
Uber protest

SAN FRANCISCO — Several protesters barricaded the front of Uber
headquarters here on Friday. Uber CEO Travis Kalanick is a member of President Donald Trump’s

economic advisory team
, called the Strategic and Policy
Forum. A few protesters were chained to the front door of the building
on Market Street, and no employees were able to enter, according
to Business Insider’s correspondent at the site. The building’s side doors were also blocked by protesters before
police were able to clear the area. Uber has told its employees
to work from home or other offices, BuzzFeed
News reported

Square’s headquarters are also in the building. At one point, protesters were able to close down Market Street, a
major San Francisco thoroughfare, between 10th and 11th streets.
There was a heavy police presence at the office building. “Trump thinks he runs this town, we have come to shut it down,”
the protesters chanted. “Stop Trump, stop the hate, Uber don’t

Several protesters wore signs that said, “Uber collaborates, we
resist.” “Uber collaborates with the incoming Trump administration, Travis
Kalanick is on Trump’s economic advisory board, and he is an
adviser to the incoming Trump administration,” Sarah Nelson, a
spokesperson for Jobs
With Justice
, which helped coordinate the protest, told
Business Insider. “If Uber’s employment policies become Trump’s policies, that will
be bad for American workers,” she said. Uber said in a statement provided to Business Insider: “As a
company, we’re committed to working with government on issues
that affect riders, drivers, and the cities where we operate.
Just as we worked with the Obama administration, we’ll work with
the Trump administration, too.”