
Lebanese protester killed by Israeli troops at border

The Lebanese protesters had gathered close to the border fence, waving flags, including the Palestinian national flag and the flag of Lebanon's Iran-backed Hezbollah movement [Jalaa Marey/AFP]

by — A Lebanese man was shot and killed by Israeli troops after he and others protesting in support of Palestinians tried to cross a security fence on the border with Israel, Lebanon’s state news agency NNA reported. NNA said another person was wounded on Friday after protesters gathered along the border in a show of solidarity with Palestinians as Israel continued a relentless bombardment of the besieged Gaza Strip. Lebanon’s Marjayoun Governmental Hospital told Al Jazeera that 21-year-old Mohammad Tahhan had died of his wounds. The condition of the second protester was not immediately known. Earlier, the Israeli military said a number of people in Lebanon had damaged the border fence and set fire to a field. They retreated after Israeli tanks fired warning shots.

The Lebanese protesters had gathered close to the fence, waving flags, including the Palestinian national flag and the flag of Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah movement, a staunch opponent of Israel. Lebanese President Michel Aoun said in a statement he “strongly condemned the crime committed by Israeli forces”. The protesters were later dispersed by the Lebanese army in the presence of UNIFIL, the United Nations peacekeeping force in Lebanon that monitors the boundary with Israel, a witness said. UNIFIL spokesperson Andrea Teneti said in the statement they launched an investigation into the incident, and have increased their presence at the border alongside the Lebanese army.

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Rockets fired from Lebanon land off Israeli coast

Three rockets fired from Lebanon towards Israel | Arab News

By BY TAL AXELROD – — Three rockets were fired from Lebanon toward Israel Thursday, raising fears that violence between Israel and the Gaza Strip could spill over into other parts of the region. The Israeli military announced that the rockets landed into the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of northern Israel. No casualties were immediately reported from the strike. The attack raises the risks of the violence expanding to two fronts as violence between Israel and militants in the Gaza Strip shows no signs of abating in the near future.

No group immediately claimed responsibility for the latest attack, and Lebanese officials familiar with the matter told The Associated Press that it was unclear which group launched the rockets or precisely where they landed. South Lebanon is the power base of the Shiite organization Hezbollah and other armed groups that have clashed with the Israeli military in the past, including during a brutal war in 2006. The launches from Lebanon come as the Israeli military builds up its presence along the border with the Gaza Strip, with Israel not ruling out a ground offensive into the enclave to stop the rocket attacks.

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From friend to foe: EU prepares sanctions on Lebanon for first time

A demonstrator carries a national flag along a blocked road, during a protest against the fall in Lebanese pound currency and mounting economic hardships, near the Central Bank building, in Beirut, Lebanon March 16, 2021. REUTERS/Mohamed Azakir

by reuters — The European Union is drawing up sanctions on politicians in Lebanon seen as blocking the formation of a government, readying the bloc’s first penalties on its Middle Eastern ally in frustration at the ruling elite’s mismanagement, diplomats said. Led by former colonial power France, the bloc is seeking to ramp up pressure on Lebanon’s squabbling politicians, after 10 months of crisis that has left Lebanon facing financial collapse, hyperinflation, electricity blackouts, and fuel and food shortages. No names have been discussed and Hungary has publicly denounced EU efforts to pressure Lebanese politicians, but six diplomats and officials told Reuters that technical work has now begun on preparing sanctions – so-called designation criteria – after EU foreign ministers on Monday agreed to take action. As many senior Lebanese politicians have homes, bank accounts and investments in the EU, and send their children to universities there, a withdrawal of that access could be a lever to focus minds.

Paris says it has already taken measures to restrict entry for some Lebanese officials, for blocking efforts to tackle the unprecedented crisis, which is rooted in decades of state corruption and debt. “The level of impatience with the ruling class is growing. They don’t seem to have their peoples’ interest at heart. Expect to see a decision in the next three to four weeks,” said a senior EU diplomat. The EU first needs to set up a sanctions regime that could then see individuals hit by travel bans and asset freezes. There are divisions among the 27 EU states over the wisdom of EU sanctions, but the bloc’s two main powers, France and Germany are in favour, which is likely to prove pivotal. A larger group of nations has yet to specify their approach.

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لن يعودَ أحدٌ، بل الباقونَ سيَرحلون

National News Agency - Biography of Minister of Labour Sejaan Azzi

سجعان قزي

   وزير سابق



منذ عشرِ سنين ولبنانُ بين روسيا التي تَمتلِكُ استراتيجيّةً ثابتةً ويَصعُبُ على لبنان السيرُ فيها، وبين الولاياتِ المتّحدةِ الأميركيّة التي تُعْوِزُها استراتيجيّةٌ مرحليّةٌ، ورغمَ ذلك يَتعذَّرُ على لبنانَ إهمالُـها. وحين استعادَ لبنانُ الرهانَ على فرنسا وَجدَها تائهةً في علاقاتِها اللبنانيّةِ والشرق أوسطيّة. نيّةُ رئيسِها جيّدةٌ وأداءُ إدارتِـها باهِتْ. سياسةُ رئيسِها يمينيّةٌ وسياسةُ مستشاريه يساريّة. وكان الارتطامُ العظيمُ لمبادرتِها، بل لدورِها.

صعوبةُ السيرِ في الاستراتيجيّةِ الروسيّةِ تعود إلى خَطرِ أن تَجعلَ روسيا لبنانَ امتدادًا لوجودِها في سوريا فتَتسلَّلَ سوريا معها إلى ديارِنا، وإلى عجزِها عن مساعدةِ لبنان بما يحتاجُه اقتصاديًّا وماليًّا. أما تعذّرُ إهمالِ أميركا فيعودُ إلى أنّها أميركا، إلى تَجذُّرِ دورِها في لبنان عبر دعمِ الجيشِ اللبنانيّ، إلى المساعدةِ في ضَبطِ النزاعِ مع إسرائيل وصولًا إلى تسويتِه، وإلى كونِها المرجِعيّةَ الكبرى في الشرقِ الأوسَط والعالم…

غيرَ أنَّ لبنانَ قادرٌ على الحصولِ على دعمِ أميركا وروسيا وفرنسا وغيرِها في حالِ عَرَفت دولتُه التعاطي بذَكاءٍ مع هذه الدولِ على أساسِ استراتيجيّةٍ واضحةٍ تُحدِّدُ مصالحَ لبنان. طَوالَ تاريخِ لبنانَ الحديث، لم يَحدُث أن سَعَت دولةٌ إلى الاستفرادِ بلبنان ومنعِه من إقامةِ علاقاتٍ خاصّةٍ مع غيرِها. حتّى سوريا، حين كانت موجودةً عسكريًّا في لبنان، تَقبَّلت انفتاحَه على المجتمعَين العربيِّ والدُوَليِّ واستفادَت منه. لكنَّ الدولةَ اللبنانيّةَ هي من أخَفقَت اليومَ في إقامةِ علاقاتٍ جيّدةٍ مع مجموعةِ دولٍ وحتّى مع دولةٍ واحدة.

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Aoun, Salameh Deny Discussing Hizbullah’s al-Qard al-Hasan

by — Both President Michel Aoun and Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh have denied discussing the issue of Hizbullah’s controversial financial institution, al-Qard al-Hasan, in a meeting that they held in Baabda. A statement issued by the Presidency said media reports that claimed the opposite were “baseless,” noting that the discussions tackled “the monetary […]

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Farid Elias el Khazen: الخازن منح وساما بابويا: الربط بين زيارة البابا لبنان وتأليف حكومة ليس دقيقا

Farid Elias al-Khazen, Lebanon's ambassador to Vatican - Lebanon News

وطنية – الفاتيكان – منح البابا فرنسيس سفير لبنان لدى الكرسي الرسولي فريد الياس الخازن وسام “مؤسسة بيوس الرابع”.

وأوضح الخازن في حديث إلى “الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام” أن “هذا الوسام (Ordine di Papa Pio IX) الذي أنشئ بداية في زمن البابا بيوس الرابع في 1560 وأعاد احياءه البابا بيوس التاسع في 1847، مصدر فخر واعتزاز”.

وقال: “انا ممتن لقداسة البابا فرنسيس على هذه الالتفاتة الكريمة. انه لشرف عظيم أن أنال هذا التكريم الذي يرتب علي مسؤولية أدبية تلازم مهامي. وهي بمثابة المحفز لانطلاقة جديدة لمتابعة عملي بصدق وجدية وتفان، خدمة للعلاقات التاريخية وروابط الصداقة والتعاون المثمر بين لبنان والكرسي الرسولي، خصوصا في الظروف الصعبة التي يمر بها لبنان والمعاناة التي دخلت بيوت الناس وأصابتهم في الصميم. تجدر الإشارة الى أن هذا الوسام يمنح لسفراء لدى الكرسي الرسولي وسواهم، بينما الوسام الأعلى رتبة من الفئة (ordre) نفسها يمنح لرؤساء الدول”.

وبالنسبة إلى زيارة الرئيس المكلف سعد الحريري روما، قال: “تعاطى الكرسي الرسولي مع زيارة الرئيس سعد الحريري الأخيرة بحسب الأصول البروتوكولية المتبعة، كرئيس حكومة مكلف. ولم يتم الإعلان عن الزيارة في وسائل إعلام الفاتيكان. كما أن الإعداد للزيارة تم بالتنسيق مع السفارة البابوية في لبنان، بناء على موعد كان طلبه الرئيس الحريري، ولم يصدر بيان رسمي بعد اختتامها. هذا لا يقلل من أهمية الزيارة، بل يعكس التزام التقاليد المعتمدة في الفاتيكان. لقاء الرئيس الحريري مع قداسة البابا تناول المسائل المبدئية المطروحة وحرص البابا الدائم للمساعدة على انتشال لبنان من أزماته. ومواقف الحبر الأعظم بهذا الخصوص معروفة، وسبق الإعلان عنها في مناسبات عدة. أما اجتماع العمل بين الرئيس الحريري والوفد المرافق من جهة، والكردينال بارولين، أمين سر الدولة، والمونسنيور كالاغر، (وزير الخارجية)، من جهة أخرى، فتناول مسائل مرتبطة بالعلاقات الثنائية بين لبنان والكرسي الرسولي في أبعادها الداخلية والخارجية”.

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Blinken calls Hezbollah ‘threat,’ U.S. blacklists 7 Lebanese nationals

 A poster depicting Lebanon's Hezbollah leader Sayed Hassan Nasrallah is seen in Marwahin, southern Lebanon [Aziz Taher/Reuters]

The United States Treasury Department has sanctioned seven Lebanese people connected to Hezbollah and its banking arm for illicitly transferring $500m on behalf of the Iran-backed group.

by Reuters  — The United States on Tuesday called on governments worldwide to take action against Lebanon’s Iranian-backed militant group Hezbozllah, as the Treasury Department sanctioned seven Lebanese nationals it said were connected to the group and its financial firm, Al-Qard al-Hassan (AQAH). “The threat that Hizballah (Hezbollah) poses to the United States, our allies, and interests in the Middle East and globally, calls for countries around the world to take steps to restrict its activities and disrupt its facilitation networks,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement on the action against the group, designated a terrorist organization by Washington. The Treasury Department said in a statement that it had blacklisted Ibrahim Ali Daher, who it described as chief of Hezbollah’s Central Finance Unit, as a specially designated global terrorist, accusing him of acting on behalf of Hezbollah.

The United States also slapped sanctions on six others linked to AQAH, including a man it said was the financial director, Ahmad Mohamad Yazbeck, as well as Abbas Hassan Gharib, Wahid Mahmud Subayti, Mostafa Habib Harb, Ezzat Youssef Akar, and Hasan Chehadeh Othman. The Treasury accused the six men of using the cover of personal accounts at Lebanese banks to evade sanctions targeting AQAH and transfer $500 million on behalf of the U.S.-blacklisted firm. Officials in Hezbollah had no immediate comment. Tuesday’s move freezes any U.S. assets of those blacklisted and generally bars Americans from dealing with them. Those who engage in certain transactions with the designated individuals also risk being hit with secondary sanctions. “Hizballah (Hezbollah) continues to abuse the Lebanese financial sector and drain Lebanon’s financial resources at an already dire time,” Andrea Gacki, director of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, said in the statement.

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Lebanese central bank announces ‘conditional’ plan for dollar withdrawals

by AFP — BEIRUT — Lebanon’s central bank on Sunday announced a “conditional” plan that would allow depositors, hit by strangling financial restrictions, to access part of their foreign currency savings stuck in Lebanese banks. Lebanon is in the grips of its worst economic crisis since the 1975-1990 civil war, and more than half of the population is now in poverty. The Lebanese pound, officially pegged to the dollar at 1,507 since 1997, has lost more than 85 per cent of its value against the greenback on the black market. Since Autumn 2019, banks have largely prevented ordinary depositors from accessing their dollar savings or transferring them abroad, forcing them to resort to the black market to obtain foreign currency.

Holders of dollar accounts have only been able to access their money by exchanging it into the local currency at a rate of 3,900 to the greenback. The dollar is currently trading for more than 12,500 pounds on the black market. The central bank said on Sunday it was negotiating “a mechanism [with Lebanese lenders]under which the banks would begin to gradually give [clients] access to their deposits… in all currencies”. The institution is mulling a plan that would involve banks “paying [savers] sums of up to $25,000 in US dollars or any [other] foreign currency along with its equivalent in Lebanese pounds”, the statement added. It did not specify the exchange rate for amounts converted to the local currency.

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Dual Lebanese-U.S. Citizen Pleads Guilty to Money Laundering and Tax Offenses

Criminal Justice Reform Long Overdue For Black America | The Baltimore  Times Online Newspaper | Positive stories about positive people

by — ALEXANDRIA, Va. – A dual Lebanese and U.S. citizen who resides in Vienna, Virginia pleaded guilty today to participating in a conspiracy to launder money as part of a decade-long scheme to ship electronics equipment to a Hizballah-owned television station in Lebanon. In addition, the defendant and her husband pleaded guilty to conspiring to commit tax fraud by concealing income from her employment in Virginia. “For over a decade, Racha Farhat participated in a conspiracy to purchase electronics equipment using the proceeds of illegal activity, which benefited a Lebanese television station owned by Hizballah,” said Raj Parekh, Acting U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia. “Working with our law enforcement partners, we will bring to justice those who use the U.S. financial system to further the interests of prohibited entities that engage in unlawful activities abroad.”

According to court documents, Racha Farhat, 44, began laundering money in 2010 and continued to do so until the time of her arrest in February 2021. The scheme involved Farhat receiving money from an unindicted co-conspirator (UCC-1) in Lebanon, which she used to purchase electronics equipment in the United States. Farhat then shipped the items purchased by herself and other co-conspirators overseas, primarily to Lebanon, where UCC-1 supplied at least $175,000 worth of goods to Al Manar TV. Al Manar TV is a Lebanon-based TV station owned and operated by Hizballah. Both Hizballah and Al Manar TV are prohibited entities for a U.S. person to conduct business with under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA).

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