
Daily Star Lebanon

BEIRUT: Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil Tuesday accused Sweden of preparing to deport around 70 Lebanese families. In a message to his Swedish counterpart Margot Wallstrom, Bassil
called for “international solidarity” with Lebanon in light of the
Syrian refugee crisis. Reports circulated earlier this year that Sweden and Finland had
decided to deport up to 100,000 migrant workers who had been living
there for many years to make room for Syrian refugees. However, Swedish Ambassador to Lebanon Peter Semneby in June denied there was any truth to that allegation.

“Sweden has not deported anyone for the purpose of making room for
new Syrian refugees, and will not do so,” Semneby said in a letter to
The Daily Star at that time. “Every asylum case is considered on an individual basis by the
Migration Agency, and, if necessary, by the judicial system,” he added. Lebanon hosts more than 1 million Syrian refugees, the highest figure in the world when measured per capita.

“Humanitarian solidarity shouldn’t be limited to the refugees that
Lebanon is welcoming but should be more inclusive to take into
consideration the reasons that led to the exodus of the Lebanese people
due to crises in the country and the region,” Bassil said in his

He added that the alleged plans to deport “70 Lebanese families that
successfully integrated with the Swedish community at a time that
Lebanon is welcoming a large number of refugees will have negative
repercussions on Lebanon.”