
Image may contain: food and text

event of the Epiphany celebrated on the 6th of January, was when the
three wise men, or kings, visited infant Jesus. The second event was
when St John the Baptist baptized Jesus.

The traditions are
different as some celebrate with the “Galette des Rois”, which is a
special cake with a crown on it, and this crown will go to whom will
find the small statue of the king inside the cake.

The old
Lebanese traditions are very different and much more entertaining. At
Epiphany, or “Ghtass”, people greet each other by saying Deyim Deyim,
which is a wish for others to always have all the blessings as food and
wealth and health, etc. On this night, women prepare many kind of
special sweets made of a special dough, which they make in different
shapes that they dip and fry in boiling oil, as a symbol that reminds us
how Jesus got into the water of the Jordan River to get baptized by
