
Negotiations between General Security chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim and Daesh (ISIS) have resumed to reach a deal on the release of the captive servicemen, al-Joumhouria newspaper reported Thursday.

The daily said the talks resumed around two weeks ago through a mediator after more than six months of freeze in the negotiations aimed at agreeing on a prisoner swap.

Ibrahim is waiting for the mediator’s return from abroad to hear an answer on his demands from Daesh, al-Joumhouria added.


The report came after the relatives of the servicemen abducted by extremists in August 2014 failed for the second time in four days to meet with their loved ones.

The families were scheduled to meet with the hostages held by Daesh on Saturday and Tuesday on the outskirts of the northeastern border town of Arsal.

But they failed to do so due to security reasons.

A number of soldiers and policemen were kidnapped by al-Nusra Front and Daesh gunmen in the wake of clashes in Arsal.

A few of them have since been released, four were executed, and the rest remain held.

Among the demands of the captors are the release of militants held in Lebanon.

This story has been edited from the source material.