
In less than a decade social media has rapid integrated itself into almost all aspects of our everyday personal and professional lives and, certainly for the younger generation, it’s very difficult to imagine a world without Twitter, Facebook and the other major social platforms.

But what about email? What’s the future of that tried and tested stalwart of the digital age? Has it seen its best days?

Not at all. Far from it, in fact. As we’ve seen in previous articles, email marketing still converts better than search or social, and while your teenage son or daughter might have more unread messages in their Gmail inbox than Fred Wilson and Seth Godin combined, email is still enormously important to the business world. Moreover, by combining your email marketing campaign with a savvy social strategy and strong mobile presence, you can exponentially improve results and maximise your return.

Bottom line: email isn’t going anywhere. It’s adapting. It’s growing. And it will continue to play a hugely important role in your brand marketing.