
Lebanon in the Period of Cheikh Hossun El Khazen

03 April 2008

After death of Cheikh Abi Nawfal, his sons carried on managing Emir Ahmed Maa’n’s governing. Their skills did not fail their father, grandfather, and relatives from the Khazen family’s skills as they continued working on development and tightening the Catholic faith and its defence. Following this, other Catholic faiths such the Armenian and Assyrian turned to Keserwan to seek protection against oppression of their enemies. The Khazen Cheikhs in return, provided them areas to live in and a source to make a living out of; they followed heritage of their father and grandfather by welcoming Latin missionaries who would make Keserwan their stay.

In year 1693, the country faced a crisis which led to end of Emir Ahmed’s governing. Following that, Emir Musa, the Yamni, took control of seven counties which Emir Ahmed Maa’n controlled. He ordered troops to be sent to Bekaa’, a thing that led Cheikh Hossun son of Cheikh Fayyad or Abi Kanso son of Abi Nawfal El Khazen and other Cheikhs to turn to Darsen Mohammed  Tofotaj Pasha, asking not to permit army to enter Keserwan and pursue an act of steeling and robbing. Pasha Darsen’s reaction was understanding and appointing Cheikh Hossun El Khazen a Treasure Supervisor over tax and payments which people of Jbeil’s counties had to pay; this appointment included welfare of these counties. Cheikh Hossun?s handling of such position was effective because of hard work, and he made sure that protection is provided to any one who is a Emir or of a common people class, having them Kaisses.


Again, Cheikh Hossun was granted the French Council as his father, Abi Nawfal, was.

As for Emir Ahmed Maa’n’s fate (Who escaped the troops), he was not seen for five months until he received an official-complete pardon from Sultan Mustafa son of Sultan Mohammed. The Khazen Cheikhs in response, made sure he stays under their protection.

In year 1696, Emir Ahmed Maa’n died and so did his family. The Shehab Emirs, relatives of Al Maa’ns, came to authority and the first to be was Emir Bashir Shehab who died in year 1706.