

Dear Editor: It is not rocket science. It is the borders!

War is a daily routine in the Middle East. Why is it difficult to have a nonaggression agreement between different parties? There are never clear winners in wars. The same factions are still fighting the same war they were fighting 50 years ago. For what?

As long as the borders between countries remain unprotected, there will be an influx of arms and money and this will make war possible (Syria as an example). It is not rocket science! Protect the border, then there will be no more tools for a war.

My last hope for peace is a kind of “smarter solution” through technology — controlling the borders with some new kind of IT technology. This will be the only way to stop the influx of arms. The real question is do they really want to control the borders? Until now the answer is no.

Malek Khazen


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November 28, 2012 4:15 am

Dear Editor: It is not rocket science. It is the borders!

War is a daily routine in the Middle East. Why is it difficult to have a nonaggression agreement between different parties? There are never clear winners in wars. The same factions are still fighting the same war they were fighting 50 years ago. For what?

As long as the borders between countries remain unprotected, there will be an influx of arms and money and this will make war possible (Syria as an example). It is not rocket science! Protect the border, then there will be no more tools for a war.

My last hope for peace is a kind of “smarter solution” through technology — controlling the borders with some new kind of IT technology. This will be the only way to stop the influx of arms. The real question is do they really want to control the borders? Until now the answer is no.

Malek Khazen


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