
Beirut, Lebanon.

by Nick Ames

California architect firm Morphosis has designed a new US
Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon and the US State Department has granted the
construction contract to BL Harbert of Birmingham, Alabama. A department spokesperson said “The multi-building complex will be
situated on a 43-acre site in Awkar, near the current US Embassy
compound. “The new complex will include a Chancery, a Marine Security Guard
Residence, representational and staff housing, facilities for the
community and associated support facilities. The project is expected to
be ready for occupancy in 2023.” Initial visualisations of the project are expected to be released in the coming weeks.

The project represents the latest effort of the Department’s Capital
Security Construction Programme, called the Bureau of Overseas Buildings
Operations. It has completed 133 new diplomatic facilities in the past
18 years, with an additional 52 projects currently in the design stage
or under construction.