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BEIRUT: Mecca’s Friday Grand Mosque attack Saturday drew condemnations from political leaders and parties in Lebanon. Prime Minister Saad Hariri Saturday condemned Friday’s extremist plot against the Grand Mosque in Mecca. “The diabolical mind that has planned for this operation sets evident proof of an evil mob that has reached an point of perversity and disobedience of Islamic preaching where they take part in an act of aggression against the Grand Mosque [in Mecca] and the crowds of believers [in it],” Hariri was quoted as saying in a statement from his media office.

Saudi security forces foiled an attack on the Grand Mosque in the Muslim holy city of Mecca Friday, Saudi media had said. Hariri also praised the swift response of the Saudi security forces in foiling the attempt. Security forces reportedly found two groups of terrorists in the holy city of Mecca and a third group in the Red Sea city of Jeddah. A man wanted by Saudi authorities was shot dead. Several others were apprehended in Mecca. “Lebanon stands side by side with Saudi Arabia, as a government and a people, against terrorist and any [party] covering it,” Hariri said. Future movement decried the scheme and expressed solidarity with Saudi Arabia. “Any aggression against Saudi Arabia is a flagrant attack against us in Lebanon and in the Arab and Islamic countries,” a statement from Future Movement said. Progressive Socialist Party head MP Walid Jumblatt also condemned the scheme and “the expanse of the circle of terrorism” that is alien to Islamic traditions. Hezbollah also issued a statement condemning the plot.

Former Prime Minister Najib Mikati also denounced the Grand Mosque extremist attempt. “We stand in solidarity with Saudi Arabia,” Mikati said on Twitter. Former Justice Minister retired Maj. Gen. Ashraf Rifi also joined the condemnation statements and saluted the efforts of the Saudi security forces. “The criminal and terrorist attack that was plotted against the most sacred spot for Muslims casts great responsibility upon the Arab and Islamic countries to continue in their fight against the makers and supporters of terrorism,” Rif said.