
by — Lebanon’s electricity company known as “Electricite du Liban” announced Thursday that it will take “disciplinary measures” against a staff member who was breeding chicken at the company’s Beirut headquarters, after the incident went viral on social media amid mounting criticism of the authority which is riddled with corruption. EDL said in a statement that “the necessary measures have been taken against the employee” who was breeding chicken in a coop in one section of the building , adding that “other administrative measures will be taken to avoid the repeat of such actions which tarnish the institution’s image.” The statement comes days after pictures of chicken cages at EDL offices went viral on social media, with many Lebanese making sarcastic jokes out of this miserable reality where electricity hardly comes. Many took to tweeter to vent their dissatisfaction, while some made fun of the situation.

The company stressed that the subject received more attention than it deserved and caused “significant moral damage to the institution.” Lebanese media reported that a video had circulated on social media showing wooden cages and electrical egg incubators on the third basement floor near the parking area of EDL’s main building. The cages contined of chickens, quail chicks and eggs. A group of inspectors from the Central Inspection Department later discovered the coop. The birds, whose noise could be heard from the building’s entrance, indeed were benefiting from 24-hour electricity, light, warmth, and appropriate nutrition, according to a report by local news channel MTV.