

The Lebanese army has thwarted a terrorist plot to target areas in North Bekaa with dozens of rockets, An Nahar daily reported on Thursday.

The newspaper said that the army arrested 30 people, three of them holding the U.S. nationality, after it received information about the plot.

Three of the suspects are Koreans and the remaining 24 are Syrians, it said.

Their arrest took place in the town of Talya east of Baalbek after tips that the suspects were plotting to target sensitive residential areas and religious centers by launching simultaneously dozens of rockets from a land in Sahel Talya, An Nahar added.

All of the suspects were transferred to Beirut for questioning.

On Wednesday, An Nahar said that investigations with a Syrian female detainee revealed that she had a scheme to carry out a suicide attack in the southern suburbs of Beirut during the month of Ramadan.
