
FaceTime Bug Let People Eavesdrop – Now, Apple Is Trying To Fix It

by evolving-science — Apple is already testing a version of iOS 12.1.4 that is meant to address the rogue FaceTime bug that allowed a caller to access the microphone and even the camera of the recipient before the latter picked up the call. The FaceTime eavesdropping bug allowed iPhone users to exploit a privacy-invading ‘Group […]

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Lebanon Announces the Formation of a New Government After 9-Month Deadlock

By SARAH EL DEEB / AP Updated: January 31, 2019 12:48 PM ET (BEIRUT) — Lebanese political factions agreed finally Thursday on the formation of a new government, breaking a nine-month deadlock that only deepened the country’ economic woes. Rival political groups have been locked in disagreement over the make-up of a new government since May, after the country’s first parliamentary elections in nine years. The breakthrough comes after rival factions worked out a compromise allowing representation of Sunni lawmakers backed by the powerful Shiite group Hezbollah. Celebrations broke out after the announcement, including huge fireworks that lit up the Beirut sky. The most pressing challenge for the cabinet is to revive Lebanon’s economic fortunes and cut the national debt, which stands at about 150% of GDP.

For the first time, the Lebanese government includes four women ministers, doubling their representation, including the powerful Ministry of Interior in charge of internal security. Gebran Bassil, the son-in-law of the Lebanese President, remains foreign minister. Hariri called the new government “a reflection of Lebanon’s image in 2019.” The main pressure appeared to be Lebanon’s deepening economic woes and Hariri told reporters the economy will be priority. “There isn’t any more time to waste,” he said. Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri said on Thursday that Lebanon faced economic and financial challenges and the time for treating problems with “painkillers” was over, as his new national unity government took office. “The time of treatment with painkillers is over. No one can put their head in the sand any more. Matters are as clear as the sun. All the problems are known and the causes of the corruption and waste and administrative deficiency are also known,” he said. “Lebanese are living in concern about the economic situation,” he said, adding that the government’s work could not wait.

The last big hurdle was a dispute over how Hezbollah’s Sunni allies should be represented in cabinet, resolved by the inclusion of Hassan Mrad, the son of the pro-Hezbollah and pro-Damascus MP Abdul Rahim Mrad.

For a complete lists of candidates and names of the new ministers (Cabinet lineup) please click read more

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