
BEIRUT, Lebanon AP

The first small contingent of reinforcements for the peacekeeping force — 49 French soldiers — landed today in inflatable dinghies at the southern Lebanese coastal town of Naqoura, with 200 more expected next week. But Deputy UN Secretary-General Mark Malloch Brown said more countries need to step forward to fill out a vanguard of 3,500 troops that the UN wants on the ground by Aug. 28 to help ensure that the truce between Israel and Lebanon holds after 34 days of warfare.  Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Saniora called today’s commando raid a "flagrant violation" of the cease-fire, and said he would take the issue up with UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.

Hezbollah has said it wants to exchange the two soldiers for Arab prisoners, but the UN cease-fire resolution demands Hezbollah unconditionally release the soldiers.

The Lebanese army has deployed more than 1,500 troops in three sectors that Israeli forces have left, and the UN force — which currently numbers 2,000 — has set up checkpoints and started patrolling the areas.

So far, Italy and Finland have promised troops — and in an effort to encourage more countries to sign on, Annan said the peacekeeping force would not "wage war" on Israel, Lebanon, or Hezbollah militants, addressing a key concern of many countries.