
9th Kuwait’s international invention fair 2017

By Yayalibnan

Five Lebanese inventors Friday took top marks in Kuwait’s ninth international invention fair, state according to media reports. Head of the oraanizing committee Talal Kharafi reveled that 200 inventors from 36 countries participated. Here are the 5 Lebanese that won big for the inventions

Dr. Jamal Shorbaji won a gold medal for his Lice Band that exterminates lice in the hair of school children He also won a silver medal for a device he created to diagnose and follow up on learning difficulties. He dubbed his invention “Learning Disabilities”. Omar Wazzan invented “Blind Man Medicine Box,” a medicine box that notifies a blind user of its contents. He also won a gold medal. Ali Audi invented a “magnetic gun” that uses electromagnetic energy to launch projectiles, winning a silver medal. Louay Ghazzawi and Abdel Hamid Saqr shared a bronze medal for “The Virtual Eye,” an advanced walking stick for the blind.