
The Lebanese Druze leader and parliamentarian Walid Junblat launched an unprecedented criticism against the Lebanese Hizbullah party. During his meeting with a people delegation in his house in Mukhtara in Mount Lebanon, he called on Hizbullah to prove his commitment to Lebanon first ahead of his cling to the alliance with Syria," according to al-Jazeera satellite TV.

Junblat’s statement was made on the background of statements made on Saturday by the secretary general of the Lebanese Hizbullah party Sheikh Hassan nasrullah to al-Manar TV channel in which he said "to the one who want to take us to a war with Syria, we say that the first looser of this war is Lebanon." Worthy mentioning that relations between the two sides- on opposing sides concerning relations with Syria, remained steadfast until the assassination of Gebran Tueni when Junblat and Syria’s opponents accused Syria of being behind it.

Junblat loomed that Hizbullah contributes by its policy to Lebanon to remain a hostage for Damascus. He said commenting on Nasrullah’s statements "when remarks are made to us that investigations to the assassination of Hariri may continue two years, this means that the series of assassinations will continue until criticism of Syria stops," adding "we have got the message."

Meantime, the chairman of the bloc of the Hizbullah parliamentarian Muhammad Raad strongly criticized Junblat without naming him. He said "one feels that the rope is being cut from the mid of the road and want, by intensifying, to take the country to the extreme."