
By MiddleEastMonitor

Lebanon must abide by three conditions in order to regain the support of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Al-Hayat newspaper reported a source saying yesterday. Beirut must condemn the Iranian
interventions in Arab countries, commit to international resolutions,
especially resolutions 1701 and 1559 regarding illegal weapons, and to
condemn Hezbollah’s intervention in Arab countries including Syria,
Yemen and some Gulf states. The newspaper said Lebanese President
Michel Aoun and Prime Minister Saad Hariri hope to restore Lebanese-Arab
relations during the Arab League summit due to begin on Wednesday, in
an effort to build on Aoun’s visit to Saudi Arabia earlier this year. However, according to the paper, Aoun’s
statement that Hezbollah’s weapons complement the Lebanese army’s arms
in the face of Israel’s threats stalled the process.