
I never hear apologies for the Christians that are being massacred through the world

I never hear apologies for the mocking of the Catholic Church or Catholic Leaders in the media or politics

I never hear apologies for the Church Burning in Egypt, Lybia, Nigeria and this is just the beginning of atrocities against Christians

I never hear apologies for the corruption, waste and deficit that we are facing  in USA

I never hear apologies for the lack of action against the rise of gaz prices

I never hear apologies for the dire economic situation we are facing and all of the unemployments

I never hear apologies about the waste we have spent from this recession or taking responsability

I never hear apologies for the headache it takes one to file tax return. Can the process be more complicated?

I never hear apologies for our Veteran treatment

I never hear apologies for our Army and lack of Financial support or death



You know what we don’t Need Apology!  This is not what we are looking for. We are not a nation that whine!! 


We can stop all of these Now! One vote away

Believe in America with Gaz prices @2.50 – It is possible – One vote away

Beleive in new fair tax plan! One vote away

Believe in Religious Liberty – One vote away

Beleive in individual Liberty – One vote Away

Believe in a strong education – One Vote away

Continuously re-educate yourself  this will strengthen the economy make it possible- One vote away

Treat everyone equally – no double standard – One vote away

Beleive in a strong America and strong National Security – One vote away

Beleive in being the first in New invention @ Space Nasa – One Vote away

It is ok to have big dreams only big dreamers are the one that can make it happen – One Vote away for allowing us to dream

No more apologies – One Vote Away

No More disrespect to our clergy – One vote Away

Believe in every vote



Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich accused “the elite media” of negligence for focusing on the contraception controversy that Rush Limbaugh Limbaugh escalated last week instead of reporting on the issues relevant to the campaign.

“I am astonished at the desperation of the elite media to avoid rising gas prices, to avoid the president’s apology to religious fanatics in Afghanistan, to avoid a trillion-dollar deficit, to avoid the longest period of unemployment since the Great Depression, and to suddenly decide that Rush Limbaugh is the great national crisis of the week,” the former House speaker said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

The controversy erupted after Georgetown University student Sandra Fluke testified before Congress to lobby for the availability of birth control. Limbaugh, who referred to the woman as a “slut” while commenting on the issue during his radio show, apologized for his comments on Saturday.

Gingrich said he is glad that the conservative radio commentator apologized but said there is no debate about access to contraception.

“This is the most fundamental assault on religious liberty in American history,” he said, referring to President Barack Obama’s new requirement that insurance companies provide coverage for contraception for employees even at Catholic institutions that object to birth control. “It’s not about access to contraception. It is a question about whether or not a religiously affiliated institution should be coerced by the federal government.”

When host David Gregory asked Gingrich about winning Georgia on Super Tuesday, Gingrich shrugged and said, “It is the biggest state in terms of delegates. It’s very hard for one of the major candidates to not carry their own state and continue to move forward.”