
The 12th session to elect a new President of the Republic did not lead to ending the presidential vacancy, as was expected, given the withdrawal of supporters of the “Marada Movement” leader, Suleiman Franjieh, from the hall. The “Lebanese Forces” accused the withdrawal of obstructing the presidential elections, in exchange for calls for dialogue issued by Franjieh and Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri. With the exception of Franjieh obtaining 51 votes, in contrast to the former minister Jihad Azour’s obtaining 59 votes, no significant surprises emerged, given that the political forces supporting Azour poured their votes into the fund in his favour, as the commitment of the “Lebanese Forces” and the “Free Patriotic Movement” emerged. And the “Progressive Socialist Party” and the “Lebanese Kataeb Party” and some independents and changeists took the position, while Franjieh’s supporters committed to voting for him, led by “Hezbollah” and “Amal Movement” and their allies, in exchange for canceled papers and other votes proving that they have not decided Their choice is still in favor of one of the two weighted candidates.

A candidate in the first round needs a two-thirds majority, or 86 votes, to win. The required majority, if a second round takes place, becomes 65 votes. But the quorum requires the presence of two-thirds in the two sessions. The first session of the session, which was inaugurated by Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, was attended by all 128 members of parliament, but it did not result in electing a president, with the main candidates, Franjieh, who is supported by Hezbollah, and Azour, who is supported by significant blocs opposed to the party, with a close number of votes. Azour got 59 votes in the first round, while Franjieh got 51 votes. And as soon as the votes began to be counted, a number of deputies withdrew, led by representatives of “Hezbollah” and “Amal Movement”, which led to the overthrow of the quorum for the second session, in a repetition of the previous scenario, which overthrew 11 sessions over a period of 7 months.

This scenario was expected, against the backdrop of Franjieh’s supporters’ tendency to withdraw “as a legal and constitutional right,” as close to the two said earlier, and in light of the political and sectarian divisions in the country. Commenting on the proceedings of the session, the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Joanna Frontska, said: “Lebanon’s leaders and members of Parliament need to take urgent steps to ensure the election of a president for the country and their people,” warning that “the prolonged vacuum undermines democratic practices in Lebanon and further delays reforms and solutions.” The long overdue necessary to get the country back on the path to recovery.


The proceedings of the session did not end without mutual accusations between the two parties of the continuation of the presidential vacancy. Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri said after the end of the session: “Enough throwing the ball of responsibility on this or that party in prolonging the vacuum.” This vicious circle and the adoption of a policy of denial will not reach the desired result that the Lebanese, Arab brothers and friends all over the world aspire to, who expect from us a performance and behavior befitting Lebanon and the level of challenges and risks that threaten it. This will only be achieved by consensus and by following the path of dialogue, then dialogue, then dialogue.” Berri affirmed his support for “a dialogue without conditions that does not cancel anyone’s right to run.” And the partnership. Berri stressed that “the time has come for everyone to have the audacity and courage for Lebanon to take this path.”

On the other hand, the head of the “Lebanese Forces” party considered that “if the second session had taken place today, as was normal for it to happen, we would now have a president of the republic.” He added, “What happened in the House of Representatives, far from the details, is a real and effective obstruction, not only of today’s session, but of the presidential elections as a whole.” The “forces” believes that if the quorum remained for the second session, Azour would have won a majority of 65 deputies, at least. Deputy Chairman of the “forces” party, Representative George Adwan, described the election day as “a victory for democracy and the opposition, which was able to prove that it is very close to reaching 65 votes.” Pointing out that “our electoral and democratic battle continues,” noting that “the intersection with the Free Patriotic Movement on Azour’s name is not for one session, but rather we are continuing the battle.” And he stressed that “today’s session was not to determine the numbers, and we wanted to complete the session until the end,” blaming the responsibility for not electing a president “for those who overthrew the quorum and did not dare and complete in a second session.”

On the side of the candidates, Franjieh thanked the deputies who elected him, and Speaker Nabih Berri, considering that “their confidence is a trust,” adding: “We respect the opinion of the deputies who did not elect me, and this is a motive for a constructive dialogue with everyone.” In turn, the former minister, Jihad Azour, presented, after today’s parliament session, “thanks and appreciation from all the deputies who placed their trust in me by voting for me in the first round of the session,” hoping that the new scene would be “a catalyst for convergence on the option of getting Lebanon out of the crisis.” And to proceed with the electoral process for the benefit of the Lebanese people.

pressures and threats

The opponents of “Hezbollah” view the proceedings of the session as an achievement, as the head of the “Lebanese Phalange” party, Representative Sami Gemayel, considered that what happened in the 12th session to elect a president of the republic, “is a real uprising of Lebanese representatives of all affiliations who met to reject the process of imposition and threat.” And attempts to suggest that the presidential decision is present in one place in Lebanon. Gemayel spoke about the exposure of a group of blocs and representatives to “pressures and threats, which led to the retreat of some,” and said: “However, the number of votes came according to our estimates.” He added: “We have been exposed for months and days to campaigns of treason in all media outlets, and we are accused of collusion and that any president other than Suleiman Franjieh lives in Tel Aviv, and therefore this talk is not fleeting, but rather serious, and it is a waste of blood for everyone who fights this battle, and from the voice of the day Our candidate defied this threat and talk ».