

The United Nations and the European Union condemned on Monday attacks carried out by Islamist fighters on the Lebanese army in the northeastern border town of Arsal.


Acting U.N. Special Coordinator Ross Mountain and EU Ambassador Angelina Eichhorst “strongly condemned” the attacks on army positions and the violence in and around the town of Arsal, said separate statements issued by their press offices.


They extended their condolences to the families of the soldiers killed and to the civilian victims of the violence.


“The United Nations is committed to the stability and security of Lebanon and the Acting Special Coordinator reiterates the United Nations strong support for the Lebanese Armed Forces and the security forces of Lebanon in their efforts to achieve this goal,” said the U.N. statement.


“We are following the developments in Arsal closely and remain in contact with the Lebanese authorities and our partners, including the humanitarian assistants who help the innocent inhabitants and all those refugees who fled the violence in Syria,” Eichhorst stressed. [Link]