
The French have scrapped a state dinner with the leader of Iran after the Iranian delegation took issue with the menu, including the serving of wine.

Presidents François Hollande and Hassan Rouhani were all set to have dinner during Rouhani’s tour of Europe this weekend. But dinner was scrapped after the Iranians demanded that it conform to Islamic dietary standards: meaning halal meat and, crucially, no alcohol.

The French, who have a strong tradition of strict secularism in government affairs, balked at the request. They suggested instead a meatless and alcohol-free breakfast, but the Iranians found that “cheap” and too informal. Instead, the two leaders will meet in a face-to-face chat, sans food or alcohol at all.

The Washington Post notes the scrap also comes amidst an internal political battle about the increasing “Islamification” of French culture and culture, which places heavy emphasis on good wine. Had Hollande acceded to the Iranian’s request, it may have become a talking point for the growing French right-wing.