
To view the link for the horoscope of 2018 – 2019 please click here 

Summary for Horoscope signs during 2017-2018 (Zodiac sign)  (for detail summary please click read more). Please scroll all way down as we have compiled the horoscope signs for the year of 2017-2018 from multiple sources – Your horoscope sign will be listed through the article

Aries Horoscope 2017

2017 for the Aries will be a period of fun and adventure. This might be a good time to start a new business. Do not forget to go for vacations with your loved ones in 2017. Health can be excellent if you are regular in your exercise workouts. Love life will be blissful for the Rams provided you do not make promises that you cannot keep. 

Taurus Horoscope 2017

The 2017 horoscope prediction for the Taurus star sign forecasts a harmonious and peaceful year for the bulls. Spiritually you will be inclined towards finding your inner peace. And do not let your fears spoil your well being. Love affairs have chances of becoming permanent. Married couples can plan for a baby. A healthy diet is a must if do not wish to fall sick. 

Gemini Horoscope 2017

2017 is a year of major changes for the Gemini sun sign. Do not let your hyperactivity spoil your happiness this year. Be it career or finance, think long term before planning anything drastic. Your psychic abilities too might improve in 2017 which help you understand your life better. The sun sign 2017 forecasts suggest that this might be the year when you find your right partner. 

Cancer Horoscope 2017

2017 is a year of difficult choices for the Cancerians. Be prepared for change in many aspects of your life. Do not go about splurging money on expensive stuff that you don’t need. Your partner might need your help in overcoming their fears. Health and relationships for the Crabs will need a lot of hard work in order to be stable. 

Leo Horoscope 2017

The 2017 horoscope prediction for the Leo sun sign predicts a fabulous year. You will be blessed with good luck and happiness. Don’t keep waiting for the right moment in your job or relationships. Just enjoy the journey and learn as you go along. You never know, you might even win that lucky lottery that you have been buying for so many years! 

Virgo Horoscope 2017

2017 for Virgo will need to be dealt with in a diplomatic way. Some old decisions might create problems if you don’t handle them the right way. This is the right time to let go of relationships that haven’t been working out. And do not let stress get the better of you. 

Libra Horoscope 2017

The 2017 Libra horoscope predictions forecast that this will be your year of discovery and innovations. Let your creative side come to the forefront. Express your ideas to other so that they can understand your dreams better. You will be a leading example for everyone around you. And do not forget to spend quality time with your family and loved ones. 

Scorpio Horoscope 2017

2017 year horoscope predictions for Scorpio astrology sign foretell that this year you are in a hurry to put your past behind. You will take the initiative to make your goals and targets work out for you. Love affairs will be many but only few will be serious. Eat healthily if you wish to be physically and emotionally fit. 

Sagittarius Horoscope 2017

Sagittarius zodiac in 2017 will have the enthusiasm and will power to move ahead with a firm mind. Your social life will be amazing. Career and business projects will be challenging but profitable. Skin allergies will need to be taken care of. Sex and romance will be at all time high for the Archers in 2017. 

Capricorn Horoscope 2017

The 2017 astrology predictions for the Capricorn zodiac sign forecast year of peace and harmony. Though you have a reputation of being practical, in 2017 the sea goats will see an innovative side to their personality. Love and romance too will be an important part of your life. This is a good year to get married. 

Aquarius Horoscope 2017

Astrology 2017 for the Aquarius predicts a year of excellent and positive opportunities. Be it love or career you will flourish in anything you put your heart to. Work will be plentiful and so will the remuneration. The pregnancy horoscope 2017 forecasts birth of a child for the Water Bearers in 2017.

Pisces Horoscope 2017

The birthday horoscope 2017 predicts that the Pisces sun sign people will be able to look at life in a positive and calm manner. This cool demeanor will be the secret to their success in personal and professional life. The career prediction 2017 by date of birth warns you not to let your dreams and illusions stop you from achieving your goals. Fulfill all your projects with utmost sincerity and integrity.

Overall Summary of Astrology 2017 – 2018

Astrology 2017 predicts that the year is starting with the unpredictable revolutionary Uranus stationed at Individualistic Aries, expansive Jupiter in balance-conscious Libra, planet of structures and strictures Saturn in free spirited Sagittarius, transformative Pluto in authoritative Capricorn, and mysterious Neptune in mystic Pisces. Towards the end of 2017, two major planets Jupiter and Saturn make a transition into the next house. Jovial Jupiter enters intense Scorpio in October and stern Saturn enters own house disciplined Capricorn in December. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto remain in their respective stations, their only movement being retrogression and progression (where applicable) within the transiting signs.

As per 2017 predictions, significant planetary aspects influencing events, happenings, occurrences, trends, and movements include Uranus opposition Jupiter (when both of them are in opposite signs from each other or 180 degrees apart or in 1-7 relationship meaning the other planet is in 7th counting from the first planet and vice versa), Jupiter sextile Saturn (when both of them are 60 degrees apart from each or in 3-11 relationship meaning one planet is located in 11th house counting from the first planet and the first planet is located in the 3rd counting from the other), Jupiter square Pluto (when both of them are 90 degrees apart or in 4-10 relationship meaning one planet is located in 10th from the first planet and the first planet is located 4th from the other), Saturn square Neptune (when both of them are 90 degrees apart or in 4-10 relationship meaning one planet is located in 10th from the first planet and the first planet is located 4th from the other), Saturn trine Uranus (when both of them are 120 degrees apart or in 5-9 relationship meaning one planet is located 9th from the first planet and the first planet is located in the 5th from the other), Pluto sextile Neptune (when both of them are 60 degrees apart from each or in 3-11 relationship meaning one planet is located in 11th house counting from the first planet and the first planet is located in the 3rd counting from the other), and Pluto square Uranus (when both of them are 90 degrees apart or in 4-10 relationship meaning one planet is located in 10th from the first planet and the first planet is located 4th from the other).

As per the predictions for 2017, later in the year due to Jupiter’s ingress into Scorpio and Saturn’s entry into Capricorn, aspects alter to include Jupiter sextile Pluto (when both of them are 60 degrees apart from each or in 3-11 relationship meaning one planet is located in 11th house counting from the first planet and the first planet is located in the 3rd counting from the other), Jupiter trine Neptune (when both of them are 120 degrees apart or in 5-9 relationship meaning one planet is located 9th from the first planet and the first planet is located in the 5th from the other), Saturn conjunct Pluto (when both planets are in the same sign or in 1-1 relationship), Saturn sextile Neptune (when both of them are 60 degrees apart from each or in 3-11 relationship meaning one planet is located in 11th house counting from the first planet and the first planet is located in the 3rd counting from the other), and Saturn square Uranus (when both of them are 90 degrees apart or in 4-10 relationship meaning one planet is located in 10th from the first planet and the first planet is located 4th from the other).


Aries Horoscope 2017

The 2017 forecast for Aries shows that self-confidence is your middle name in 2017, although you shouldn’t let all that poise turn into an overarching sense of self. That would be a shame, since Aries star sign are freedom loving, action-oriented folks who achieve a great deal and serve to inspire others in the process. Challenges ahead? The Ram is always ready to rumble!
All in all, the 2017 zodiac predictions for Aries suggest to expect your life to change in major ways this year, good and not so good, but life is all about change, so just try to be prepared, dear Aries. If you don’t break out of your shell and safety net or comfort zone, you may literally explode from within. Blood pressure could go up, accidents can happen, illness can be a way of getting away from the life you dread. An Aries tends to be an adventurer, always looking for new mountains to climb, new excitement, new things to do and experience, so hold on to your hat and enjoy the ride in 2017.
But, remember to make out those lists. Find the time to stay as organized as you possibly can. Making lists helps to keep focused and to stay sane and not so irritable. Oh, yes, expect to continue to be outspoken, because there is no way back to who you used to be. Actually, you will be a much better personality, because you will be yourself and you will sour with the eagles, crying out – FREEDOM.

The Aries love horoscope 2017 shows that you’ll be only too aware of the dynamics between yourself and others from the time the Sun enters your sign on March 20th, 2017. Your birthday season should have you looking at your new awareness of all you need in your intimate relationships and seeing how you can get these needs met. You are bringing a new maturity to the table and this will be reflected in how you communicate with current partners. As a result you may bring about a new phase of openness and willingness to achieve joint goals and also accommodate each other’s desires than you’ve previously enjoyed. Use the to work through togetherness concerns successfully.
Just take care that you don’t cause hurt feelings instead – even if this is not your intention. Loving someone gives you the power to hurt them – and them to hurt you. Successful relationships in 2017 depend on whether or not you use this power, Aries.
The Aries love horoscope also shows that the biggest transit of the year however will be Jupiter’s transit into your house of partnerships and long term love. Jupiter will remain in here for 9 months and during this time you will have many opportunities to explore all kinds of partnerships. With your 10th house lit up this year, if you are seeking a business partner it is highly likely Jupiter will deliver someone who fits the bill. For most of us however, the term ‘partner’ conjures up an image of a significant other and we can say that for a great many Rams, this is the area they will be most focussed on.
If you are single and seeking, the 2017 love horoscope for Aries predicts that this is your best opportunity for 12 years to find that special someone. Just remember that Jupiter is not some kind of Santa Claus who delivers what we desire without us making any kind of effort on our own behalf. He promises that things will be easier in a certain area than at any other time but we do still have to do whatever is in our power to bring about what it is we want. So, if you want long term love it is no good staying at home and waiting for someone to know on the door. Take the initiative to find them.
Arians already in a relationship may now be thinking of taking it to the next level with a bigger and permanent commitment. Others could find a new level of togetherness by coming up with a joint goal or dream to work towards together. Of course, as with any transit, Jupiter cannot guarantee everything will go smoothly and if things have gone badly awry with your relationship, you cannot expect Jupiter to fix them.
However, if you realise that you have sadly reached the end of the road with someone, Jupiter can certainly make breaking up go more smoothly in many cases. However, as he does rule freedom, just ensure that you are leaving the relationship for the right reasons as there is no point in throwing the baby out with the proverbial bathwater. Aries, if you are feeling stifled or restricted in your relationship, don’t be afraid of discussing this through with a partner before taking a drastic step. Sometimes the planets like to sit back and have a good laugh at our expense – usually when they give us what we’ve asked for and then we discover we don’t want it after all. Sometimes we think we want more freedom only to discover it’s not what we thought it would be.
Usually however, Jupiter in your 7th brings you good luck in matter of the heart and also the opportunity to explore all kinds of ways to be ‘partnered’ up via close friendships, activity partners and collaborators. Your understanding of partnerships and being in one will expand in 2017, Aries – as will your desire to compromise and work with your partner. You begin to see that if you do, it is not about ‘giving in’ to one person but giving to the relationship. At this point something magical happens as it means we value the connection more than our egos!
Your relationship with yourself will also improve in 2017, because after all, it’s the one partnership we are all in from cradle to grave! Benefits may also come your way via partners and romance can be re-kindled. It often does take two in all kinds of ways. So double up for double benefits in areas that may surprise you in 2017, Aries!

Aries 2017 finance forecasts warn you to keep close reins on your money and investments. People may try to take advantage of you by convincing you to do business with them and it may turn out to be a disaster. Checkout everyone’s credentials very carefully.
Aries, be very cautious when it comes to financial expenditures and investments – 2017 is not a good year to expand, rather stay focused and diligent. Do whatever you have to do in order to stay solvent for these next few years and don’t lose sight of your financial goals.
If you got a raise, inheritance or more money in a retirement package or financial deal than you anticipated or more in dividends from insurance or investments, be happy and stick it in the bank for a rainy day or any future financial crises that could arise.
You may apply for a large size loan or line of credit to get your finances organized or under control. No need to worry, Aries, you will get it and more.

Aries, in the past few years you have been motivated to have a better life and to reach your goals. If you have been working on a new career or profession, the Aries horoscope 2017 for career predits that this year you may begin to see positive results. It may be a slow steady climb, but if you have been laying a solid foundation with a lot of hard work up the mountain of success, then you are likely to reach the success you desire, especially with transiting Saturn in the sign of Sagittarius.
Aries, if you have become stagnant in your career/profession and have done nothing to improve your situation, like going back to school or being willing to learn a new trade, etc., then in 2017 you could be very disappointed when your company closes down or you get laid off or there is no longer any work for you in this business or company. The writing was on the wall years back for you to open your eyes and to find a new career (hopefully you did).
Transiting Pluto will continue to be in your solar 10th house of career and profession and, with this heavy transit, it is best to rise to the top of success carefully. Be careful who you step on as you rise to the top. Don’t let power and over confidence be your downfall. Remember, that Pluto says you have to think of the whole and not just yourself. Paying your success forward in some humanitarian effort will help you keep your own profit.
The 2017 zodiac for Aries also indicates that Saturn, the Planet of Responsibility, is into your travel sector in 2017, so it is advised to make sure that you plan your travels well in advance. If an adventure trip is your bag, better start planning now before Saturn shakes a stern finger of discouragement and caution. December 2017 is a good time planning and preparing ready for an adventure. Make sure to straighten out every detail and step of your next far-off escapade or you might regret it later.
Transiting Saturn has been in your solar 9th house since 2015 and will be there till mid-December, 2017. So, the 2017 Aries horoscope predictions indicates a heavy focus on school, your schooling or your children’s, earning a degree, learning deeper philosophies, exploring your own personal and foreign religions and cultures as well as law or you could go back to school. Whatever you are learning, you are in serious thought about it and taking it quite seriously. And you may be giving serious thought to moving or repairing a home or dwelling. You might be involved with installing a pool, a well, a garden with a pond, repairing some old plumbing, toilet or putting in a new bathroom, kitchen or kitchen sick, etc. Should go well. Aries, if you are looking to relocate to a new town home, condo, nursing home, or retirement home, you will find what you are looking for, but it won’t be elaborate, rather you will find exactly what you can afford so that you can stay within your means financially.
During 2017 you are rounding a corner or reaching a life peak when all your ambitions and hard work should bear their greatest rewards. As long as you have put in all the necessary groundwork, everything should work out as you hoped.
Strange as it may seem, you may find yourself investigating or drawn to higher levels of consciousness, such as religion, law, ethics, metaphysics or philosophies. In 2017, something is drawing you to better understand the world and why things are the way they are, Aries. You want to know the laws of the church and people’s religions. You will not be told what to believe. The 2017 horoscope suggest that you want to find your own belief system and the religion that is right for you, Aries. Just don’t become narrow minded or a religious snob. Explore the history of many religions to help you stay open minded.
If you have been dreaming of taking a cruise, or boat excursion or a vacation around a lot of water like Florida , Bahamas , Hawaii or Venice etc., then it should manifest into reality for you during this year. But for those Arians who haven’t saved their money and haven’t been striving for this a long time, such a cruise or vacation may be put back on hold.

The 2017 Aries horoscope for health warn you to be careful with your health. In 2017, there may be some hidden maladies that are brewing in your system that go undetected, but some of the major cause could be from lack of sleep, not sleeping sound or getting awakened by noises. Not getting enough sleep can break down the immune system and can create a lot of physical problems, so try to remedy the problem in what every way you can. But do get more sleep; it is necessary to stay healthy in 2017, Aries.
Since you are dreaming so much, try to remember your dreams, Aries. They will help show you what you are working on in your life and they can teach you. Ask for answers to your questions and the reasons for your problems in your dreams. Don’t be afraid of your dreams, Aries. Dreams are the royal road to the subconscious, said Freud. Your sleepless nights might be from fear of your dreams. Go to bed at night and put white light around you in your eye’s mind and ask for your Guardian Angels to protect you while you sleep and maybe you won’t wake up as often.
Aries, your spiritual life has also had a lot of growth. In 2017, your Faith is being tested and is growing more than you could have ever imagined.

Aries, the 2017 Aries zodiac shows that this is a big year for fashion. What you wear to work and around town lets the world know who you are. Whether you like it or not, you may be like a book being judged by its cover.
With Uranus, the Planet of Rebellion, in your own sign, be ready to keep your head up high when you cause a few shocked people to stare at you from head to toe. Your radical new appearance may launch a trend, although some people might find your style to be too outrageous and too far out there. It is a new year, though, so one never knows what trends will emerge. You just might be setting them. If you’re an Aries born in April, you may push it too far, so be sure not to be offensive.

Aries January 2017: The more social you are, the happier you will be. Take a trip and see friends you haven’t seen in awhile. This is a good time to purchase a new or used vehicle. The right form of transportation is important for you now. The more comfortable you are in your vehicle, the further you will be able to travel. Start planning a relaxing retreat with someone special. You will both feel good about spending some quality time together.
Aries February 2017: People in authority positions are watching you and they are very proud of what you do. You can get ahead this month and possible even receive a promotion. If you are not totally happy with your current career, now is the time to apply with a company you can feel more satisfied with, but if you love your current position this month can bring you the appreciation, prosperity and recognition that you deserve. Just know that you are doing your best…that’s all it takes.
Aries March 2017: This is a time of great personal change. Give yourself the chance to begin ‘being all that you can BE!’ You may discover a whole new meaning to your life if you open your heart and realize just how important that you are and start giving yourself the credit that you deserve. You truly have to satisfy your own needs before you can truly reach out and satisfy anyone else. It’s OK to be a little selfish right now. Learn all you can about what really makes you tick!
Aries April 2017: Pay extra attention to your spending habits this month. Take care of the bills that are most important to your way of living. You want to make sure that you are safe and secure. All of the little extra’s can wait for a little while. You will feel so much better when you spend your money wisely and you have some extra cash in the bank to fall back on. No special item or trip can make you feel more relaxed than having that extra cash just in case an important bill needs to be paid. This month is full of new beginnings for you. Enjoy the simple things!
Aries May 2017: Be Charming! Allow your inner positive self to shine through. People will become much more cooperating and trusting towards you when you smile. Don’t allow negative thoughts to hole you back any longer. It’s time to be comfortably successful!
Aries June 2017: Special family events and gatherings are highlighted for you all throughout the month of June. The more you participate, the happier you will be. Every family party needs a person to plan the games, create the fun, and get everyone motivated to play along. This special person is you! Appreciation and love surround you all month long. Have fun!
Aries July 2017: Look around you and what do you see? Reasons to be “grateful?” Or are you saying, “Poor pity me!” You are doing better than you realize! Focus on what is going ‘right’ in your life. Consider the little problems as challenges that you can easily overcome.
Aries August 2017: Talk is cheap, but the more time you spend indulging in conversation the more you are likely to learn this month. Being well informed will be half the battle when it comes to reaching your goals and following your dreams. Spend time on the information highway and research the topics that interest you. The more you know…the further you will go! Educate then anticipate and advancement in your career!
Aries September 2017: You have a special ability right now to be able to understand your partner’s needs. You just instinctively “know” what your partner desires most and you will be able to fulfill those needs and desires. Your mate will be pleasantly surprised at how “tuned-in” you are and will be very grateful for all you do. Your positive psychic ability is shining through!
Aries October 2017: You can find many ways to make improvements in your life. You are creative and will have flashes of genius from time to time. Write down your ideas, you can make some extra money by turning your inventive ideas into new consumer products. Keep a dream journal because many of your creative ideas may come through your dreams. Listen to your intuition, be creative, and then take action.
Aries November 2017: It’s a serious decision month for you. It’s time to stop procrastinating and do what you know you have to do. You are determined, courageous and full of enthusiasm!
Aries December 2017: Surprises come in packages big and small, even if you didn’t ask for anything special at all. The gratitude you have for the special people in your life is shown clearly through your actions. Your helpful spirit towards those less fortunate is deeply appreciated. You may not personally know the people you are helping, but their spirits are grateful for you.

Sun Sign Aries is for people born between March 21st to April 20th.

The whole of 2017, Aries sunsign borns will experience the presence of unpredictable planet Uranus, that is perennially infused with a revolutionary zeal and spirit. According to the horoscope of 2017 for Arians, the fiery and individualistic tone of Aries will be heightened by the rebellious and reformist colour of Uranus, that is already present and by the entry of Mars in the early part of the year. The fact that Jupiter, planet of expansion, stationed in Libra, sign of balance and fairness, in exact opposition will create strong internal conflicts that is likely to spill over in interpersonal and social relationships. This stress and strain will minimise considerably once Venus enters Aries in early February. In the last quarter, when Venus and Mars transit Libra, after Jupiter’s entry in Scorpio, Aries borns will find fresh opportunities and new avenues for relationship and bond formation. Pluto, planet of transformation and secrecy, posited in 10th house Capricorn gives powerful and strong changes in professional sphere and also in social status. It also indicates latent potential of Aries borns vis-a-vis their profession. This will be discovered and activated once Mercury becomes direct in January, and along with Sun and Pluto, Mercury will gather the momentum for professional transformation and enhancement of Aries. Lord of 10th house Saturn trine 11th lord Uranus enables proper direction and channelisation of career ambition, choices and decisions, and the achievements that follow. As per your prediction 2017, Saturn, placed in 9th Sagittarius, is in a sextile with the sign lord Jupiter indicating systematic utilization of one’s personal resources to tide over any crisis that the Aries native is likely to experience in 2017. If their energy is not scattered, Aries borns will maintain excellent health. Financially speaking, inflow and outflow will be proportional to each other. In the first half of the 2017, Aries borns will need to be more careful with their communications styles, as retrograde Mercury is either influencing their career house or self development house. Miscommunication and misunderstanding of communication will flare up the already volatile situation created by Uranus placement in Aries.

Click here to read your predictions in detail: Aries Horoscope 2017

Taurus Horoscope 2017


Taurus, in 2017 you could become involved in some new venture that will or may give you more independence, but in the mean time you may want to keep these things under wraps. Whatever is going on in private, you will want to keep private.
The 2017 yearly predictions for Taurus warn to be careful not to waste any opportunities by sitting around and doing nothing. If you don’t know what you want to do, do something, anything constructive. Take a class, join an educational or social club. You are slow to get started on a realistic path, but once headed in the right direction, you can go far.
Steady as a rock … or a Bull. As a Taurus zodiac sign, you’re grounded, and you’ve got a good head on your shoulders. Speaking of grounded, it’s next to impossible to get you to budge once you’ve made your decision or set your goal. Stubborn and tenacious, as a Taurus star sign you approach life with steadiness and stability. Taurus, you are a patient soul, you’re capable of tremendous devotion and dedication. You’re not all work and no play since you’re quite the sensualist who appreciates and indulges in the finer things in life like art, fine foods or opera. Sometimes, though, your appreciation turns from self-indulgence to over-indulgence as you enjoy the fruits of your labor. Just be sure to share some of those fruits and not keep them all to yourself.
Those Taurus born around the beginning of May should be enjoying enhanced intuition and a desire to explore spirituality and the occult thanks to your Sun making a wonderful angle to Neptune. This is a wonderful transit under which to join a psychic group, learn or even explore your creativity. This transit is also best experienced as part of a group or class as you will find you get far more from it if you participate with like-minded others.

Taurus love horoscope for 2017 shows that Neptune shows up in your sector of friendship, which could spell confusion within your friendships. When things seem to get tangled, you’ll have to hold your ground, while simultaneously being diplomatic and smooth. The best time for friends is mid-February through mid-March, and then again in December, when friends bring laughter and good times to you.

Thanks to Neptune’s illusory glow, chums will surprise you with some off-the-wall revelations. Face it, your friends will be making some radical – and often imprudent – changes over the course of the year. Will you be the voice of reason?

You have to learn how to be tolerant the things other people think is important. With transiting Saturn in your 8th house, your mate, spouse or significant other may not be feeling very sexual now or because of how you have treated him/her or because of certain events or circumstances that have come into the marriage. Thus getting sex may not be as easily available as in the past. Some wells dry up which to some extent you may have made happen, either intentionally or unintentionally. Let’s hope it is only a temporary thing.

The Taurus love horoscope also shows that with Uranus in 12th house some Taurus people could be having an affair, which they do not want anyone to know about. This affair could be very unusual in some way.


2017 Taurus horoscope for money indicates that Saturn continues to wield his influence in your shared resources and salary sector and could also stir up any insecurities around money. 2017 is a year for serious, long term financial planning, to set goals and also to repay debts if you have any.

Taurus, in 2017, you will have the confidence and determination to face and sort through any financial obstacles. You’ll be only too aware now of where the money goes and as a result, be less likely to spend it on frivolous things. Saving for the long term will become a priority. You’re setting limits on your spending – and sticking to it.

With Saturn in your 8th house you can become a tough negotiator and sticking out for that it is you want. You won’t be railroaded. A business like attitude when dealing with financial institutions and re-negotiating loans could see you in a much better position than you’ve been for some time.

What are you earning about the power that money gives you? Remember – money is the symbol for energy nothing more. Time to ditch those negative connotations be there ‘Money is the root of all evil’ – or worse, determine your value based on how much money you have or earn. If you have plenty of money do you think you would be less of a person if you lost it all? Conversely, do you think you or what you do doesn’t matter much because you don’t earn as much as a CEO? Saturn in here will continue to have you looking at themes around money and what you believe it buys you as he continues to work his way through this house in your chart.

With transiting Saturn in your solar 8th house, you will be dealing with even more Plutonian energy. Your mate, partner or significant other may be financially strained at this time. Their salary or means of making money may have taken a hit and you may have had to be the sole provider for a while. Because of this you may have had to adjust your attitude about who earns what and who carries the heavier load of financial responsibility. It’s okay if you have had to carry your partner for a while through some financial slim times. He/she would do the same for you or perhaps already has or is doing so presently. So all is fair in the long run.

The 2017 forecast for Taurus also points out that you need to learn how to come to terms with other people’s values or what is important to them. Just because you don’t think something is important doesn’t mean it isn’t important to the other person.


The Taurus star sign predictions for career foretell that your work and your wellbeing are now about to receive their biggest boost in 12 years as Jupiter is into your 6th house and unpacks for a 9 month stay.

Jupiter in your 6th sector should boost your confidence levels at work and this in turn should result in increased money coming your way. Jupiter in your 6th promises you’ll enjoy the work you’re doing but once again, he doesn’t let you off doing the work. The thing about most successful people is that they almost always worked hard before that ‘lucky’ break came along. The hard work meant they were ready to take opportunity of it when it happened. Jupiter in your 6th doesn’t let you cut corners, but he does remind you work can and is, supposed to be fun!

The Taurus 2017 horoscope predictions also indicates that travel for work is highlighted in 2017 as is the opportunity to attend a course or seminar to upskill yourself. Your work should expand and the kind of work you do will take a change for the better with you living to work – and enjoying what you do. If you have felt you are stuck in a wage-slave rut or just on a path that’s going nowhere, Jupiter can open up the avenues to something bigger and better.

Of course, I always have to remind you that Jupiter is not your fairy godmother in drag and that to tap into his ‘lucky’ vibe you do actually have to show up and do some work. In the case of Jupiter in your work sector this means updating that CV and actually applying for that better job or ensuring that your present boss knows you are ambitious and ready for that promotion.

One thing about Jupiter in your 6th house is that he takes a more logical approach to goals as opposed to just flying by the seat of his pants. So, chances are you will put a strategy in place before embarking on your next step up the ladder.


The astrology for 2017 shows that the presence of powerful Pluto in your travel sector this year indicates that whatever traveling you do in 2017 may well change your life. With that in mind, plan any travel carefully.
The horoscope also shows that with transiting Pluto continuing to transit your solar 9th house of higher education, any type of schooling should work out well and help your financial future. You may be considering going back to finish up where you left off. Education will spell success if you keep your mind focused and stay the course.

Taurus, you may experience a major transformation of some sort with religion or you could change your religion or church. If it isn’t religion, then perhaps it could involve higher education.

Some Taurus could become judges, paralegals or lawyers in 2017.

Taurus, this year don’t argue politics or religion with anyone. Respect other people’s opinions and be careful of those who would harm you or lie about you or talk about you behind your back. Don’t break the law and you won’t have to show up in court. Arguing with the judge will only make your case worse. Sometimes even when we know we are right and we know that those with the power are wrong, we need to know when to concede or give up or toss in towel, otherwise we do ourselves more harm than good.

In 2017, you may seek government aid to help with schooling expenses and it may bring a lot of frustration, but stick with it. Don’t give up.

The Taurus horoscope also shows that in 2017 you could have business or legal business with the Supreme courts or high courts. Learn how to navigate through legal waters. Learn the jargon and the laws, so a lot of research

Going to court won’t be fun this year, make sure you have a good lawyer.

Taurus, keep your eye on the prize. 2017 is a time in your life to strive for a secure future and education will the the ticket to get there.


The yearly health horoscope for Taurus shows that the year 2017 starts out with Jupiter, the Planet of Philosophy, in your sector of health and fitness, till octobre 2017. In the first 9 months, your energy level will keep you going and will give you an extra push. With Jupiter into your sector of health and you’ll feel fully satisfied with your workouts.

If you have taken your health for granted, been burning the candle at both ends, taken on too much or just neglected your diet or body, in 2017 Jupiter allows you the opportunity to make up for this. Jupiter in here especially favours any kind of exercise that can be done outdoors so think walking, hiking, jogging, climbing, archery, horse riding.

Jupiter in here could also see many of you getting a pet and again, this could also lead you towards a healthier lifestyle if you have to walk the dog! But begin with the basics – fat, thin, old, young – worship that body because it’s the only one you have and unless you take care of it you cannot experience all the other good things in life!

Taurus, you are feeling energetic and positive, but take care not to overdo it. Doing something in excess will eventually catch up with you. The only downside to Jupiter in your 6th is he is the planet who just doesn’t know how to say ‘No’. This can present a problem if as part of your wellbeing goals, weight loss forms part of your vision as Jupiter expands – and that includes your waistline. You may end up telling yourself that it won’t hurt to come off your diet for just one day and you’ll go back right on it tomorrow and hit the gym. Expect tomorrow never comes or you climb back onto the wagon for a couple of days only to fall back off it again. If you are serious about sticking to your wellbeing goals signing up with a personal trainer or having an activity partner to keep you on your program may help.

Taurus, the rest of the year 2017 may not be as intense, but stick with your health and fitness schedule – you know it is something that will always make you feel good.


Taurus January 2017: Your personal career begins to pick up steam. Those of you in sales can earn some big commissions now. Contacts are positive and may come from unusual sources. Doing your best now, can lead to big profits in the near future. Don’t forget the romantic side of your life. You may be quite busy, but you can always make time for romance.

Taurus February 2017: Financial pressures begin to lift and all kinds of positive opportunities will come your way, so that you can positively supplement your income. If you feel good about certain investments, put more time, money, and energy into them. If you choose to take on a new career, or a second job, go for it! When you see your bank balance begin to grow, you will feel so much better. Your financial security is very important to you.

Taurus March 2017: Insincere gestures of friendliness are likely to occur if you allow others to find out about your private life. Be careful whom you tell your private matters too. Maybe it would be much better to keep your situations to yourself for the time being. Someone may tell a private secret about you without meaning to hurt you and it could all end up in a terrible disagreement. Don’t get involved in a love triangle. Keep your reputation spotless.

Taurus April 2017: You have learned quite a bit from your life experiences. Now is the time to reach out and help other people understand what you know. Teaching, counseling, or just helping out a friend will help you understand your own life so much better. You have some special talents that are just waiting to come out of hiding. Do something different this month and try something new. Let your dreams lead you to where you want to be.

Taurus May 2017: The more you trust others; the more they will show you how trustworthy they can be. It’s OK to release your control and strictness over situations. You are more uncomfortable with your life when you feel you must have constant control. Let go!

Taurus June 2017: Your energy is high and lady luck is with you during the first half of June. After the 15th, you will have to work hard to prove yourself. Authority figures will be expecting more out of you than you may be able to produce. Your great ideas and extra efforts will pay off if you stay devoted and don’t let the pressure get to you. Think of the pressure as a challenge that you can easily conquer.

Taurus July 2017: Your energy is attractive and beautiful. You can draw to yourself exactly what you desire! This is a great month to enhance the areas of your life where you want to make some positive changes. The sky is the limit! It’s all up to you!

Taurus August 2017: You will get some creative ideas if you communicate with people that you don’t get to talk to often. The news you hear will be interesting and important with regards to a decision you must make about your future direction. Listen with both ears open, fight the urge to be stubborn and do things your own way, and take the advice of the people who want to help you succeed.

Taurus September 2017: You have a fantastic way of turning work into play. Those you associate with will want to know how you do it! Your health improves as your more positive attitude shines through. You can easily get a lot accomplished this month. Take some of your extra money and spend it on some toys that you have been wanting. Those special toys will fulfill your personal need to have some fun too.

Taurus Octomber 2017: The first part of this month is about getting your work finished properly. Around the 10th it’s time to start focusing more positively on your personal relationships. Delegate some work to others if possible and take some time off to spend with the one you love. Single Taurians should have no problem meeting someone new…romance is in the air and is highlighted as extra-special for you.

Taurus November 2017: Put your nose in a good book and study the topics you enjoy! Take it easy. Take care of your health problems as soon as they begin bothering you. You are changing for the better this month.

Taurus December 2017: This can be quite a romantic month for you…filled with love and joy. Take advantage of this wonderful time to bond more closely to the ones you love. Gifts need not be expensive, but come from your heart. Even handmade items are a good place to start. A piece of yourself given to someone fine, something to keep that will be remembered for all time. Love is truly the key to a Happy Holiday Season for you!





Sun Sign Taurus is for people born between April 21st to May 21st.

Taurus borns will have Jupiter in 6th Libra, 9th lord Saturn in 8th Sagittarius, 7th lord Pluto in 9th Capricorn, 11th lord Neptune in 11th Pisces, and 10th lord Uranus in 12th Aries for most part of 2017. Jupiter will shift the focus on matters of health and service, meaning that the expansive energies of Jupiter are flowing into the difficult 6th house. As per the 2017 horoscope for Taureans, this transit can be creatively used to transform the attitude, approach, perspective and beliefs related to work and their personal health issues. Saturn, placed in the unpredictable and mysterious 8th house, will highlight the struggles in areas of faith, social standing and also the ways and means of overcoming these limiting factors through the traditional Saturnine as well as Jupiterian unorthodox method of utilization of internal and external resources. The sextile Jupiter-Saturn pattern is most beneficial in balancing the 6th and 8th house challenges posed by year’s transits. Pluto’s strong placement in the 9th Capricorn and Neptune’s own house comfortable placement in the 11th Pisces will act palliatively to transform faith into a powerful force. Pluto and Neptune are involved in the beneficial sextile aspect besides sharing their auspicious trine connection via their signs. This mutually beneficial relationship will set the tone for new bonds and partnerships especially concerning business, and also help in consolidation of existing social and personal contacts. For most Taureans, the second half of the year will be good as they come to grips with the situation and are able deal with them in a positive manner, mostly due to auspicious transits of Venus and Mercury. Financially speaking, Taureans will find their savings grow by leaps and bounds, and may also be recipient of unexpected gain. Taureans will also, in the latter part of the year, find adequate avenues to fulfill their career aspirations, even though the 10th lord Uranus is in 12th Aries. As per your predictions 2017, they may form overseas connections, and the Jupiter ingress into Scorpio later in the year resulting in Jupiter sextile Pluto and Jupiter trine Neptune, will encourage unexpected but beneficial bonds and bondings. Taureans can hope to end the year 2017 on a grand note, new promises and new hopes, with their 9th lord Saturn’s ingress into home ground Capricorn conjunct 7th lord Pluto.

Click here to read your predictions in detail: Taurus Horoscope 2017

Gemini Horoscope 2017

The Gemini horoscope shows that versatility is your middle name – you always seem to have many things going on. A social butterfly, you’re always circling around different groups of friends and jetting off to some activity or event. Your social scene is very important to you, but you may be a little fickle and well, flighty. With a social calendar and capacity for chatter like yours, who could blame you?
As an Air sign, you like to make intellectual connections with others. While you have, at times, been accused of being two different people, it’s just because you have so many different interests and projects to work on. And you know what that means? Simply that you take full advantage of the bounty that life has to offer.
The 2017 forecast for Gemini shows that the Gemini New Moon appears on the 25th May, 2017 and no matter when your birthday falls this really does mark the start of your new cycle for you. Time plans such a sending out manuscripts or projects, applying for that new job or launching that idea to coincide with this as this year you have a green light to go for it as ruler Mercury is direct and will arrive in your sign on June 7th.

Can there really be too many roses and love notes at your feet? You’ll find out at the start of the year when you’re surrounded by love and romance. The Gemini Love horoscope for 2017 shows that the planets during the first 9 months of the year offer you a star-studded, romantic lineup. Jupiter, the Planet of Good Luck and Fortune, is in your sector of romance. Jupiter remains in your 5th house until October 2017, so enjoy all the loving bliss that comes your way. Have a bucket of water or a fire extinguisher handy because sexual attractions may be ignited at the most surprising times.
You’re a big picture thinker, Gemini and usually brimming with ideas. You know that a mental turn-on in addition to physical attraction is essential for you if love is to last – or even make it out of the starting gate! Get ready to shine bright like a diamond as January sees Jupiter into your romance, attraction and pleasure zone. If you are single, this is going to bring in one of the best cycles for attracting love in 12 years! Think back to what happened 12 years ago and you may get an inkling about what may come up this time. You should see at least one potential suitor appear during the 9 months Jupiter will spend in here.
Also, the 2017 Gemini astrology predictions suggest to think back to what opportunities presented themselves back then as well as this house rules being in the spotlight and also lucky breaks. What opportunities did you take advantage of and which ones did you fail to grasp but now wish you had?
If there are any lingering regrets about something (or someone for that matter!) that you allowed to slip through your fingers – perhaps simply because you lacked the courage or the confidence to grasp it back then, then vow not to make the same error this time. The great thing about astrology is that the planets are always moving and so always presenting us with another chance. Nothing is fixed no matter what is in our birthcharts as it is our transits that allow us to grow. Every transit therefore represents a new beginning if we look at it that way.
As this is your 5th house, you should also be offered opportunities to attend some wonderful events – concerts, parties and even events where you rub shoulders with famous people or ‘A’ list types. There’s a touch of glamour about you now so please work this to your advantage and pay attention to your appearance more than you usually do. Your image is going to be really really important and the impression you make does matter – whether you’re set to impress someone for personal or professional reasons. Don’t be afraid to cull that wardrobe or invest in a new look that just oozes star quality as you will find it pays off now.
Just bear in mind that while Jupiter is the ruler of luck and in the house of luck, this does not mean you can treat life like you are holding a winning lottery ticket and don’t have to make any effort. The fact is the more effort you make – the ‘luckier’ you become – at least that it what it may seem like to others. Put yourself – the best version of you that you can create, and your talents, skills and creations out there and ensure you are seen. The luck then follows.
As this is also the house of children in your chart, the 2017 Gemini star sign predictions foretell that the children could be a big part of Jupiter in here with some of you becoming parents for the first time or deciding to add to your family. You could be sharing wonderful times with your children, if you already have them and could enjoy seeing your child succeeding at school or in some other area.
But the 2017 yearly predictions for the Twins warn that transiting Saturn is in your solar 7th house of marriage, the pubic and significant other and it opposes your sun sign Gemini. It will be here until mid-December. Oppositions have to do with others, therefore me VS you, kind of circumstances will be in high focus during this transit of Saturn.
This indicates possible problems in the marriage or in some other very important relationship. You will have to work very hard to keep the peace in an important relationship such as marriage or business. You may feel very burdened with having to do things, like compromise, negotiate, be patient, etc, in order to keep the relationship going. If you are married you could either divorce or work hard to make the marriage stronger by working to resolve any long standing problems between you and your spouse or significant other. This will take time.
A marriage or significant relationship that hasn’t been working harmoniously for a long time could end. And while this relationship is coming apart, you may feel that the other party is being mean and/or cruel or has all the power and you have very little – except for the power of your stubbornness and tenacity to hang on and survive the storm.
The 2017 astrology also shows that your spouse, partner or significant other is likely to be under a lot of pressure or stress. You may need to be more understanding of their sober or somber moods. They may be experiencing some periodic states of depression, repression, restrictions or limitations, thus they may not be very giving, loving, thoughtful or emotionally responsible to your needs during this cycle. More attention, focus and work on the relationship may be needed to get the two of you through this transit.
Gemini, there are bound to be losses or separations from some family members, friends or significant others at this time, but these events or happenings are about change. There is always change in our lives. Very often that which would hold us back is taken out of our lives, whether we like it or not. So accept it as progress or a blessing in disguise and not as a loss. You could be separated from your spouse, mate, family, mother, family member or significant other. It may only be a temporary thing.
December sees the Sun in your opposite sign and your 7th house throwing the light onto partnership matters. As Saturn remains in here until December 20, 2017, this may be a time when singles make a big commitment for the future as things get serious and looked down. The full Super Moon in your 1st on December 3, 2017 has you needing that recognition from a partner or else now you need a serious indication of where you are headed. If you are still single at this time, please do not despair.
With transiting Pluto in your solar 8th house of sex and sexual matters, the 2017 horoscope for Gemini warns to not allow pornography of any kind ruin a good relationship. Say no to porno, yours or significant other’s. If you have sexual frustrations or problems with significant other in your life, try working it out first through compromise and talk and possibly counseling, before calling it quits.
2017 is an interesting year for relationships with friends. Uranus, the Planet of Surprise, is in your friend sector. Uranus’s influence in the sphere of friendships is likely to shake up your interactions with pals all year long. Brace yourself as friends will be making unexpected announcements; you may even forge a friendship with the one you’d least expect. You may be shocked to learn something about a friend or a group of friends. Because you’re generally easygoing and liberal, your friends may look to you for understanding and comfort.
In 2017, friends from the past may come into your life, but they may be very upsetting because they are so wild or different. Don’t allow them to cost you money or time or respect. It is okay to join in with the wild or good times with friends, just don’t allow it to cost you money or reputation. The Gemini horoscope also predicts that a new person you believe to be an instant friend could come into your life to mesmerize you and you fail to see their darker side or real side. If you don’t want to be disappointed then let time take place in the relationship before you decide you can trust them or not. You may find some unusual experiences when joining groups, clubs or social outlets. Gemini, be careful in this area in 2017.

The 2017 Gemini astrology for money shows that you can’t really rely on partner’s money or financial help. This is also true for any joint finances you have with another. 2017 is not a good year to take out a loan, but you probably will and wish you hadn’t later.
You may feel like a fish out of water in 2017 because you are feeling you are working under a handicap of some sort, having to put up with some sort of restraints or restrictions. Well it just may be time for this butterfly to settle on a branch and stay put for a while. Besides you may encounter a lot of transportation problems, like no car, no bus, no transportation, etc.
Gemini, in 2017 you are about to change in some very serious ways. This is a year in which to pay off your debt, become more responsible with money, spending and earning a salary. You could be setting up some type of financial plan for your old age or retirement years and this can be a good thing if you start young. You may need to work matters out with the government or social security.
The Gemini horoscope warn to keep your taxes up to date because you could be audited. Gambling of any kind is a no-no. Do not gamble during this year. It will only get you deeper in debt and call down the IRS on you.
Gemini, you are about to change your long term plans for the future during this year, just make sure you have all the details and know exactly what the outcome of your decisions will be.
If you are a senior then make sure your wills are updated properly. This is only a precautionary measure and make sure you know where your final resting place will be. It may be a good time to get those cemetery plots bought and paid for ahead of the time because you may need them in the future.
Gemini, in 2017 you my not have the money or financial security you usually have or like to have and this could be making your feel uncomfortable. When money was more plentiful, did you learn how to save for this type of rainy day? If you weren’t able to curb your spending or learn better saving habits, then you may be feeling vulnerable and insecure with less money in your pocket during these poor economic times.

The 2017 Gemini horoscope for career shows that you have transiting Neptune in your solar 10th house, so the profession and career can begin to seem very dreamy, unreal, or unusual in some way. But, there are opportunities involved in your line of work. Unbelievable offers come to you in 2017. Just make sure that what is being offered is real and not some “pie in the sky” offer. Make sure everything is legitimate and grounded in reality.
Strange circumstances may be weaving its web in your career or vocation or business firm or company that confuse you or are setting you up for disappointment because you aren’t able to see clearly with those “rose-colored” glasses you have on. Perhaps have put them on your self, because you may not want to deal with reality or someone has used their cunning ways to dupe you or keep you from seeing the truth. It may be intentional and it may not be intentional. You may need to clear things up.
Gemini, make sure you have the right information and not rely on others for exact information. On the other hand, if you are asking for spiritual help or praying hard on some matter this may help you to see more clearly than ever before regarding your superiors, bosses, career, vocation or firm or company you work for.
Any work or dealings with the public, lawyers, police or government authorities will involve business or at least be serious in nature, but you are up to the challenge, so don’t sweat it.

When transiting Jupiter enters your solar sixth house, on October 10th, 2017, it is time to take your health and physical fitness much more seriously. Stop the sweets, the over indulgence in alcohol or rich foods and get into a physical fitness program if you can. Just learn to say “no” to anything and everything that can do your body harm.
The 2017 astrology forecasts for Gemini health shows that you may seek and find a great new doctor, specialist of some sort, a repair person or handyman, all of which could turn out to be gold. Could even become a new pet owner or have to care for someone’s pet while they are sick or away.
Transiting Saturn opposing your natal Sun will put stress on your physical body and vitality, so be sure to not overtax yourself physically during this transit. Don’t think because you have an ache or pain that you have to work it harder to get rid of it. Pain is telling you that this is a place or a limb that needs to be rested, so pay attention.

Gemini January 2017: Legal contracts, such as applying for loans, or any issues regarding the law in any manner will work out in your favor. Your strong and positive ability to debate on important issues comes across loud and clear. Those of you who work in law related fields should have a very busy and productive month. You have a lot to say and a lot that you can teach others. Be straight forward, and say what is on your mind. Moral issues are very important now too. Teenagers need your discipline and guidance.
Gemini February 2017: The changes you have been through are very important to your spiritual growth. Instead of thinking, “why me?” you will begin to start learning from what you’ve been through. Everything happens for a reason and when you understand that reason, you will not have to repeat the lesson again. This month you can move forward quite quickly and feel very good each step of the way. New opportunities are waiting for you.
Gemini March 2017: You can make some wonderful career decisions now that will definitely work out in your favor. You can also benefit from doing something worthwhile that you believe in. This is a great time to strive for recognition. Use your imagination and you will discover that you have some very unique contributions to make that can benefit everyone that you are involved with.
Gemini April 2017: Add a splash of color to your life. Dull and dreary you certainly are not and you will want to feel spring as well as enjoy it. This is a good month for losing a couple of extra pounds or working out on a special exercise program to firm you up. Buy something nice for yourself, get a new haircut, or go for a total makeover. You do deserve to look and feel at your best and this is the month to do it!
Gemini May 2017: The care and responsibility of children are your top priorities right now. Learn to listen to your own “inner-child” and protect and serve its needs. You may think you are an adult, but at one time you were a child too and that “inner-child” still needs your attention. Take time to play and just have some fun! Forget that diet for now and go and get some ice cream, then you can take a walk and burn off the calories. Gather together your favorite playmates and plan something extra special for this month.
Gemini June 2017: If you want the people around you to act more responsibly, then give them words of ‘encouragement’ and not ‘criticism’. The more you guide them, teach them, and encourage them with kindness, the more they will want to do what you think that they should. Everyone needs appreciation and encouragement…even you!
Gemini July 2017: Don’t make promises that you don’t intend to keep. Hurt feelings come from disappointments. If other people make promises to you, thank them but allow for some delays and don’t take their promises too personally if they don’t come through for you. Joint ventures may not be as easy as you would like them to be, have faith and patience whenever possible. Someone may request your assistance. Do your best for them.
Gemini August 2017: You may be too serious for your own good. Don’t get involved in problems that aren’t directly related to you. Take care of your own issues and butt-out of other people’s problems or you may be dragged into more than you are bargaining for.
Gemini September 2017: Your ruling planet, Mercury, will move into direct motion after the 5th, relieving you of all of your pent-up anxiety. Everyone knows you have been feeling frustrated. Try hard not to take it out on others. You will be receiving answers to some questions that have been on your mind. Be prepared for the truth to come out and realize some of the answers may not be what you are expecting. Try to be open-minded and flexible this month.
Gemini October 2017: It’s time to get your family and home ready for winter. The weather will be colder and wetter than usual this October, so when those sunny days do come, get that outdoor work done. From October 7th through October 25th relationships flow smoothly. Communication is very blessed. Say, “I love you” as much as possible and call relatives you haven’t spoken to in a while.
Gemini November 2017: Situations become easier after November 7th. Let your frustrations blow away in the wind and don’t give into worry. You can handle everything…you know you can. Time heals all wounds and brings you the enlightenment you desire. Be patient!
Gemini December 2017: A little of this and a little of that, then add a dash of something unique and there you have it…the perfect holiday treat! You seem to know exactly what everyone needs and expense is no problem because you will buy the best. Your heart is in the right place, so selfless and giving, especially when it comes to those you love most. There are many great bargains you will find…buy two and put one away for next year. Don’t forget to purchase something nice for yourself…you deserve it!
Overall the Gemini horoscope 2017 predicts that nothing can stop you or hold you back in life, except maybe your own conscious of what is right and wrong. Although life in general holds no restrictions on you at this time, you are advised not to over do anything, otherwise you could become compulsive in trying to obtain everything you want in life without having to wait. You want everything now. You could easily become out of control. Self-discipline is a must.

Sun Sign Gemini is for people born between May 22nd to June 21st.

2017 astrology for Geminis predict that you will be very busy in 2017 attending to personal and social relationships, and enjoying the pleasure and happiness resulting out of them. Jupiter, the 7th lord of Sagittarius related to personal and business relations is transiting 5th house Libra. Both Libra and Sagittarius are connected via beneficial sextile vibration and Jupiter posited in Venus’s house is bound to enthusiastically expand and promote all positive Venus and Libra traits. Uranus, 9th lord of fortune, travel and education is comfortably placed in 11th Aries, enhancing and augmenting personal aspirations, wishes, prospects and goals. Uranus in opposition with Jupiter is in fact enhancing the overall effects of this transit. Jupiter and Uranus, through their signs, positively vibrate in sextile pattern and transform their mutual empathy via 5th and 11th house opposition. Since Uranus and Jupiter are fully aspecting each other, there is an increased exchange of ideas, formation of fulfilling relationships, grand visualization, revolutionary concepts with plenty of creativity flowing in-between, and all done with Aries logic and Libra balancing and harmonising. Posited in own 10th house Pisces, Neptune confers fulfilment of career hopes and dreams. But, Gemini borns also need to be extra careful about the 8th lord Saturn transiting 7th house and bringing in its wake uncertainty and conflict in intimate relations, especially marriage. The situation is managed well without any actual damage due to 7th lord Jupiter transiting harmoniously in 5th and maintaining balance of perspective, fairness and justice. Pluto, owning 6th house and transiting 8th house, is connecting matters pertaining to health and work with insurances and joint management of resources. Gemini borns also need to be aware and alert when their lord Mercury becomes retrograde, i.e. moves backwards, in January, April, August and December. Retrograde Mercury indicates communication happening in reverse, and many times this can lead to misunderstanding and miscommunication resulting in stressful situation for self and confusion in home. According to your 2017 horoscopes, in the latter part of the year, with the twin transits of 7th lord Jupiter in difficult 6th and 8th lord Saturn getting into own 8th house, Gemini borns must learn to handle personal affairs and relationships in a mature manner.

Click here to read your predictions in detail: Gemini Horoscope 2017

Cancer Horoscope 2017

Cancer Horoscope 2017Sun Sign Cancer is for people born between June 22nd to July 21st.

Cancerians, predictions for 2017 foretell that with 6th lord Jupiter in 4th house Libra and 8th lord Uranus in 10th house Aries forming a major opposition, Cancer ruled have their hands full in 2017. Jupiter, as lord of difficult 6th brings work and health related issues into the personal and home front, and Uranus, unpredictable and revolutionary by nature and additionally owning the 8th house of unexpectedness and suddenness, creates an explosive professional field. This opposition of Uranus and Jupiter is a bag full of surprises with its crests and troughs. Saturn as 7th lord in 6th adds to the above-mentioned scenario with intimate relationships getting embroiled into the confusion and conflict. Pluto as the 5th lord of Scorpio in 7th Capricorn is a big saviour. With its intuitive grasp of things and transformative capacity, Pluto after initial struggle brings in understanding and stability in personal relationships. As lord of 9th Pisces posited in own waters, Neptune’s faith and innate wisdom of surrendering to higher selves and destiny also helps Cancer borns to gain courage and deal with life in a mature manner. Also, lords of trine houses Pluto and Neptune forming a beneficial sextile is a strong contributing factor and helps in cultivating patience and willingness to try and evolve alternative and creative strategy and methodology. During the mid year, when Pluto and Neptune enter their retrograde phase, more efforts will be needed to keep the restlessness under check. Cancer borns also need to be aware of the two lunar eclipse that would be occurring in the months of February and August. During the lunar eclipse occurring in February, matters concerning money, communication, legacies, wills, loss will be connected to self and these aspects will come into focus with their own set of problems and issues that need to be sorted out in a while, if not immediately. As per your 2017 astrology, the eclipse of August will be slightly beneficial in the areas pertaining to finance, concentrated action, and profession though emotional fulfillment and contentment will be still be eluding Cancerians. Later in the year, when 6th lord Jupiter moves into 5th house Scorpio, problems related to creative expression and or childbirth may be felt, but 7th lord Saturn’s entry into own sign Capricorn in conjunction with 5th lord Pluto will clear roadblocks in interpersonal relationships.

Click here to read your predictions in detail: Cancer Horoscope 2017

Leo Horoscope 2017

Leo Horoscope 2017Sun Sign Leo is for people born between July 22nd to August 21st.

Lord of 5th house Jupiter is placed comfortably in 3rd house Libra facilitating creative expression and enabling creative pursuits that find fulfillment, in a while, suggests 2017 forecast for Lions. Uranus, as 7th lord in 9th Aries, connects partnerships with travel and spirituality. This Uranus-Jupiter opposition in fact works favourably for Leo borns planning travel, higher education or religious courses jointly with their partners. Pluto, 4th lord of Scorpio, in 6th Capricorn is connecting matters related to home and private life with work, health and service. This placement along with 6th lord Saturn’s placement in 5th disrupts personal life, creates tension and pressure in the mind leading to negative thinking and ruptured relations. But the sextile beneficial relationship of Jupiter and Saturn does help in minimising the impact of this transit. There might also be changes in the home and personal front, which may not be favourable for Leo borns. Planet of 8th house Neptune in own sign does strengthen 8th house matters indicating sudden inflow of money from unexpected sources. Leo borns also must be careful in 2017 with two solar eclipse occurring, one in February and another total solar eclipse in August. The first solar eclipse is occurring in 8th house Pisces, involving Neptune and Mercury along with Sun and Moon, resulting in unexpected happenings and troubles to Leo borns. As per your 2017 prediction, the other major eclipse of August acts as a catalyst in transforming the existing beliefs of Leo borns. It triggers internal conflicts and extensive self-questioning creating new thirst and quest towards matters concerning faith and spirituality. Later in the year, with 5th lord Jupiter moving into 4th house from the 3rd, turbulence within the personal life that had created instability in relations will greatly subside. Jupiter in 4th forming a sextile with 4th lord Pluto in 6th will facilitate alternate ways of dealing with differences and strife. Also, the beneficial trine relation between Jupiter and Neptune also enhances the positive tendencies of 8th house such as joint management of financial resources, wills and legacies.

Click here to read your predictions in detail: Leo Horoscope 2017

Virgo Horoscope 2017

Virgo Horoscope 2017Sun Sign Virgo is for people born between August 22nd to September 21st.

Jupiter as lord of 4th Sagittarius in favourable 2nd Libra enhances matters related to finance, personal and home affairs, predicts horoscope of 2017 for Virgonians. The lord of 5th Capricorn Saturn in 4th Sagittarius combines the beneficial side of 4th and 5th resulting in enhancement of aspects connected to home front, including acquisition or new purchase. Added to this, the friendly sextile vibrational pattern between Jupiter and Saturn confers more positivity to matters related to 2nd, 4th and 5th houses. Pluto as lord of 3rd Scorpio in 5th Capricorn connects the transformative power to creative expression, albeit coloured by Saturnine conservative and traditional approach and perspective. As lord of the 6th Aquarius in 8th Aries, unpredictable energies of Uranus combine with the unexpectedness of 8th house in fiery Aries creating a near-explosive situation. The tension creating square vibrational pattern of Pluto and Uranus also contribute, to some extent, to the existing friction. But the trine relationship of Uranus and Saturn keeps things in check and enables cautious handling of affairs to maintain stability. Neptune as lord of 7th in own house Pisces encourages and sustains harmonious and sympathetic partnerships. The favourable sextile between Neptune in 7th and Pluto in 5th, who also share the empathetic trine vibration as sign lords, results in great fulfilment due to harmonious and loving interpersonal relationships and also willingness to accommodate and adjust to differences in viewpoints. Virgo borns also need to be mindful of the solar eclipse occurring in February in their 7th House Pisces. The transits taking place later in the year only serve to strengthen the existing favourable conditions for Virgo borns, predicts horoscope 2017 for Virgo. Jupiter as 4th lord in 3rd Scorpio forms a favourable trine with 7th own sign comfortable placement of Neptune. Saturn’s movement into own sign 5th house Capricorn in conjunction with 3rd lord Pluto enables free flow of communication and facile creative expression. In January, April, August and December, when Mercury gets into retrograde motion, Virgo borns need to be careful with their communication styles.

Click here to read your predictions in detail: Virgo Horoscope 2017

Libra Horoscope 2017

Libra Horoscope 2017Sun Sign Libra is for people born between September 22nd to October 22nd.

In 2017, 3rd lord Jupiter’s presence in Libra accentuates both the positive traits of Jupiter and Venus. This will result in expansive and jovial Jupiter happily undertaking the responsibility of balancing the Libra scales in fair and just manner, with a touch of Jupiter benevolence and generosity. As per the 2017 astrology predictions of Librans, the enthusiasm of Jupiter and the sophistication of Venus blend effectively and result in creative communication at its best. The lord of 5th Uranus in 7th Aries forming an opposition with Jupiter in Libra does not in any way create disruption or conflict, since Jupiter and Uranus share their mutually empathetic sextile relationship through their respective signs. Additionally, the presence of 4th lord Saturn in 3rd Sagittarius also contributes positively to this placement, with the sextile empathetic relationship between Jupiter and Saturn in full strength, heightened by strongly enhanced 3rd house affairs. Uranus’s presence in 7th Aries increases passion in relationships, but the trine relationship with Saturn ensures stability and also conservation of relationships. Pluto as lord of 2nd in 4th Capricorn brings in appreciative growth and development of finance, property and land acquisition, savings and fixed assets, fulfilled and contented home front, and intimate family relations. Neptune is comfortable as 6th lord in own sign Pisces, and activates the service-oriented approach towards work and also concerns deeply with matters connected to health and healing. This placement of Neptune is further enhanced by the friendly sextile vibration of Pluto and Neptune, and also due to their beneficial trine sign relationship. Later in the year, with 3rd lord Jupiter making inroads into 2nd house Scorpio, second house matters such as finance, savings, acquisition, collection of materials of high value gather momentum. Jupiter forming a favourable sextile with 2nd lord Pluto in 4th Capricorn ensures a rapid transformation in financial matters, aided by Pluto’s regenerative capacity, Capricorn’s disciplined and conservative approach to money and materials, and most importantly by the benevolent Jupiterian vibration, predicts the 2017 horoscope. Saturn, as lord of 4th sign Capricorn moving into own sign in conjuction with 2nd lord Pluto and forming a sextile with 2nd house Jupiter propels the finance and accumulation matters for Libra.

Click here to read your predictions in detail: Libra Horoscope 2017

Scorpio Horoscope 2017

Scorpio Horoscope 2017Sun Sign Scorpio is for people born between October 23rd to November 22nd.

Pluto, lord of Scorpio, in 3rd house Capricorn will be very important as this signals how Scorpio borns will deal with different and slightly difficult transit in 2017. As per the horoscope 2017 for Scorpions, Jupiter as lord of 2nd Sagittarius in 12th Libra indicates the energies of Jupiter flowing towards mysticism, interest towards mysteries of the universe, secrecy and mystery surrounding financial matters. Jupiterian philanthropic leanings, and also the influence of Jupiter as 2nd lord of finance, might also ignite the inclination for many Scorpio borns to take up short-term work assignment in hospitals, psychiatric institutions, and prisons. Saturn as 3rd lord of communication and intelligence will focus on conservation of financial resources and restriction of expenditure. Uranus, as lord of 4th Aquarius in 6th Aries and also interested in humanitarian causes, will influence and colour 6th house of selfless service and resonating with Jupiterian vibrations of 12th house Libra related to work in welfare institutions and connecting to charitable activities. The opposition of Uranus and Jupiterian energies will have its effect on the home-front and personal relations. Saturn, as lord of house of intelligence, forming a trine with Uranus and a sextile with Jupiter, and also carrying Plutonic vibration from 3rd house of intelligence Capricorn ensures that the unbounded energies of Jupiter and Uranus are channelised properly. Neptune as 5th lord in 5th house of entertainment, enjoyment, and creativity forming a sextile with Pluto, lord of Scorpio, contributes to constructive mental occupation. Pluto’s 3rd house Capricorn placement takes charge of the communication patterns that aim for transformation and regeneration in a systematic manner, while Saturn’s role a 3rd lord is more to with the application of disciplined intelligence. Later in the year, Jupiter’s entry into Scorpio and the sextile vibration between Pluto and Jupiter will give additional impetus to structured financial planning and achievements, with an underlying enthusiastic attitude and temperament. As per the horoscop 2017, the trine between Jupiter and Neptune enhances the mode, style, level and magnitude of entertainment and the resultant happiness and enjoyment.

Click here to read your predictions in detail: Scorpio Horoscope 2017

Sagittarius Horoscope 2017

Sagittarius Horoscope 2017Sun Sign Sagittarius is for people born between November 23rd to December 21st.

Lord of Sagittarius Jupiter, for most part of the year, is in 11th Libra. Sagittarius is a fiery, idealistic, communicator in search of the eternal truth with unbounded zeal and enthusiasm of expansive and jovial Jupiter, the ruling planet. As per the 2017 horoscope of Sagittarius, whatever Jupiter does, the magnitude is on a large scale. Libra, a sign of balance and harmony, ensures that the self lord Jupiter’s expanding energies are balanced evenly and in perfect harmony with the surroundings. In the 11th, Jupiter will increase friends, acquaintances, higher associations, social contacts, gains from profession, and aspirations. As 2nd lord of Capricorn, Saturn in Sagittarius acts to contain and stabilize Jupiterian energies. Saturn, as opposed to Jupiter’s impulsive and expansive nature, is restrictive and constrictive. This results in the disciplining and judicious utilization of Jupiter and Sagittarius vibrations, with practical and pragmatic touch of Saturn. This is a mutually beneficial association. Saturn becomes less conservative and controlling, more liberal and open, coloured by Sagittarius and Jupiterian idealism, generosity of spirit and zest for life. Matters related to earnings and accumulation are prominent here as 2nd lord is in Sagittarius and lord of Sagittarius is in 11th, and also due to the sextile between Saturn and Jupiter. The presence of 12th lord Scorpio’s ruler Pluto in 2nd Capricorn indicates some form of mystery and secrecy being maintained around the earnings and savings, and this could be due to Scorpio’s suspicious nature and also Capricorn’s conservative and reserved outlook towards revealing or sharing any personal details. Uranus, as lord of 3rd Aquarius in 5th Aries, unleashes creative thinking and out-of-the box way of sensing, reasoning and reacting to situations and people. Uranus and Aquarius vibrations, though unpredictable and unexpected, are far ahead of their time, and when they combine with Mars and Aries vibrations they produce innovative, original, advanced, logical, idealistic, visionary style of creativity. The trine Saturn and Uranus relationship tempers the thinking process with practicality and pragmatism. Neptune as 4th lord in own house Pisces strives to keep the waters in family and home flowing smoothly. In October 2017, when Jupiter enters 12th Scorpio, Jupiterian search for truth will lead into them into deep waters of mystery and occult knowledge connected with this sign. According to the 2017 astrology predictions, the August Solar Eclipse occurring in their 9th house of religion is certain to transform their perceptions and beliefs in a major way.

Click here to read your predictions in detail: Sagittarius Horoscope 2017

Capricorn Horoscope 2017

Capricorn Horoscope 2017Sun Sign Capricorn is for people born between December 22nd to January 20th.

Saturn, lord of Capricorn, in 12th Sagittarius indicates the slow and gradual change in the way Saturn acts, reacts and responds to people and situations in life. According to the 2017 astrology of Capricorns, Saturn here loosens the strong urge to control and erect structures and strictures, and also shows a willingness to explore the Sagittarius and Jupiterian world of philosophy, abstract thinking, and mysticism. Jupiter, as lord of 12th Sagittarius in 10th Libra, also colours the changes being reflected in Saturnine perspectives and views through the beneficial sextile vibration, and this will be visible in the choice of vocation and occupation. Pluto as lord of 11th Scorpio in Capricorn emphasises strong connection of the self with associations and contacts, and this will be in tune with Saturn’s quest for the hidden mysteries of life, which is what Scorpio and Pluto represent. Uranus, as lord of 2nd in 4th is comfortable to connect the earnings, assets, material things, and self worth with the 4th house Aries of home, family affairs and personal matters. The Uranus Jupiter opposition might create an internal struggle as Jupiter’s 12th house vibration in 10th Libra creates a wavelength mismatch with Uranus in Aries comfortable placement. Neptune as 3rd lord in own house Pisces is involved with communication and hobbies, and the sextile vibration and trine sign relationship with Pluto, 11th lord of Scorpio in Capricorn will transform the style and pattern of Neptune’s mental inclination. According to the predictions for 2017, this transformation at a deeper level will be reinforced by the Jupiter transit into 11th Scorpio happening later in the year. As lord of 12th Sagittarius in 11th Scorpio, forming a sextile with lord of 11th Pluto and involved in a trine with Pisces posited Neptune is an indicative of the mind, along with its aspirations and longings, undergoing transformation at a deeper psychic and spiritual level.

Click here to read your predictions in detail: Capricorn Horoscope 2017

Aquarius Horoscope 2017

Aquarius Horoscope 2017Sun Sign Aquarius is for people born between January 21st to February 19th.

With the stormy sign lord Uranus in fiery and volatile 3rd house Aries, the communication is bound to border around and connected to explosive, revolutionary, utopian, unorthodox ideas and high voltage energy levels. As per the astrology of 2017 for Aquarians, the presence of Jupiter, 11th lord of Sagittarius in 9th Libra, tends to harmonize and balance the gigantic Jupiterian wishes and aspirations with the 9th house matters of abstract thinking, spirituality and quest for truth tempered with the Libran sense of fairness and justice. The opposition formed between Jupiter and Uranus does not in any create any conflict of thought processes, but only serves to amplify and expand the above-mentioned patterns and flow of energy. Neptune’s own 2nd house Pisces placement will ensure smooth flow, circulation and consolidation of money and materials. The presence of 10th lord Pluto in 12th Capricorn and the transit of 12th lord Saturn in 11th Sagittarius and the position of 11th lord Jupiter in religious 9th is connecting aspects related to faith, religion, spirituality, mysticism, abstract thinking, withdrawal into self, detached perspective, regenerative and transformational thought processes to be woven into the big picture, as envisioned by the Uranus Aquarius new age vibration. When Jupiter moves into Scorpio in the second half of the year, the previous house Jupiterian expansion happening at the intellectual level takes a deeper route within for reflection and introspection, only to emerge in the external world imbued with the beneficial sextile formation between Pluto and Jupiter and the trine sign vibration of Jupiter and Neptune. As per the 2017 astrology, the solar and lunar eclipse events occurring in 2017 involving Aquarius acts as a catalyst for the ensuing change that Aquarian borns experience within and externalise in their zeal to create a new world order.

Click here to read your predictions in detail: Aquarius Horoscope 2017

Pisces Horoscope 2017

Pisces Horoscope 2017Sun Sign Pisces is for people born between February 20th to March 20th.

The whole of 2017, the lord of Pisces Neptune is transiting own sign, predicts horoscope 2017 for Pisceans. This gives strength to the basic nature, qualities and tendencies of the sign due to the presence of the sign lord, which is a source of strength. The solar eclipse of February involving Pisces sets the tone for the internal churning and change resulting due to the various planetary vibrations that are unfolding during the course of the year. Besides Neptune, the North Node, Sun as 6th lord of Leo, Moon as 5th lord of Cancer, and Mercury as the 7th lord of Virgo are influencing and activating various events and scenarios. Neptune forming a sextile with the 9th lord Pluto in 11th Capricorn aids in this regeneration and transformation of Pisces borns. The fact that Pluto as lord of 9th house Scorpio, trine with Pisces, enhances the mysticism, mystery, spiritual enhancement and metamorphosis. Jupiter as lord of 10th Sagittarius in 8th Libra contributes to this transformation, though this is done more on an abstract level with intellectual weighing and balancing of pros and cons. Saturn as 11th lord of Capricorn in 10th Sagittarius is working to connect ambition, career, social status, public image, aspirations and benefits from good fortune. Even though it looks as if this placement of Saturn is influencing events at an external level, simultaneously Saturn is getting influenced internally by the sextile connection with 8th house placed 10th lord Jupiter, 11th house posited 9th lord Pluto, and the trine relationship with 12th lord Uranus in 2nd Aries. In the latter part of the year, Neptune getting into retrograde motion will need to taken into account for some reverse transformation taking place at emotional and psychological level. As lord of 10th Sagittarius, Jupiter’s transit into the 9th house Scorpio, and forming a trine with Neptune and sextile with 9th lord Pluto, will positively enhance and contribute to the expansion of consciousness. Saturn as lord of 11th transiting own sign Capricorn towards the end of the year and in conjunction with 9th lord Pluto and in sextile with 9th house placed Jupiter, helps in the assimilation of the various transmutation and transformational processes experienced by Pisces borns, foretells the horoscopes of 2017.