد ان خرجت عن سيطرة الجميع وباتت تهدد مصالح الراعي والرعية في آن معا. والمفارقة في سيرة طانيوس شاهين ان لا ذكر له في الدراسات التي تناولت جبل لبنان بعد العام 1861، وهو الذي عاش نحو 35 سنة بعد الحركة الكسروانية. سؤال افتراضي لابد من طرحه في هذا المجال: ماذا لو لم يحصل الصدام الطائفي في 1860، كيف كانت ستؤول اليه الاوضاع في كسروان؟

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Saudi envoy unites Lebanon’s head of factions, Hariri, Geagea and Jumblatt

Staff writer, Al Arabiya — Saudi envoy Nizar Al Alula succeeded in holding a reconciliation meeting between Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri, the executive chairman of the Lebanese Forces Party, Samir Geagea and Druze leader Walid Jumblatt. The meeting between the three leaders is the first of its kind in a long time. A source commented that the meeting was the beginning of understandings between the three parties, stressing that the Saudi move aims to strengthen the Lebanese national leaders to achieve stability in Lebanon. Al Alula confirmed to the Lebanese officials whom he met with last Monday in Beirut and Baabda that “Lebanon is at the heart of the Saudi leadership and its thoughts,” the newspaper Asharq al-Awsat reported. Al Alula gave Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri an official invitation to visit the kingdom.

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