
by — (translated from arabic) Attempts to impose a “new government” through new decrees have suggested the predominance of serious efforts over the turbulent movement against the Free Patriotic Movement and its leadership, according to what was indicated by the “brigade” in its issue last Monday. From this angle, and in parallel with the revitalization of international and regional efforts to reach an understanding on a new President of the Republic, Prime Minister-designate Najib Mikati will visit Baabda Palace, and President Michel Aoun will meet to discuss the government file, from the angle of the 24 ministers he submitted to the President of the Republic on June 29, and the amendments Required, or to disregard any change, as well as looking into the possibility of forming a government of 30 ministers, adding 6 ministers of state to the current government, in terms of numbers. Yesterday, visitors to Baabda conveyed the president’s desire to form a new government in agreement with the designated prime minister in accordance with the rules of the constitution and national partnership, and to give the opportunity to discuss to reach a practical understanding.

Well-informed political sources pointed out to the “Liwaa” that the morning meeting between the President of the Republic and the designated president will continue the discussion of the government file, without meaning that the decision is approaching. She confirmed that Presidents Aoun and Mikati will google the formation without knowing whether the points of disagreement have been reduced in terms of the President of the Republic’s approval of replacing the Minister of Economy and Minister of Energy. On the other hand, former MP Walid Jumblatt refused to nominate any Druze candidate as an alternative to the Minister of the Displaced, Essam Sharaf al-Din.

Political sources indicated that President Mikati is visiting Baabda today, and he has two formulas for the formation of the future government. Replacing Energy Minister Walid Fayyad, in response to the request of the President of the Republic, at the suggestion of his son-in-law, the head of the Free Patriotic Movement, MP Gebran Bassil, and secondly, a formula for expanding the formation by including six state ministers from among the politicians at the request of the President of the Republic. The sources said that the first formula is up to those who name the two alternative ministers, while the second formula is not accepted by Mikati, nor by Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri and other forces, because it includes within it Bassil’s obtaining the blocking third, which implicitly indicates the exclusion of positive results. , leads to the dissolution of the contract of demands and the impossible conditions set by him before the formation.

What reinforces the pessimistic atmosphere, despite the mediation and visits made by more than one delegate to the president-designate in recent nights away from the spotlight, including a representative of Hezbollah, with the aim of narrowing the differences, are the campaigns launched by Baabda against the president-designate, the latest of which is promoting the heresy of the possibility of the President of the Republic withdrawing the assignment. From the Prime Minister-designate, if he continues his hard-line positions on the formation, through a ridiculous comic scenario, contrary to any constitutional text, and expresses the fragility of the position of the First Presidency, and an open attempt to put pressure on Mikati to make him comply with the demands of the head of the Free Patriotic Movement on the eve of his visit to Baabda.

The sources ruled out a positive breach through what some promote by adopting the re-float of the resigned government, in the event that the positions remain unchanged from the two proposed formulas, and the failure of attempts to agree on any of them, given that re-flotation requires the government to appear before the Parliament to gain confidence, because it cannot be Considering it a full-fledged government without obtaining the confidence of the Parliament, while time is passing quickly, and resorting to this option has become, without it, without many caveats and difficulties, inside and outside Parliament, and therefore it is very difficult to adopt it and follow it to the end.

The meeting in Baabda today acquires the character of exceptional importance, as it will determine the course of matters, whether towards authorship or impossibility of authorship, and thus the continuation of the situation of stagnation and disagreement, up to the date of the presidential elections, where it is also feared that the election will be delayed or impossible, and the country will enter into a presidential vacuum and a constitutional and political debate over the powers of The caretaker government assumed the functions and powers of the Presidency of the Republic! And about the much raised talk about the options of President Aoun or Mikati in the event that it is not possible to form a government and we go to the void? The sources said: Nothing is clear on the horizon.

Yesterday, Baabda Palace witnessed political and diplomatic meetings, at a time when President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, followed up with his visitors the ongoing contacts to form the new government and the file of demarcating the southern maritime borders. He received a member of the “Strong Lebanon Bloc” MP Muhammad Yahya, who said after the meeting that the research “focused on the governmental situation and the ongoing contacts in this regard between the President of the Republic and Prime Minister-designate Najib Mikati, and the necessity of achieving this entitlement for the benefit of the country and its people.” In this context, she stressed the importance of representing the Akkar region in the forthcoming government and felt the president had all the interest in Akkar and its people and the need to pay attention to them and their needs that we discussed during the meeting. We hope that the process of forming a government will be easy and take into account the desire of the Akkaris to be represented in the government. Washington: Egyptian gas for demarcation!

Regarding the demarcation of the maritime borders, US State Department spokesman Ned Price said that the US mediator in the demarcation negotiations, Amos Hochstein, is in contact with the parties in Lebanon and Israel, and that a solution to the dispute over the maritime borders is possible. Price did not announce when Hochstein will travel to Lebanon. “We do not have any travel to be announced by Amos Hochstein at that time,” he told a news conference. He added: The United States is still committed to facilitating negotiations between Lebanon and Israel, and that progress towards a solution can only be achieved through negotiations. Price said: We welcome the consultative and frank spirit of the parties to reach a final decision, which we believe can lead to greater stability, security and prosperity for Lebanon and Israel as well as the region. Price linked the agreement between Lebanon, Egypt and Syria to extract gas from Egypt to Lebanon, with what he described as the “maritime issue.” He said: We are talking about the demarcation of maritime borders in this regard.

On the other hand, Israeli media said, yesterday evening, that “we came very close to an agreement with Lebanon, after Israel accepted the entire Qana field for Lebanon, in exchange for the entire Karish field.” And Israeli Channel 13 reported, “Senior officials in the Israeli security establishment informed the American mediator of the border demarcation file, Amos Hochstein, that it is estimated that gas will be extracted from the Karish field at the end of the month.” September, regardless of any results.

Living and educational treatments

On the level of addressing the living and educational crises, the Prime Minister met with a delegation from the General Labor Union headed by its president, Bashara Al-Asmar, who said: We raised several issues, starting with the issue of the customs dollar, which is completely rejected by the General Labor Union, because of its repercussions on the poor, workers and people with income. Limited, especially since the State Consultative Council issued a fatwa that the customs dollar is not permissible because it is included in the financial legislation. That is why we are counting today on the House of Representatives and its Speaker to produce an integrated customs dollar bill with the plan for economic advancement and recovery that exists today in the House of Representatives.

In the context of living as well, Mikati chairs an educational meeting in the Serail to discuss preparations for the new school year. After the meeting, Minister of Education Abbas al-Halabi said about the imposition of some private school administrations in cash dollar installments on the parents: I said on more than one occasion, and I repeat that a school that requests a payment in US dollars is in violation of Law No. 515 that stipulates the Lebanese currency. There is a meeting that will be held (today) in the office of the Minister of Education at half past eleven in the morning, in the presence of the Teachers Syndicate and representatives of the parent committees as well as the Union of Private Educational Institutions and in our presence, to crystallize all these suggestions and come up with a unified position in everything related to the measures that can be taken against schools infringement. He added: President Mikati called the Director General of the Ministry of Finance to pursue some issues to expedite the disbursement of arrears in public education and vocational education.

On another line of living, the association of Al Marqouq and Al Tanoor bakeries and small bakeries in the south announced that their sector began to collapse and that “dozens of Al Marqooq and Al Tanoor bakeries began to close as a result of lifting the subsidy on the flour allocated to them and converting it into dollars, and with the high rise of the dollar, the difference between the prices of the Arab bread bundle And the marqooq, the tannour, and the manqoush tie.” The assembly said in a statement, “We warned against lifting the partial subsidy on flour and turning it only into Arabic bread.” in its entirety.” Judiciary Retreat In addition, the General Assembly of Judges held a meeting in the great hall of the Court of Cassation, which was attended by about 400 judges, led by the President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Suhail Abboud, members of the Judicial Council and judges in the Courts of Cassation, Appeals, Public Prosecutions, courts and all judicial departments. It was reported that the discussions dealt with the reasons for the retreat, which has entered its second week, and the difficult financial, moral, social and health conditions that the judges of Lebanon suffer from. At the conclusion of the deliberations, it was found that contacts with officials did not lead to any result in achieving the minimum requirements of the judges, so the meeting decided unanimously to continue the seclusion and keep the meetings open to follow up on all developments. A statement issued by the Supreme Judicial Council said: The Supreme Judicial Council, which ensures the proper functioning of the judiciary, its dignity and independence, and cares about and secures the rights of judges, adopts all the judges’ demands and what they entail in terms of i’tikaaf, until the implementation of what has been reached in this regard, as he points out that The deterioration of the judicial situation is mainly due to the failure to pass the law on the independence of the judiciary, which will remain the subject of vigorous follow-up by the Supreme Judicial Council, and it keeps its meetings open in this regard. silos collapse In addition, as was expected, the silos of the northern part of the silos collapsed in the port of Beirut, and the dust rose thickly, and the information indicated that the strong winds contributed to quickly removing the dust resulting from the collapse of the silts from nearby residential areas. In a letter, President Mikati asked the Minister of Works and Transport, Ali Hamiyah, and in coordination with whomever is needed, to review the report of the ministerial committee, which in turn relied on a technical report in which it was stated that the deviations of the southern bloc of wheat pellets are natural and caused by the natural and seasonal situation. And the difference in temperature, while the northern block is not designed to withstand lateral pressure, and to report on the necessary measures to preserve the southern silos of the El Ahra Building and preserve it as a historical monument in memory of the harbor explosion. However, the families of the victims of the Beirut port explosion held the “political authority responsible for the way it dealt with the barns and what it did until we lost the northern part completely.” They considered that “the failure to put out the fire was artificial,” and they gave the government 12 hours to take “practical measures” to extinguish the fire and amend the decree to demolish the barns, warning against the return of road blocks. During a sit-down entitled “A blood is crying enough,” the people affirmed in front of the statue of the emigrant, in which the representatives: Melhem Khalaf, Paula Yacoubian and Najat Saliba, Chief of Engineers in Beirut Aref Yassin and a crowd of solidarity activists affirmed their right to participate in the details of decisions and deal with everything related to the explosion. And they added, “The authority should respect the donkeys, because we consider them to be cemeteries that preserve the remains of our victims, and they are a sacred site and we want to preserve them.”

Thus, with the morning of yesterday, Tuesday, the journey of what was left of the northern part of the wheat sheds witnessing the massacre at the port of Beirut ended. The silos were martyred, opening the doors to a thousand questions and questions, the answers to which are still lost between lost steps, lost investigations, or playing on the blood of the martyrs and the wounded. The victims and the afflicted. {In this context, the Director General of Beirut Port, Omar Itani, announced that “the silos fell at approximately 7:40, that is, before the start of work,” noting that “the army, which was on standby according to the plan developed in this context, was able to organize The entry of the employees after he had previously closed all the entrances when the silos fell, in order to preserve the safety of the workers and employees,” and reassuring that “the employees are fine, and the workflow did not stop in the port.” For his part, the Minister of Environment in the Lebanese caretaker government, Nasser Yassin, explained that “the dust caused by the collapse of the port’s groves has fortunately withdrawn towards the sea,” advising “everyone close to the port to wear a mask to prevent them from being affected by the spread of fungi.” And when the Minister of Environment indicated that “the air inspection will be carried out by the Weapons of Mass Destruction Prevention Brigade in the army and the environmental laboratories at the American University,” he pointed out that “our current steps are to remove the rubble after this collapse and treat the rubble and grain, and this prevents the causes of the fire, and it has become The Civil Defense can approach and control the fire.” 896 injuries

Health: The Ministry of Health recorded 896 cases of coronavirus and 3 deaths, bringing the cumulative number to 1205,169 laboratory-confirmed infections since February 21, 2020