
by — Cairo: As per the Kuwait sources, Kuwait is expecting to open their visas following Lebanese a thaw in relations between Lebanon and the Gulf countries after months of strains and tensions. The return of the Kuwaiti and Saudi representatives to Beirut is seen as signalling an end to the crisis with Lebanon, which economic woes have roiled in recent months. According to Sources, which cites security sources, residence affairs agencies around Kuwait are prepared to handle applications from Lebanese once the government decides to resume awarding visas to them. For the past five months, such visas have been on hold. Initially, the visa re-issuance for Lebanese will going to start with trade and official visas to be followed by labour visas, as per the sources stated. “Family, tourism and dependence visas will follow.” As was previously the case, the State Security Service will analyse and verify any form of visa before it is issued,” the sources said.

In recent years, Kuwait made several arrests over links with and funding the pro-Iran Lebanese Hezbollah movement. Kuwait said in November that it had dismantled a cell suspected of having ties to Hezbollah and funding its activities. According to Kuwaiti media at the time, the suspects were interrogated by the Kuwaiti State Security Service on suspicions of money laundering for Hezbollah and urging young Kuwaitis to participate with the Lebanese movement, carry out terror actions, and transport drugs in Syria and Yemen. The case surfaced amid a tactful crisis between the Gulf countries, including Kuwait, with Lebanon after its information minister George Kurdahi made statements supporting Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi rebels. Kurdahi resigned in December amid efforts to defuse the crisis. In 2015, Kuwait uncovered a group dubbed Al Abadli Cell, charged with spying for Iran and Hezbollah as well as stockpiling weapons.