
President Michel Suleiman stated on Tuesday his rejection of adopting the Orthodox Gathering’s proposed law in the upcoming parliamentary elections, describing it as “unconstitutional”. "We encourage the electoral subcommittee to discuss the proportional representation law,” Suleiman said in an interview with the Progressive Socialist Party-affiliated newspaper al-Anbaa, adding that this so-called Butros draft law can be modified and improved to respond to the concerns of all parties in Lebanon.

The Butros Committee draft law, which was headed by former Foreign Minister Fouad Butros in 2005, has combined in its proposal the proportional representation and winner-takes-all systems. "Despite its unconstitutionality, the Orthodox Gathering’s law does have a positive side which is considering Lebanon as one single electoral district,” Suleiman noted.

“We expect Speaker Nabih Berri to form a constitutional committee to look into the legality of the proposed electoral laws,” he added. [Link]