

by Naharnet — A memo was submitted Thursday to the Baabda dialogue meeting by the representative of the Progressive Socialist Party and the Democratic Gathering, MP Taymour Jumblat. Jumblat left the meeting after delivering brief remarks and presenting the memo. The memo rejects “reviving the ‘unity of tracks’ theory, this time from the gate of the economy.” “Lebanon cannot withstand the economy of two states,” it says. Noting that proposals for “developing economic ties with China are worthy of studying and follow-up,” the memo welcomes “any serious Chinese suggestions to build a new power plant in Lebanon.” Commenting on Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s call for “turning to the East” economically, the memo rejects “linking Lebanon to states and regimes that are outside the international system, some which are going in the opposite direction of the movement of history.”


Former President Michel Suleiman lashed out at Hizbullah and the Resistance during the “national unity meeting” in Baabda, which prompted a reply from Hizbullah Loyal to the Resistance bloc MP Mohammed Raad, and Deputy Parliament Speaker Elie Ferzli, media reports said on Thursday. “Hizbullah has broken the agreements, which prevented the implementation of the state’s pledges, caused its deadly isolation, made it lose its credibility and the confidence of friendly countries and Lebanese living abroad, made it lose investors, depositors and tourists, which have all contributed to the decline of the national currency,” said Suleiman. Raad and Ferzli made a prompt reply according to reports defending the Resistance and its weapons. Raad also criticized the Baabda Declaration which seeks to maintain Lebanon’s neutrality regarding regional conflicts. The Baabda Declaration, approved during a national dialogue session in June 2012, calls for Lebanon to disassociate itself from regional conflicts.