
Lebanon.. Annulment of Dental Syndicate election results after fistfight and ballot box throwing (videos)

by — The results of the Dental Syndicate elections in Lebanon that were held on Sunday were canceled, after several verbal disputes and fistfights between doctors and the throwing and breaking of ballot boxes. Al-Jadeed channel reported that the results were canceled after complete chaos and the objection of some doctors to their inability to view the results on a screen placed in the counting hall due to a technical malfunction, and complaints about the lack of transparency of vote counting.

The Captain of Dentists, Roger Rubeiz, confirmed in a statement to the channel that he will sue an unknown person because of what happened, hoping that the surveillance cameras have documented this. He pointed out that the union will call for other elections according to its bylaws. And talking about the presence of people who do not belong to the dental profession in the screening hall, he said: “It is not possible to control this large number of people in the hall.” The head of the “Phalange Party” Sami Gemayel commented on the event in a tweet on his account via “Twitter”, saying: “What happened in the Dentists’ Syndicate elections is shameful and shameful.” He added, “Armed Hezbollah elements from outside the doctors attack the screening staff and smash boxes in a scene that does not bode well for the upcoming parliamentary elections.”

Meanwhile, Hezbollah’s dentists’ assembly responded to Gemayel in a statement, saying: “Today, the Dentists Syndicate elections took place in a democratic atmosphere in which three lists competed, two complete lists and an incomplete list headed by the Kataeb candidate Emily Hayek. Four ballot boxes out of twenty, and because of the delay in issuing the results until the time allotted for the election of a captain had passed, some doctors were suspicious of this delay. It is unfortunate and totally unacceptable and unacceptable.” He added: “Instead of Mr. Sami Gemayel and his allies being ashamed of this act, he directed, as usual, the accusation against the party of Hezbollah, which left freedom for its supporters since the morning to elect whoever they saw fit and was not concerned like others with the results.” He continued, “What came out of Al-Jamil is pure lies and slander and does not bode well, and it is the lying parties that he used to perform at every maturity in which he feels a loss.”

The Free Patriotic Movement commented in a statement, “The elections are a democratic test that transcends profit and loss, and today he who allowed his hand to break ballot boxes and waste the votes of his colleagues, for fear of a clear and inevitable loss, failed.” While the “Lebanese Forces” party condemned what happened, calling for “blocking the road for any repetition of the coup scene.” Source: “The New” + RT