
Lebanese Labor Minister Sejaan Azzi. (AFP/File)

By Daily Star Lebanon – Labor Minister Sejaan Azzi that, if adopted, would see Syrian refugees in Lebanon repatriated next year. The
plan, which consists of three phases and would commence in January
2017, heavily relies on the ability of international powers – namely
Russia and the United States – to secure sustainable cease-fires and
safe zones that Syrians can return to. “There are safe zones,” Azzi
insisted, “just no political decision or will to maintain the

Individuals who were not forcibly displaced will be identified
for the first phase of return. Monetary incentives would also be used
to lure Syrians back – payable upon arrival in Syria. In its first year,
the plan will focus on clearing out refugees residing in border areas
to mitigate terrorist infiltration into Lebanon. Syrians would have the
option to head to a safe zone or another area of their choice.

plan also proposes that nongovernmental organizations move to Syria to
facilitate the transition, while funds supplied by donor countries –
which must be committed before the end of this year – would sustain the
two-year plan. All relocation efforts would be overseen by a committee
consisting of government and UN representatives, with the possible
inclusion of other parties. With this plan, Azzi aims to transfer
1,235,000 Syrians back into Syria.

The plan omits Syrians who legally work in Lebanon
and have residency and work permits. A Human Rights Watch report
published in 2016, however, cites humanitarian agencies saying that
strict residency rules applied to Syrians have prevented two-thirds of
them from obtaining legal residency.

“The time when Lebanon would
accommodate the plans of the international community is over … small
nations must not bear the consequences for large nations’ wars,” Azzi
said, adding that the Lebanese have been driven to a place at which they
are now in search of their own land and stability,
much like the Syrians and the Palestinians. He compared the toll of the
Syrian presence to the burden Lebanon carried with the influx of
Palestinians in the 1970s.

Azzi’s comments came just as a Lebanese
delegation in New York participated in the UN General Assembly’s Summit
for Refugees and Migrants. The summit states on its website that it
aims for a “more humane and coordinated approach” in responding to
“large movements of refugees and migrants.” By his own admission, Azzi
revealed the delegation was not briefed on his plan.

am surprised the Lebanese delegation went to New York without meeting
with the Committee for Refugee Affairs. They go to New York just to mark
an attendance and participate in meetings. I am sorry the Cabinet did
not meet on this matter before they left,” Azzi said.

He expressed confidence, however, that Prime Minister Tammam Salam, who is heading Lebanon’s UN delegation, will support his views at the summit.

not claiming that the plan will be implemented tomorrow. We are saying
Syrians must leave, but nobody else has offered a plan,” Azzi said
regarding the feasibility of his proposal. “The plan must be exhibited
to all factions and nations,” he added.

Azzi also revealed that
large nations were not inclined toward the plan. “I met with some
ambassadors from large nations; they are not cooperating with the plan,”
Azzi said. He explained this was because the international community
insists it will not place any Syrians back in Syria until “the last
bullet is fired in Syria. This might take 5,000 years.”

Holst, public affairs officer at the US Embassy in Lebanon, said his
country supports the return of Syrians to Syria “when conditions or
circumstances allow.” In a US Embassy briefing last week, Anne Richard,
the assistant secretary at the Bureau of Population, Refugees and
Migration, said the United States’ “main focus is to have aid
transferred inside Syria so that Syrians do not have to become

Despite several regime violations of the cease-fire
negotiated by the US and Russia, Richard said the US “looks to this
agreement to reduce violence on the ground.” She said further talks
between Russia and US to address Al-Qaeda and Daesh (ISIS) are
contingent on endurance of the cease-fire.

By Nadine Ghaith

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