
While LinkedIn remains the top way that headhunters find talented employees, businesses with top-quality Facebook pages can attract quality applicants, too.


Canadian business publication Benefits Canada offered some ways that companies can use their Facebook pages to not only connect with their fans, but with future employees. Writer Tod Maffin explains that 63 percent of job seekers have used Facebook to look for employment, so the social network can be a credible tool.

The story points out that companies should gauge their reputation by seeing what others are posting about them on Yelp, Twitter, and Foursquare. It’s OK for employers to Google themselves. Businesses looking to attract top applicants should also make sure they have a strong mission statement posted on their page, which should be clean and clearly designed.

Maffin also feels that businesses shouldn’t be shy about using all of the tools that come with Facebook pages:

Facebook pages incorporate tools that can be useful in recruiting, and these tools have been further enhanced with the site’s timeline page redesign. Stories form emotional connections with people, and timeline allows you to publish compelling stories about your organization’s history, significant events, and achievements. Pin highly relevant content to the top of your timeline for more prominent positioning.

Hosting a hiring fair? Want to get soon-to-be-graduates thinking about you as a potential employer? Spread the word by posting the information to Facebook events. You can also target possible attendees with an ad.

Readers: Have you ever networked your way to a job through Facebook? Tell us what worked.

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