Khazen offers its condolences to a Hero, amazing patriot Minister Sejaan Azzi. He will be greatly missed. We would wait for his analysis every week. 

by — BEIRUT — Former Lebanese Labor Minister Sejaan Azzi died on Thursday at the age of 71 after a long illness, people close to him told L’Orient-Le Jour. His death was also reported by the state-run National News Agency. According to local media, Maronite patriarch Bechara al-Rai visited Azzi’s bedside Thursday morning at the intensive care unit of the Rizk-LAU Medical Center in Ashrafieh. Azzi, who was close to the Maronite patriarchate, had been appointed Labor Minister in the cabinet of Tammam Salam in 2014. He had also been vice president of the Kataeb party and adviser to the party leader Sami Gemayel. He was a close advisor to both Pierre and Bachir Gemayel.

Born in Okaybeh, Kesrouan, in 1952, this former journalist had a degree in philosophy from the Holy Spirit University in Kaslik, and another in political and administrative sciences from St. Joseph University. During his youth, he joined the Kataeb party. In 1985, he founded Radio Liban Libre. Azzi has published four books. He also spoke at several conferences in Lebanon, Europe and the United States. He leaves behind his wife Dania Halim Baroud and two twin daughters, Aude and Joy.