

Lebanese President Michel Suleiman said that his country would participate and abide by the decisions of Geneva II if the latter allowed it to distance itself from the repercussions of the crisis in Syria. “If Geneva II is balanced we will take part in it and we will decide whether its decisions guarantee distancing Lebanon from the struggles and negative repercussions of the Syrian crisis,” Suleiman said in remarks published by An-Nahar newspaper on Saturday.

“But, in this way we won’t be dissociating ourselves from Syria.” Suleiman’s remarks aimed to clarify the distinction between the policy of dissociation advocated by the Lebanese government led by caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqati and the Baabda Declaration that was issued following a round of national dialogue last year and that stated that Lebanon should be distanced from regional and international conflicts.

“The term ‘dissociation’ had not been used before and that’s why there has been this linguistic confusion. Dissociation is not our policy, but rather distancing Lebanon as stated by article 12 of the Baabda Declaration.” [Link]