
by RT

A flight from Beirut to London was forced to make an emergency landing after a brawl broke out on board at 35,000ft. Footage taken by a
passenger aboard the Middle Eastern Airlines flight shows two men
squaring up before launching into a punch-up. The older man can be
seen throwing the initial blow, with the younger man then retaliating
by smacking him repeatedly in the head.

The pilot was forced to make an unscheduled stop in Istanbul, Turkey,
after chaos broke out.Mobile phone footage shows the two men facing off
in the aisle surrounded by a group of passengers. After the older
man throws the first punch, the two passengers then grapple in the
middle of the plane as bystanders and flight attendants try to break
them. According to the Daily Mail, the scuffle took place on a Wednesday flight from Beirut’s Rafic Hariri International Airport.

The passenger filming the frenzied scenes can be heard laughing to himself about the incident, before saying “it’s so funny.” The
fracas is believed to have started when one passenger got into an
argument with a flight attendant before assaulting her.Another passenger
reportedly intervened in her defense, which sparked the fight.