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Google+ may have been slow to catch on in the wake of the larger and more popular Facebook, but don’t write the social network off just yet.  This infographic shows a side-by-side comparison of the two networks, each of which caters to a slightly different audience. Which one is right for your brand?

With 170 million registered users, Google’s social layer, Google+, is finding a niche among young, tech-savvy professionals who like to post and share content.  Oddly enough, pictures are what Google+ users share the most.

On Facebook, the photo-sharing feature is ranked fourth behind “likes,” status updates, and comments. Facebook users spend more than seven hours per month on the social network, engaging with one another on a personal level.

This may be why Google+ is better for promoting content, while Facebook works well for traditional marketing aimed at a broad audience. The most popular brands on Facebook are consumer favorites like Coca-Cola, Disney, and Starbucks; while Google+ favors its own products, like Android and Chrome, as well as the tech blog Mashable.

For more surprising statistics and tips for creating a marketing strategy, check out this infographic from Pardot below: