
Lebanon in the Period of Cheikh Abi Nawfal El Khazen

22 March 2008

After death of Cheikh Abi Nader, Cheikh Abi Nawfal became his successor where his governing was known to be effective and powerful. He continued concentrating on the Catholic faith, and made sure that it spreads around the country and becomes an inspiration for generations to come. Because of this, in 1656, the Pope Alexander the seventh granted him and his sons a Roman-Royal reward which became one of the Khazens’ symbols. On the other hand, King of France rewarded him Beirut’s Council but he also managed the Italian council.

In 1658, Cheikh Abi Nawfal transferred Akkar, and Batroun’s treasure to the government, at time where the state could not trust any one else’s obligation. At the same year, Emir Melhem Maa?n died and Emir Ahmed and Korkomas became his successors, sons of Emir Ali son of Emir Fakhr Al Din maa’n. Again, Cheikh Abi Nawfal had his mission to occupy the management of the country’s matters, as his grand fathers did.  

In year 1660, Sidon became a Pashas centre, and the Yamnies again, started to be a problem for Emir Korkomas (who in year 1662, was found assassinated by Sidon’s governor, Mohammed Pasha), his brother Emir Ahmed Maa’n, and the Khazen lords who had their assets burnt and destroyed and their treasure stolen. But in year 1667, a brutal battle burst between the Kaisies and Yamnies at Burge Beirut which ended on the defeat of the Yamnies leading them to turn to Damascus. Following this, the Khazen Cheikhs and the Emir regained control over the counties and the country as a whole including El Chouf, El Maten, and Keserwan.

There is more to say about Cheikh Abi Nawfal according to lettres e’difiantes; the boat that father Francis and his friend sailed, faced strong wind near to Eintoura village. When we met Governor Cheikh Abi Nawfal, he granted us a place among his properties in Keserwan. He ordered us being built a home and place on a proper land he owned to worship god. The cost was carried out by his finance. He was our greatest defender and he owns our appreciation. We cannot forget our mission in Eintoura being founded by him. His generosity generalised the whole country.

And when the missionaries realised Abi Nawfal’s greatness, he was asked to represent their council. This trust helped Emir Al Maa’n, become a friend of their faith.

Although Cheikh Abi Nawfal and Al Maa’n were different in religion, the Emir looked upon Cheikh Abi Nawfal a father and held in his heart a great respect and honour. As a result of this admiration, the Emir cherished the fact that Cheikh Abi Nawfal was to manage the Christians’ payments and tax, and later on, to keep them for himself.

The missionaries did not find any other personality to become their loyal friend as Cheikh Abi Nawfal was; they were rewarded that much to the extent that he would encourage his people to follow Jesus preaches and their mission. They continuously praised his effective authority.

Historian Laroque, missionary of King Louis, told that Cheikh Abi Nawafal El Khazen who was famous for his intellect and defence ability, acquired great reputation also as to history, as he was the person to write the famous book of Fakhr al Din and events occurred at that time.

The situation deteriorated at the Khazen lords, when governing of Al Maa’n ended in year 1659, a thing that encouraged their enemies try and destroy them. The situation was more apparent, when Cheikh Abi Nawfal was not invited to elect Emir Mohammed Elm Al Din governor of El Chouf and Keserwan although they knew of his prominent position having him Christian.   

Improvement happened, when Ali Pasha Al Dafterdar was dismissed from his position as  governor of Sidon, and Mohammed Pasha replaced him from Istanbul. Cheikh Abi Nawfal made sure that he receives every thing he needs including army sent from Halab to Sidon province. He also met him in Jounieh, a thing that led Mohammed Pasha promise him any service he needs. As Cheikh Abi Nawfal was preoccupied at that time with regaining his previous position and the Christians safety, he asked for his permission to be taken as to any governor who was to run Deir El Kamar County; the request was granted. According to that, any governor to run Deir el Kamar, had to receive Cheikh Abi Nawfal’s permission to pursue his position.

After this achievement, Cheikh Abi Nawfal regained his sector’s right after it lost it, and helped in regaining Mount Lebanon again being governed by the kaisies.

In year 1671, Cheikh Abi Nawfal started to be concerned again about tax which his sector is being forced to pay, in Keserwan, Ghazir and Bekfaya, as they are being asked to pay money beyond what they could afford. As a result, Cheikh Abi Nawfal turned to the Ottoman rule for lowering, so Sultan Mohammed Khan approved his request and assigned him this mission instead to be carried out also by his sons and others to come. Again, he confirmed Keserwan to be his heritage and the Khazen generation to come.                                                                                      

Cheikh Abi Nawfal had eight sons, Fayyad or Abi Kanso, Nawfal the Second,  Khazen (Who died at the age of boyhood), Khater, Turbia, Nasr, Sleiman, and Keiss .

Already when he was alive, Abi Nawfal divided Keserwan upon them who managed it as their father did. The partition was equal to avoid discrimination. They later on, divided to three branches where the French Council in Beirut, was given to one of them to run, Cheikh Abi Kanso (Fayyad) El Khazen.     

On 13.September.1679, Cheikh Abi Nawfal el Khazen son of Abrahim, son of the glorified personality Chidiac Sarkis El Khazen, had passed away. His death caused great sadness and tears of any one who knew him.