
Lebanon presidential nominee takes leave of absence from IMF

by — Recently nominated Lebanese presidential candidate Jihad Azour will take a leave of absence from his post at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to avoid any perceived conflict of interest, The National reported on 9 June. Azour is the director of the Middle East and Central Asia office at the IMF and was nominated for the position of Lebanese president, which has been vacant since October, when Michel Aoun’s term expired. The IMF said Azour, who served as finance minister of Lebanon between 2005 and 2008, was to take leave “to avoid any perception of conflict of interest.” In April of 2022, Lebanon and the IMF reached a staff-level agreement on an economic reform plan to unlock around $3bn of funding over several years. However, the agreed reforms have yet to be implemented.

The IMF alleges the reforms are needed to end Lebanon’s economic crisis, which began in 2019 when a decades-long Ponzi scheme involving the country’s central bank and commercial banks collapsed, causing the Lebanese lira to lose some 98 percent of its value and plunging much of the country into poverty. The crisis caused many Lebanese residents to lose their entire life savings and to suffer from widespread shortages of state-supplied electricity, clean water, and medicine. Scenes of women and children asking for money in the streets of downtown Beirut have become ubiquitous. Efforts to solve the country’s energy crisis by importing gas from Egypt via Syria have stalled as US officials refuse to give assurances that relevant US sanctions on Syria will be waived. However, while reform of the Lebanese banking sector is needed, some observers have questioned the merit of the proposed IMF reforms.

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Lebanese households fight economic crisis with record rooftop PV additions

By ILIAS TSAGAS — By the end of 2020, Lebanon fell short of its national target of 100 MW for solar capacity, reaching a cumulative total of 89.84 MW. This shortfall reflected the bleak state of the solar sector, mirroring the overall economic downturn. Lebanon’s ongoing political and economic deadlock persists, marked by soaring inflation, […]

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Lebanon’s Michel Aoun denies seeking Bashar Al Assad’s support in Damascus visit

by Nada Homsi — — Former Lebanese president Michel Aoun has denied that his surprise visit to Damascus on Tuesday was to seek the backing of Syria’s President Bashar Al Assad. Mr Aoun’s media office issued a statement amid speculation that the founder of the Free Patriotic Movement was seeking Mr Al Assad’s intervention in the Lebanese presidential election amid differences with its ally Hezbollah over the choice of candidates. Both the FPM and the Iran-backed Hezbollah group are aligned with Syria. The former president “did not request a mediation or support for the position of the Free Patriotic Movement leader,” the statement said, emphasising Mr Aoun’s dedication to Lebanon’s sovereignty.

Gebran Bassil endorses Jihad Azour but says position is not entrenched “President Aoun’s visit was strategic, about Syria and Lebanon’s shared interests and the return of refugees to Syria, and it was not related to internal affairs,” an FPM representative told The National. Lebanon’s presidential post has remained vacant for seven months since Mr Aoun completed his term last year as parties and political blocs attempt to find a consensus candidate. Hezbollah backs Suleiman Frangieh, leader of the Christian Marada Movement and known to be close to Damascus. But the FPM has categorically refused to support Mr Frangieh, allying with opposition parties to back former finance minister Jihad Azour.

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Will Lebanese Bankers Finally Face Accountability?

 By Dario Sabaghi foreign policy –– Investigations at home and abroad offer hope of justice for the country’s crisis. For more than three years, Lebanese citizens have continued to stage sporadic protests amid a dire economic crisis, directing their rage at the country’s political elite. One of the most prominent targets is Riad Salameh, the governor of Banque du Liban, Lebanon’s central bank. Posters at demonstrations across the country regularly feature Salameh’s face, whether stained with a bloody handprint or depicted in a fake mugshot. The message is clear: Lebanon’s protestors want Salameh out of power—and held to account. Salameh has headed Lebanon’s central bank for nearly 30 years. Now, he faces the prospect of prison time. On May 16, France issued an arrest warrant for Salameh over his failure to appear for questioning before investigators in Paris. The country launched a corruption investigation into Salameh and his associates over, among other things, the alleged laundering of more than $330 million from Lebanon’s public funds for personal use, including the purchase of luxury properties in Europe. The next week, Germany issued its own arrest warrant. Salameh has denied any wrongdoing.

Although Lebanon does not extradite its citizens, investigations into Salameh’s alleged crimes—including embezzlement, money laundering, illicit enrichment, and tax evasion—that are underway in Lebanon and six European countries may mark a turning point for Lebanon. For years, many Lebanese have felt hopeless about the country’s political and economic quagmire. Virtually no one among the Lebanese elite has faced any repercussions for their role in the crisis and its devastating impact on Lebanon’s population. But these probes may bring about, for the first time in years, some accountability. For many Lebanese, it’s a small sign that change could be coming. Salameh played a central role in the meltdown of Lebanon’s financial system that came to a head in 2019. “He is the author of a monetary policy put in place that led to a deep financial crisis,” said Sami Nader, director of the Levant Institute for Strategic Affairs.

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Beirut sends investigators to France after Lebanese ambassador accused of rape

BY AFP — The French probe into Adwan followed complaints by two former embassy employees, sources close to the investigation had told AFP, confirming an earlier media report. The French government has urged the Lebanese authorities to lift Adwan’s diplomatic immunity and allow him to go on trial. The Lebanese foreign ministry has decided to “urgently send an investigation committee headed by the ministry’s secretary-general… to the embassy in Paris to question the concerned ambassador and hear statements from embassy staff”, it said in a statement. The committee will meet with French authorities “to clarify that which was reported in the media and which was not communicated to the Lebanese foreign ministry via diplomatic channels”, the statement added.

The first former employee, aged 31, filed her complaint in June 2022 for a rape she says was committed in May 2020 in the ambassador’s private apartment, according to sources close to the investigation confirming a Mediapart report. According to the complaint, she had a relationship with the ambassador, who carried out “psychological and physical violence with daily humiliations”. The second woman, aged 28, made a complaint last February after what she said was a series of physical attacks after she turned down sexual relations. She claims Adwan tried to hit her with his car after an argument on the sidelines of last year’s Normandy World Peace Forum. “In view of the seriousness of the facts mentioned, we consider it necessary for the Lebanese authorities to lift the immunity of the Lebanese ambassador in Paris in order to facilitate the work of the French judicial authorities,” the French foreign ministry told AFP late Friday.

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Christian opposition backs Jihad Azour’s nomination for Lebanon presidency

By Najia Houssari — — BEIRUT: Patriarch Bechara Al-Rai has praised Christian politicians as they united around a presidential candidate, in a move that could end a nearly eight-month power vacuum in Lebanon. His blessings during Sunday sermon came after opposition parliamentary blocs agreed to support the nomination of Jihad Azour, a former minister who is the director of the International Monetary Fund’s Middle East and Central Asia department. He is expected to contest the presidency against Suleiman Frangieh, the preferred candidate of Hezbollah, the Amal Movement and their allies. Al-Rahi also sent Bishop Paul Abdel Sater on Sunday to meet Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah as part of “dialogue with non-Christian forces, especially Hezbollah, to elect a president for all of Lebanon.” The bishop is expected to continue visiting all political forces this week.

Sunday’s move by the opposition parliamentary blocs follows an announcement by the Free Patriotic Movement on Saturday. There is now agreement between Christian MPs, Change MPs and some independent MPs to nominate Azour after Michel Moawad, an MP, withdrew from the election on Sunday. Some had previously supported Moawad, whom Hezbollah saw as a provocative candidate. The Progressive Socialist Party bloc is due to announce its position on Azour on Tuesday. The decision to back Azour by the FPM, the largest Christian party in parliament, came after its leader Gebran Bassil fell out with Hezbollah after the group’s nomination of Frangieh. “In the event of a call to a presidential election session, the FPM will vote for the agreed-upon name instead of submitting a blank ballot,” he said. Waddah Sadek, an MP, told Arab News that estimates of the opposition indicate that Azour will receive more than 65 votes, which means he would win if a vote went to a second round. “The ball will then be in the court of Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, who has been delaying the call for an election session since January unless he and his allies secure the election of Frangieh,” he said.

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Gadhafi’s son goes on hunger strike in Lebanon to protest detention without trial

The Associated Press BEIRUT — A son of Libya’s late leader Moammar Gadhafi, who has been held in Lebanon for more than seven years, began a hunger strike Saturday to protest his detention without trial, his lawyer said. Hannibal Gadhafi has been held in Lebanon since 2015 after he was kidnapped from neighboring Syria where he had been living as a political refugee. He was abducted by Lebanese militants demanding information about the fate of a Shiite cleric who went missing in Libya 45 years ago. Gadhafi was later taken by Lebanese authorities and has been held in a Beirut jail without trial.

Attorney Paul Romanos told The Associated Press that his client started the hunger strike Saturday morning and “he is serious and will continue with it until the end.” Romanos did not go into details of the case as he was not authorized to speak about it to the media. Gadhafi issued a statement describing his conditions. “How can a political prisoner be held without a fair trial all these years?” Gadhafi, who is married to a Lebanese woman, wrote in his statement. The Libyan citizen added that now that he is on hunger strike, “those who are treating me unjustly” will be responsible for the results. He added that “the time has come to liberate the law from the hands of politicians.” Romanos said his client suffers from back pain due to being held in a small cell for years without being able to move or exercise.

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Lebanese ambassador in France accused of rape, violence

By The New Arab Staff — Lebanon’s ambassador to France, Rami Adwan, has been investigated for rape and intentional violence following complaints by two former embassy employees, informed sources said Friday confirming an earlier media report. Due to his position, Adwan enjoys diplomatic immunity from prosecution, but the French government urged the Lebanese authorities to lift this and allow him to go on trial. “In view of the seriousness of the facts mentioned, we consider it necessary for the Lebanese authorities to lift the immunity of the Lebanese ambassador in Paris in order to facilitate the work of the French judicial authorities”, the French foreign ministry told AFP late Friday. The first woman, aged 31, filed her complaint in June 2022 for a rape she says was committed in May 2020 in the ambassador’s private apartment, according to sources close to the investigation confirming a Mediapart report.

According to her deposition seen by AFP, she made clear her lack of interest in having sex and that she screamed and burst into tears. The woman, who was working as an editor, had already reported to police in 2020 that Adwan, in his post since 2017, had struck her during an argument in his office. She said she had not filed a complaint because she did not want to “break the life” of the ambassador. According to the complaint, she had a relationship with the ambassador, who carried out “psychological and physical violence with daily humiliations”.

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Lebanese crowned No.1 ‘puff-daddies’ as world’s biggest spenders on cigars

by — LONDON: Their country’s economy may be collapsing around them, but the Lebanese are still the people most likely to treat themselves to a cigar or two, according to recently released statistics. A report from Statista Consumer Insights on 2022 spending habits found that Lebanese spent the most on cigars per capita in […]

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US considering sanctions against Lebanon officials: Top diplomat

by Joseph Haboush, Al Arabiya English — The US is considering sanctions on top Lebanese officials for their continued obstruction of electing a new president in the country, a top State Department official said Wednesday. Meanwhile, the top two US House Foreign Affairs Committee lawmakers urged the Biden administration to sanction Lebanese individuals for corruption and to “make clear to Lebanon’s political class that the status quo is not acceptable.” Since last October, Lebanon has had no president and a fully functioning government. Pro-Syria parties, including Hezbollah and the Amal Movement, are backing Sleiman Frangieh, who has long boasted of his close ties with Bashar al-Assad. Opposition groups and the Lebanese Forces and the Free Patriotic Movement, have reportedly agreed to endorse Jihad Azour, a former finance minister and current International Monetary Fund (IMF) employee.

During a Senate committee hearing on the Middle East, the top US diplomat for the region said the US was considering the possibility of sanctions. Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs Barbara Leaf said Washington was working with regional and European partners to push the Lebanese parliament to do its job. “It’s a collective effort,” Leaf said.

Separately, the members of Congress slammed Lebanon’s central bank governor, Riad Salameh, as well as those responsible for the catastrophic Beirut Port blast in 2020. Salameh has an Interpol arrest warrant out for him, and there are charges against him from Germany and France over alleged corruption.

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