
The alarm of Catholic Patriarchs and bishops: let us resist the designs of those who want to annihilate Lebanon

Lebanon Maronite Patriarch Rai chairs first meeting after surgery | News ,  Lebanon News | THE DAILY STAR

by — Beirut (Agenzia Fides) – Faced with the designs pursued by those who want to cancel the singular and unparalleled physiognomy of Lebanon from the Middle Eastern scenario, the only effective response remains that of returning to the founding “roots” of the Lebanese nation, drawing inspiration and criteria from them to face the systemic crisis that is gripping the Land of the Cedars. This is the “line” proposed by Cardinal Béchara Boutros Raï, Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites, in the introductory speech he gave on Monday, November 8, at the opening of the Assembly of the Catholic Patriarchs and Bishops of Lebanon. In addition to Cardinal Raï, three other Eastern Catholic Patriarchs take part in the meeting, hosted at the Maronite Patriarchal See of Bkerkè (Melkite Youssef Absi, Syrian-Catholic Ignace Youssif III Younan and the newly elected Armenian-Catholic Patriarch Raphaël Bedros XXI Minassian) as well as numerous bishops and superiors general of the various Catholic ecclesial groups present in Lebanon.

In his opening speech, the Maronite Cardinal briefly recalled the constitutive factors of the institutional structure that characterize and protect the Lebanese peculiarity in contemporary historical events. First of all, Patriarch Raï valued the original distinction between political-state institutions and confessional dynamics which, albeit through paradoxical ways, has guaranteed pluralism and diversity as traits of Lebanese coexistence. The prevalence of belonging to the common nation over sectarian divisions – underlined the Patriarch – is the guiding principle to be reaffirmed if we do not want to see Lebanon sink into the quicksand of sectarianism. The National Pact of 1943, cited by the Patriarch in his speech, sealed the historical story of modern Lebanon by recognizing that the “status of neutrality” represents a sort of identity code of the Lebanese nation since its inception.

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Families of Lebanese arrested for Beirut blast demand their release

Lebanon protest

by — Families of those arrested in relation to the Beirut port explosion held a protest in Lebanon today. The families demonstrated in front of Lebanon’s Palace of Justice, and demanded the release of their loved ones who are imprisoned. They also alleged that the prisoners’ health is deteriorating, the official National News Agency reported. A massive explosion occurred in Beirut’s port in August 2020, leaving more than 200 dead, thousands displaced, and extensive damage throughout the city. The blast was the result of 1,750 tons of the flammable fertilizer ammonium nitrate catching fire in a warehouse. Lebanese authorities arrested the port manager following the explosion, along with several others. More than 20 port and customs officials have been arrested to date.

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Lifeless Lebanon lurches into new turmoil amid worsening economic crises

Lifeless Lebanon lurches into new turmoil amid worsening economic crises

Olivier de Schutter, the UN special rapporteur

By Najia Houssari – — BEIRUT: Lebanon continued its freefall into economic turmoil on Friday, with the medical, fuel, and food crises worsening and no political initiative being taken to overcome the deteriorating situation. The value of the Lebanese pound dropped to record lows, trading at 23,000 Lebanese pounds to the dollar on the black market. This crash was at least partly due to a speech given by Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah on Thursday evening, in which he reaffirmed his hostile positions toward Saudi Arabia and called on the Lebanese to have “patience,” offering no solutions to their mounting problems. Fuel prices suddenly shot up on Friday. The price of a 20-liter gasoline canister ranged between 310,800 and 319,600 Lebanese pounds, the price of a diesel canister reached 311,000 pounds, and gas cylinders were selling for 266,000 pounds. The average price of fuel is now equivalent to half of the minimum wage.

Gas station owners reported an approximately 50 percent “decline in the sale of fuel.” Meanwhile, Economy Minister Amin Salam on Thursday decided to reduce the weight of a bundle of bread while maintaining its current price, which is the highest it has ever reached. A 1,050-gram bundle is now sold for 9,500 Lebanese pounds. The Ministry of Economy attributed this to “the high prices of flour, diesel and other materials.”

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*الهوية وسياسة لبنان الخارجية ملف نبحثه في الحلقة الأخيرة من #هيك_صار مع رئيس الجمهورية السابق ميشال سليمان*

الرئيس سليمان: نيترات الأمونيوم كانت لا تزال بالباخرة حينما كنت رئيساً ووُضعت في العنبر بعد مغادرتي بخمسة أشهر ولم يكن لدي معلومات عنها وأترك ما يلزم توضيحه لقاضي التحقيق إن أراد الإستماع إلي   لرئيس سليمان: المجلس الأعلى للدفاع إنعقد في 18 أيار 2014 قبل مغادرتي بخمسة أيام ولم يتحدث أحد عن خطورة النيترات وكان […]

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Football game against Iran fuels Lebanese pride

Football game against Iran fuels Lebanese pride

by — Najia Houssari — BEIRUT: The Iranian national football team has visited Lebanon on several occasions to compete in the Asian qualifiers. But this week, the Iranian team arrived in a very different set of circumstances, playing Lebanon on Thursday amid a wave of political quarreling and accusations that Tehran is taking over the country and isolating it from its Arab surroundings. The match, which Iran won 2-1, had sparked a renewed sense of patriotism among the Lebanese for the World Cup 2022 qualifiers. The Lebanese goal, scored in the first half, put a smile on the faces of the Lebanese, who are drowning in misfortunes. But while the match sparked national pride among Lebanese supporters, many created fake social media accounts to support the Iranian team and the Wilayat Al-Faqih, the term used to describe the system of governance that Tehran has used since the 1979 Islamic revolution. Although most fans admit that the Lebanese team “lacks equipment, training, physical fitness, and overall readiness due to the financial, economic and institutional crises in Lebanon,” their hearts, as they said, are with the “Cedar men.” Even politicians encouraged the Lebanese national team.

Independent MP Fouad Makhzoumi wrote: “The hearts of all the Lebanese are with our national football team.” Activist Mounir Khater tweeted: “The vast majority of the Lebanese are united behind their national football team. The Lebanese love their country, except for a few whose minds have been plagued by ignorance, and the national concept has mixed with the sectarian concept.” The game took place at the Rafic Hariri Municipal Stadium in Sidon, southern Lebanon, but FIFA and the Asian Football Confederation ruled that fans were not allowed “for security reasons.” Sports experts regretted that this measure deprived the Lebanese team of its “motivation factor.” No television channel covered the game, with fans only able to watch it live on YouTube. FIFA consulted a private security company that had recently conducted an assessment of the security situation in Lebanon. “The report was based on the Tayouneh incident that took place in October,” said Hashem Haidar, head of the Lebanese Football Association.

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Hezbollah chief slams Saudi Arabia for Lebanon diplomatic rift

In this Nov. 3, 2014 file photo, Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah addresses supporters ahead of the Shiite Ashura commemorations, in the southern suburb of Beirut, Lebanon. The leader of Hezbol

by Al Jazeera – Beirut, Lebanon – Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has blasted Saudi Arabia for trying to stir instability in Lebanon amid a weeks-long diplomatic dispute between the latter and several Gulf countries. In a televised speech on Thursday, Nasrallah accused Saudi Arabia of violating Lebanese sovereignty and dismissed calls for the departure of embattled Information Minister George Kordahi. “Hezbollah supports the information minister’s position of not resigning,” Nasrallah said, adding that he also opposed the idea of Kordahi being sacked from his position. “Rejecting external dictates is one of the simplest manifestations of sovereignty.” The diplomatic crisis was sparked last month after video footage circulated online from an August interview in which Kordahi made critical remarks about the Saudi-led coalition’s war against Houthi rebels in Yemen.

The former game show host said the Iran-aligned Houthis are “defending themselves … against an external aggression”, earning praise from Iran-backed Hezbollah. In response, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and Bahrain recalled their envoys from Beirut and expelled their Lebanese ambassadors. Saudi Arabia, which considers Hezbollah a “terrorist” organisation, also banned all imports from Lebanon, accusing it of failing to take measures to “stop the export of the scourge of drugs”. Bahrain and the UAE have called on their citizens to leave the country, while Yemen’s internationally recognised government has also since recalled its envoy from Beirut. “[Hezbollah] made Lebanon an arena and a launching pad for implementing projects of countries that do not wish well for Lebanon and its brotherly people,” a Saudi statement issued on October 29 read.

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Minister Sejaan Azzi: القضاءُ يواجِه في عُقْرِ دارِه

National News Agency - Azzi says no president, no state

اعتَرى القضاءَ اللبنانيَّ ما اعتَرى لبنان: اعتداءٌ مزدَوجُ المصْدَر مِن خارجِ السلكِ القضائيِّ ومن داخِله. ونَشأَ تواطؤٌ بين المصْدَرين حيث قُضاةٌ مُسيَّسون وطائفيّون وفاسِدون يَعمَلون لمصلحةِ المصدَرِ الخارجيّ، ويُنفّذون من الداخلِ أوامرَه، بل مؤامرَته على القضاءِ اللبنانيّ. والخطورةُ هنا مثلَّثةٌ: الأولى أنَّ الّذين يقومون بهذه الـمَهمّةِ ليسوا قضاةً صِغارًا في محكمةٍ ريفيّةٍ، إنّما قضاةٌ كبارٌ يَشغَلون مناصبَ رفيعةً في تراتبيّةِ السلطةِ القضائيّة. والثانيةُ أنّهم يَدرُون ماذا يَفعلون، ويَرتكِبون فِعْلتَهم عن سابقِ تصوّرٍ وتصميم، ما يَجعلُ فِعْلتَهم مزدوجةً: فسادٌ وخِيانة. والثالثةُ أنَّ الانقسامَ في القضاء، وبخاصّةٍ على مستوى مجلسِ القضاءِ الأعلى والنياباتِ العامّة، يأخذُ طابَعًا طائفيًّا ومذهبيًّا يُعطِّلُ عملَ القضاءِ على غرارِ تَعطيلِ عملِ مجلسِ الوزراء. هل يريدون أن يصبحَ القضاءُ أيضًا فِدراليًّا؟

صارت أمراضُ القضاءِ اللبنانيِّ مُـجَسَّمًا عن أمراضِ دولةِ لبنان: كانتوناتٌ مذهبيّةٌ. مَسٌّ باستقلاليّتِه من دون حَسْم. ازدواجيّةُ القرار. مخالفاتٌ من دونِ تأديب. تَمرّدٌ من دونِ إقصاء. ولاءٌ لقِوى خارجَ السلكِ القضائي. تَعدّي قضاةٍ على صلاحيّاتِ زملائِهم. تلاسُنٌ يَفيضُ وقاحةً وحِقدًا. إبْدالُ الـمِطرقةِ بالقَدَم. قضاةٌ ضِدَّ قضاة. محكمةٌ ضِدَّ محكمة. مرؤوسٌ ضِدَّ رؤسائِه. خطوطُ تماسٍ بين المرجِعيّاتِ القضائيّةِ ووزارةِ العدل. وجفاءٌ بين القضاءِ والسلطةِ الحاكِمة، إلخ…

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President Michel Sleiman: يشهد لبنان تغيّراً خطيراً ليس فقط في الديمغرافيا بل في كل نواحي الحياة الاجتماعية والسياسية وفي كل امر .

صباح الخير، آسف ان اقول متشائماً للمرة الاولى : “يشهد لبنان تغيّراً خطيراً ليس فقط في الديمغرافيا بل في كل نواحي الحياة الاجتماعية والسياسية  وفي كل امر . عقارب الساعة لن تعود الى الوراء وعلينا انقاذ ما تبقّى…لكي يبقى … ونبقى “

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Iran’s football team faces social media ridicule over bulky luggage at Beirut airport

Iran’s football team faces social media ridicule over bulky luggage at Beirut airport

By Bassam Zaazaa – — DUBAI: Iran’s national football team have faced ridicule over the large amount of luggage they were carrying shortly after arriving in Beirut for their Qatar 2022 World Cup qualifier match against Lebanon. The team landed at Beirut International Airport on Monday for the match on Thursday. Soon after touching down, images quickly spread on social media of Iranian players, administrators and coaching pushing airport trollies stacks with three or four large travel bags each. The photos were accompanied by a barrage of comments ridiculing the players. Some even suggested the team could be smuggling drones and military equipment to the Iran-backed militia of Hezbollah. Activists, bloggers and media and public figures joined in the frenzy.

One cynical Twitter user posted images in response of opened bags with cash inside and a comment saying the money was being smuggled to Hezbollah. Others tweeted that since Hezbollah controls Lebanon’s borders and airports, the players may have dodged security checks to smuggle military equipment into the country. In a reflection of Lebanon’s political divides, some social media users tweeted their support for the Iranian team and apologized for what they described by “politically motivated tweets.” Some boasted that as Shia Muslims that they would cheer for Iran against their own country during the match at the Rafik Hariri Stadium in Saida. Lebanon are riding high in third place in their World Cup qualifier group after a thrilling 3-2 victory over Syria in October. Iran are the group’s leaders. Renowned Lebanese playwriter and actor, Ziad Itani, criticized the social media campaign against the Iranians and described it as “shameful and disguised” racism. “It is a sports mission accustomed to their special food and training equipment, so there is no need for what happened … we don’t want our national team to face the same,” he said.

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Kuwait stops visas for Lebanese until further notice, report says

by — The Kuwaiti government has suspended all visas for Lebanese nationals until further notice, local newspaper Al-Qabas said today, as part of the ongoing dispute between the Gulf and Beirut. The newspaper quoted sources who said the decision excludes those who have residency in Kuwait, noting that the decision applies to the issuance […]

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