


After emphasizing during his Christmas letter that "it is the state’s duty alone to ensure the security of citizens and peace throughout the country, to gather up all arms and to place them under the sole control of Lebanon’s legitimate forces, so that Beirut and the whole of Lebanon be freed of arms”, Patriarch Rai expressed his opinion on the Syrian crisis by asking on Arab regimes "to heed the peoples’ aspirations and find the proper formula for reform". 

He continued by stating the below:

“We are against violence, from whichever side it comes, because things cannot be tackled through violence, as violence breeds violence and tragedies and leaves countless victims,” al-Rahi cautioned.

 “We are with you and with all the Christians and Muslims in Syria, and we reiterate that we are one people in two neighboring countries. Everyone is on the ship, either we all be safe or we will all drown.”