
Christine Douglass-Williams — — Turkey, which has been bullying Greece for some time, recently threatened the EU that it shouldn’t “dare” to impose sanctions over Turkish aggression toward Greece and Cyprus. For the past few months, Greece has been bolstering its military, amid Turkey’s ongoing “provocative statements” and “near-daily” threats of war. Particularly worrying with the latest spy news development is Lebanese involvement. Turkey is feared to be expanding its influence in Lebanon and shipping weapons there. Turkey has also been working with Qatar to shape Libyan politics. The two countries were reportedly setting up a military training camp to train Muslim Brotherhood troops in Libya. Both Libya and Lebanon are marked by instability, which Turkey has demonstrated its eagerness to settle. Given its aggressive expansionary ambitions, its opportunism is expected. Days ago, Greek police “detained a Turkish consular official on suspicion of spying… in a case likely to further strain troubled relations between the two NATO allies.”

Greek City Times said: A recent Greek Coast Guard investigation into migrant trafficking has unveiled yet another espionage network involving more than 15 suspects. Four of the suspects, which include Greek, Turkish and Lebanese nationals, were allegedly gathering information on the movement of Greece’s Navy and Coast Guard vessels and sharing it with people of interest in Turkey. The operation, involving police, coast guard and secret service (EYP) officials, was carried out in two phases on November 6 and 15. EYP initially acted on intelligence concerning a trafficking network using high-speed boats to smuggle migrants – including people of potential security interest – from Turkey to Kos. This comes as Greece also uncovered two Muslim Greeks from Thrace were spying on the Navy on behalf of the Turkish Consulate in Rhodes.